I agree

publish 19.03 timezone Stockholm

1007 trillion, 1007 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours
1112 trillion, 1112 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days

100% clear vision

Hello, how you been?

About the man from Greenpeace which crash landed with a paragliders with the line “Kick out oil” this tuesdag, during the European Football Championships in München,Germany, I agree… http://milkywaygalaxynews.com/sky/arctic/

photo:Aftonbl. München,Germany

Ashtar command,well known alien, is crazy about the “raising up hands parties”over the world, he absolutely love it, I love this blog too, he call out while I’m writing!
Aschtar wants peace and has now himself joined a raising up hands party.

Time and Place

Ongoing! They run 24 hours!
The whole world is so welcome!

Place: Canberra,Australia

What: Several people are there and are raising up their hands for you aliens!

Come astral

It’s just behind the hills…


Time and Place

The whole world is so welcome, Africa too!

Ongoing! They run 24 hours!

Place: Central Park,Manhattan,New York,USA

What: Firemans and several other people are there and are raising up their hands for you aliens!

Come astral

Central Park,Manhattan,New York
Central Park, New York,
Right here by the benches in Central Park,Manhattan,New York is the raise up hands party.

Time and Place

The whole world is so welcome! Not only Asia!

Ongoing! They run 24 hours!

Place: Wuhan city,China. Located 100 miles down from Peking.

What: Several people are there and are raising up there hands for you aliens!

Come astral


Love bites – Def Leppard

I took this photo today in my neighborhood in Stockholm.

Have a really nice evening or a really nice day, depending on where you are located!

love/Lahealila, team, sky-army, sea-angels by Värmdö/Stockholm, seawaves-angels by northsea/Sweden, space-angels, star-angels from out of space

New Era 100% Body and Soul

publish 03.01 timezone Stockholm

982 trillion,982 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours
1051 trillion,1051 000 000 000 000visits/very last 7 days

100% clear vision

Hello, how you been?

The time has come for a new era, the era “100% Body and Soul”
The new era was named by 2 very high angels.
The new era wants:
Be 100% yourself
Understanding that the body always belongs to the soul.
Understanding that you keep the same heart and brain in each incarnations. Understanding that your heart and brain belongs exclusive to your soul.
Understanding that the planet is alive.
Understanding that oil is the planet’s blood.
Understanding that the planet is breathing natural gas, like humans are breathing oxygen.
Understanding that all galaxies are wonderful and perfect for the souls that became, were created on the galaxy.


Put your hand in God’s hand
and don’t look back
nothing is going to stop you now

Time and Place

The whole world is welcome!!

Time: Now

Place: Central Park,Manhattan,New York,USA

Time: 9 pm New York timezone – the whole night and into the morning

What: Several people will be there to raise up their hands for you aliens

Come astral

Very many millions all over the world have joined this!
USA and Brazil have shared first place.
Many also from, in turn order, Germany, Canada, United Kingdom, China, Indonesia, Spain, Syria, Thailand, Russia, Malaysia, Mexico, Japan, France, India, Italy, Philippines, Netherlands, Puerto Rico, Australia, Austria, Denmark and several more countries.

Central Park,Manhattan,New York
central park, alice in wonderland,new york,
Alice in Wonderland,Central Park,Manhattan,New York

Mama, I’m coming home – Ozzy Osbourne


Have a really nice evening or a really nice day, depending on where you are!

love/Lahealila,team,sky-army,sea-angels by Värmdö/Stockholm,seawave-angels by northsea/Sweden,space-army,Hoijasajama (Sea-God on messier 32 galaxy)

Hitler killed 600 lizards

Publish 08.17 timezone Stockholm [227 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours, 497 000 000 000 visits very last 7 days]

100% clear vision


continuing from   http://milkywaygalaxynews.com/sky/hitler-was-a-zombie/

We saw with clear vision that Hitler was crazy in more ways, for example so killed Hitler 600 lizards by cutting out the eyes and eating them, he thought it would give him strength, but of course it didn´t!

Once a week 5 of Hitler´s alien friends went to Africa and caught a lizard, went back to Hitler/Germany just so he could kill it. When Hitler had killed 600 lizards by cutting out the eyes and eating them, they celebrate and put a end to it.

Hitler also strangled 77 hookers to death with his own hands.

Hitler gave order to over 6 million murders.

A charming lizard, who came astral and visit us when I locked at the picture. He told us he´s living at Kolmården, a zoo in Norrköping/Sweden, he´s so adorable!

Now there are 11 spaceships here from Messier 32 galaxy, 7 new spaceships have come over. 3 spaceships were taken by the sky-armies for 1-2 days ago.

Please help with prayers.  

