Today we have astral support from Ashton
Andromeda galaxy and messier 32 galaxy are lower-energy galaxies and are forbidden enter upon our galaxy milkyway’s zones.
Pray for our galaxy milkyway`s zones shall remain close against andromeda galaxy and messier 32 galaxy.
Last 72 hours has 23 fainted/still unconscious and 1 died because of prayers/thanks a lot!
As I wrote 7 September…………
// It have recently come to my knowledge that several very high souls in our sky has been killed by aliens from messier 32 galaxy. Among them Mother Maria, Ashtar, sankt Peter, sankt Pier, archangel Michael, sankt Claus, Lucifer, Mauritz.
First they have been cold bloody murdered and then also stolen of their identity, we recently discowered this. The killing has been from 400 years ago to 865 years ago but we didn`t discovered it until now because of their stolen identity.
The cold bloody killers are now in hell and some in sky-jail.//
We are in shock actually has so many as 18 of our galaxy milkyways 21 highest been cool blooddy murdered!!!!!!!
Now we are trying to contact archangel Michael and Ashtar.
You can help them with prayers……….
Pray for archangel Michael and Ashtars soul-angel shall return.
