Publish 21.09 timezone Stockholm
100% clear vision
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Hi, how you been?
Today it’s cloudy and 17 degrees in Stockholm.
Amazing! 210 beautiful stars have slipped out the latest 24 hours, from the big black hole at the south border on andromeda galaxy. This is because of the new era.
While I was playing this song, down below, came IZ down from heaven, he died 1997, he wants to say hello to the readers of this blog, and wish them good luck to get peace on earth, very quickly. Cause it’s blood red above Ukraine, it’s heaven that’s bleeding.
Quickly I past by andromeda’s south border, there I saw many stars trying to come out from the big black hole. It’s amazing!
Some of the stars are here above Lahealila’s home, they are yelling that they are so happy because of the new era, so they can be free!
I IZ, thinks is amazing to be here right now and talks to the angels that belongs to the stars. The stars are so happy and are ready to fill in where they are needed.
I wish all blog readers a pleasant evening, take care./IZ
The photo is chosen by IZ, he was born and lived on Hawaii.

IZ – Somewhere over the rainbow

Have a nice evening or a nice day, depending where you are located.
Love and peace/Lahealila,team,sky-army,cobra,lions,angels