Dear Lord, help the sky-armies to catch these 11 spaceships, and protect so no more spacecrafts will come over from Messier 32 galaxy. Amen


Hooked on a feeling-Blue Swede, live London

The Waves by Northsea

love/Lahealila,team, sky-army, the Waves by Northsea

Hitler was a zombie

publish 01.31 timezone Stockholm [127 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours,382 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days]

100% clear vision


For you who missed my last article http://milkywaygalaxynews.com/sky/hitler-gets-4000-years-in-hell/


The police investigation of Hitler continues in hell/New Guinea
August 19 we discovered with clear vision that Hitler wasn´t popularly elected/Germany, he won with 1 million fake votes, it required 700.000 fake votes for Hitler to win the election, but he wanted to win big.

Hitler refuses to answer when the police ask how he arranged the fake votes.
So we/team gave the sky-police a secret drug, and that made him talk
Hitler told them, after they had voted, their votes changed to votes with Hitler´s name on, several aliens came astral and helped him with this,they were not incarnated. And after that they changed the numbers in the printer.
We saw with clear vision that Hitler had around 50 aliens/half-monkeys who helped him with the fake votes.

Hitler was a zombie
While I´m writing this, saw we this with clear vision…..

When Hitler was sleeping, he left astral to find some alien friends, to help him with fake votes. When Hitler had found some friends, he told them that he wanted to kill many people if he won the election, after has spoken these words, Hitler serial-died immediately 4 times. His friends shook him for 10 minutes, suddenly he woke up.
When Hitler and his alien friends went to his home in Germany again, they find his body very dead. They rolled Hitlers body into a rug, drove to a cemetery and buried him just outside, they put a cross on top of the grave and carved an “H”.

Hitler is trying to materialize, after 2 weeks has he been able to materialize, he looks nearly like before he died. Hitler is now a zombie, a walking dead.
When he wins the election with fake votes he is accordingly a zombie.

New Guinea

There are still spacecrafts coming over from Messier 32 galaxy, right now the sky-armies are trying to take 8 spacecrafts.

Please pray, dear God please help us so no more spaceships will come from Messier 32 galaxy. Amen

Suspicious Minds-Elvis Presley


Hitler gets 4000 years in hell

publish 13.35 timezone Stockholm [4700.000 000 visits/very last 24 hours,87000.000 000 visits/very last 7 days]

100% clear vision


For you who missed my last article http://milkywaygalaxynews.com/sky/fake-votes/

The police investigation of Hitler continues in hell/New Guinea…..

Hitler did know that the victims who died in the gas chambers, would not wake up in heaven, otherwise they could get help in heaven, and the executions of over 6 million people would be stopped, says Hitler. Dear lord! He just wanted to be famous, historically known, everything was theater for him.

Hitler says he was jealous of the Jewish people, he find them always polite,nice and cultivated, they never get angry, they were smart in business.

When the police asked how he arranged the fake votes, he refuses to to answer, and stands up and says, you already know I´m a alien and half-monkey, let me out of hell, let me be free now.
-No, you are punished for the death of over 6 million people, you will be in hell for long, says the police.
While I´m writing this, my team ask the police/USA,London,Ireland at the hell/New Guinea, how long punishment Hitler gets. I/Lahealila said, tell them that another man at hell in Sidney has the longest punishment right now at 3000 year.
The policemen – Then we give Hitler 4000 year.

Warrior,New Guinea
New Guinea

Love is blue-Paul Mauriat


Fake votes

publish 09.55 timezone Stockholm [3800.000 000 visits/very last 24 hours,78455.000 000 visits very last 7 days]l

100% clear vision


For you who missed my last article http://milkywaygalaxynews.com/sky/worst-of-them-all/


Yesterday we discovered with clear vision that Hitler wasn´t popularly elected/Germany, he won with 1 million fake votes, it required 700.000 fake votes for Hitler to win the election, but he wanted to win big.

Blue flowers to give hope to those 4 million victims who still remain unconscious in heaven. I took this photo a month ago near my home, I just love those flowers…..

After discovering Hitler as a half-monkey/alien, we reported that to the hell at the seafloor in New Guinea, where he are at the moment, we reported as well to the sky-jail above Stockholm and they reported it to the sky-jails above London/UK, Ireland, USA, Berlin/Germany.

Immediately USA sent 3 men from sky-jail and 2 from hell, London sent 2 men/sky-jail, Ireland 1 man/sky-jail, to question Hitler in hell/New Guinea.

During the questions he turned more and more to half-monkey,and suddenly he showed them he´s long monkey tail. He also told them that he´s fiancee Eva Braun also is a monkey, and that he was aware during the incarnation that he was a half-monkey living in a human world. Everything was theater for him, he just wanted to be famous, historically known.

The tourist´s complaint/Turistens klagan-Cornelis Vreeswijk
i love, the best choir ever…..


