Publish 20.43 timezone Stockholm
100% clear vision
1281 trillion, 1281 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours.
1422 trillion, 1422 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days.
Dear blog readers, how is it?
Today in Stockholm, we had half sun and 21 degrees.
In the morning yesterday, came 3700 lion-angels from 117 different galaxies, above my building, it looked amazing! They came to help us on this galaxy. Several of them headed off to the 4 meeting centers in the world, read more about that under the video.
Lion-angels are the highest angels in cosmos.
In the last 7 days, 1700 surrendered spaceships with crew have arrived, that’s very good! But still there are some left, you are all so welcome to the 4 meeting centers in the world. Sea-Gods from andromeda galaxy will be there together with sea-angels, lion-angels, angels of lightning and angels. All are the kindest.
The sun is still helping us with extra troublesome aliens. Since my last writing has the sun put into the sun 4 new aliens. Totally are it now 35 aliens into the sun, they have it real nice there.
Love you so much sun.

Reggae night – Jimmy Cliff
Everyone is welcome, spaceships too!
Time and Place
Place: Central Park, Manhattan, New York, USA
Ongoing! They run 24 hours!
The whole world is so welcome, Africa too!
What: Firemans and several other people are there and are raising up their hands for you aliens!
Come astral

Time and Place
Place: Wuhan city, China. Located 100 miles down from Peking.
Ongoing! They run 24 hours!
The whole world is welcome! Not only Asia!
What: Several people are there and are raising up there hands for you aliens!
Come astral
It’s just behind the fence…

Time and Place
Place: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Beside the 45 meters big statue.
The whole world is welcome!
What: Several people are there and are raising up their hands for you aliens!
Come astral

Time and Place
Place: Canberra, Australia
Ongoing! They run 24 hours!
The whole world is welcome!
What: Several people are there and are raising up their hands for you aliens!
Come astral
It’s just behind the hills!

Have a nice evening!
Love and peace/ Lahealila, team, sky-army, cobra, lions, angels, angels of lightning, star-angels, lion-angels, star-angels, Sea-God