Publish 08.17 timezone Stockholm [227 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours, 497 000 000 000 visits very last 7 days]
100% clear vision
continuing from
We saw with clear vision that Hitler was crazy in more ways, for example so killed Hitler 600 lizards by cutting out the eyes and eating them, he thought it would give him strength, but of course it didn´t!
Once a week 5 of Hitler´s alien friends went to Africa and caught a lizard, went back to Hitler/Germany just so he could kill it. When Hitler had killed 600 lizards by cutting out the eyes and eating them, they celebrate and put a end to it.
Hitler also strangled 77 hookers to death with his own hands.
Hitler gave order to over 6 million murders.

Now there are 11 spaceships here from Messier 32 galaxy, 7 new spaceships have come over. 3 spaceships were taken by the sky-armies for 1-2 days ago.
Please help with prayers.
Dear Lord, help the sky-armies to catch these 11 spaceships, and protect so no more spacecrafts will come over from Messier 32 galaxy. Amen

Hooked on a feeling-Blue Swede, live London

love/Lahealila,team, sky-army, the Waves by Northsea