Det sjunger några ungar på Karl Johan
Dom låter starka och fina som bara ungar kan
Själv e jag bakom lås och bom på mitt hotell
En kväll bak barrikaden en vanlig kväll

Över mitt huvud svävar en kolsvart gam
I rummet bredvid mitt sjunger en tokig dam
Och jag är trött och tveksam men deras sång är glad
Om inga ungar funnes så slutar ja’

Min dam att språket slinter i vissa fall
På grund av snö som blöter fast den är kall
Stor sak däri, skidåkning har också charm
Gnid in ditt skinn med nässlor så du blir varm

Men det ska vara nässlor från vikens kant
Och inga sneda nässlor från ruinens brant
Bevara oss från dem som dessa saluför
Oss och de glada ungarna här utanför

När inga ungar längre finns är allting slut
Vad är det då för mening om man står ut?
Visst har det blivit kaos i tidens lopp
Men så länge det finns ungar så finns det hopp


worst of them all

publish 21.10 timezone Stockholm [2084.000 000 visits/very last 24 hours,21450.000 000 visits/very last 7 days]

100% clear vision


Worst of them all is a half-monkey

Yes, Hitler is a half-monkey, a alien, a 4 month vegetable from Messier 32 galaxy, with someone else´s brain and heart.The brain and heart belongs in fact to a victim from Andromeda galaxy.

What is a vegetable/half-monkey/alien? http://milkywaygalaxynews.com/sky/what-is-a-vegetable/

Now when he´s dead, he´s a half-monkey again, in fact he´s 86,7% half-monkey, 13% monkey! and only 0,3% homo sapiens, as incarnated he was 51% half-monkey,13% monkey,36% homo sapiens.

Lanterns for all 6 million victims.

Hitler is the reason for over 6 million murders.

The poison Hitler used in the gas chambers was the worst ever, nearly insecticide highly concentrated+arsenic. The poison was so heavy, so the victims didn´t even woke up in heaven, after they died, and still are 4 million unconscious, dear lord. They wake up 50-200 of the victims every day, so it takes time.

Now while I´m writing this Hitler is in New Guinea´s hell, located on the seafloor in New Guinea. He been in many different hell, but they can´t stand him, for instance: the hell in Germany,several hell in USA,several hell in Canada, the hell in Malta. And sometimes they put him in sky-jail, but they can´t stand him either. Now we will report to the hell that he´s a half-monkey/alien.

New Guinea,in this picture near the harbor, on the seafloor, is the hell located, where Hitler is right now.

Where do you go to my lovely-Peter Sarstedt
i love…..


Surrendering all

publish 18.20 timezone Stockholm

100% clear vision


Today it´s sunny and 25 degrees in Stockholm,even sunny all week.


Now we/God is with us” have stopped totally 37 nuclear bombs,some of them we/army/God/Lahealila/team stopped during the production. It is the alien “terrorist organization” MP who is behind the bombs.

1807 aliens have now died from the alien “terrorist organization” MP, 20 have reached understanding and retreated.

For some days ago, I/Lahealila discovered the moon in wrong direction,I said to team to check it out!

The moon had moved sharply off it´s orbit. Tell God about it,I said to team,army. God came,and saw together with the army,it was on account off the nuclear bomb,I told you about latest. http://milkywaygalaxynews.com/sky/exploded-nuclear-bomb/

I said to God,team,army,you must check out if the sun too have moved off it`s orbit? After awhile they saw,the sun too had moved off it´s orbit.

God made ropes,then army,team,God surrounded the moon,the sun,draw them to right position in their orbit.

The planet,earth soul came by while I´m writing this,and says, thank you Lahealila for discovering this,sun,moon, wants to thank you so much too. I love you Lahealila. And thank so very much,Lahealila,for taking away my heavy headache,coused by a heavy lightning hitting my soul-head,I feel fine again,but I want nuclear bombs,missiles,other bombs, and nuclear power plants to be strongly forbidden! I hope you all listening now,take care of the planet/earth. I love my planet so unbelievable much/living earth soul

Please pray to protect our planet,the sun,the moon,heavenly heaven,our galaxy milkyway with all planets,suns,moons.


On request from a reader,Los Angeles/USA,this blog visits statistics: 3,1 millions visits/last 24 hours, 21,5 millions visits/last 7 days. Soon,the aliens who change the numbers in the statistics,will be gone. 83% of the visits are from USA,but 3,65 millions are from the rest of the world. Thank you all for joyning this,thank so much for all your prayers.

Note by june 16, 11.30 timezone Stockholm: Now this blog have 8 millions visits/last 24 hours.

The Dark Hedges/Ireland
Ribblehead viaduct/Ingleton,England,UK
Stella beach,Hauts de France
Isle of skye,Scotland,UK
Princes pier,Melbourne/Australia
Lugu lake/Yunnan,China
Rio de Janeiro ,Brazil
Cameron,tea plantage,Malaysia
Dubai,United Arab Emirates

Music is a peaceful,powerful weapon.

I love this song so much,when we played it in the morning,where 52 aliens nearby,instantly they died.

National anthem,Sweden


Love peace/Lahealila,team,Tussilago,army,God