
Publish 01.22 timezone Stockholm
100% clear vision
1269 trillion, 1269 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours.
1406 trillion, 1406 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days.

Dear blog readers, how is it?
The spring has come to Stockholm!
Today was it lovely sunny and 12 degrees.

Photo from April/2023, flower: snowdrop, Sweden

Planet Fenix came above my flat today in the evening sunshine and is still left, transformed as a man.
Planet Fenix: Hello again! We believe its been a fine easter for the most of us. I’m here a few hours tonight, cause it’s fun here with all angels and animals here. A lot of lion-angels are here too.
Since easter is it still gold shimmering from many places all over the planet. I have my dear koala bear with me, he think its looks beautiful too.
My planet Fenix goes even more smoother now, the animals eats much better now, than with bumps. The animals looks healthier now.
Hope you like when I/Fenix talk a little, cause it’s fun for me.
Have a nice evening, love you all/ Planet Fenix and the koala

Background Fenix is on Milky Way – milkyway galaxy news .com

You are everything – Matthew West

Gothenburg, Sweden

Have a nice weekend!

Love and peace/ Lahealila, team, sky-army, cobra, lions, angels, angels of lightning, star-angels, lion-angels, star-angels, Sea-God

summer vibes…

Publish 21.57 timezone Stockholm
100% clear vision
1198 trillion, 1198 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hhours.
1289 trillion, 1289 500 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days.

Hello, how you been?

Today was it quite warm in Stockholm, sunny and 24 degrees.

Wonderful! Not less than 160 stars slipped out the the latest 24 hours from the big black hole, at the south border on andromeda galaxy. This is happening because of the new era.
The stars are more than happy!

Photo from May/2022, Värmdö,Stockholm

I don’t think there is any happier song…

Tusistens klagan (The tourist’s complaint) – Cornelis Vreeswijk

Have you noticed there are many summer dresses out now, this one is gorgeous, I was’t late to buy…

I love these too…

I took this photo on the supermarket yesterday

Have a nice evening or a nice day, depending where you are located.

Love and peace/Lahealila,team,sky-army,cobra,lions,angels

angels of lightning

publish 12.16 timezone Stockholm

1009 trillion, 1009 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours
1117 trillion, 1117 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days

100% clear vision

Hello, how you been?

This weekend we celebrate Midsummer in Sweden, friday-saturday mostly even sunday. Midsummer Eve has the longest day in the year, the sun goes up 03.30 and down 22.10.
For around a week it was tropical heat in Stockholm with 30-34 degrees in the shadow, but now under the Midsummer weekend it’s cooler, around 24 degrees, but still it feels tropically humid.

Midsummer cake

Last weekend,June 19-20, it were over 22000 Lightnings in Sweden, 19 636 are documented, the rest saw we with clear vision.
A while after the thunderstorm came 7000 angels of Lightning above my building for a friendly visit, when they were off duty.
What’s going on here, the angels wondered.
Now many of the angels of Lightning are helping us/the galaxy with our important work. I’m so thankful.

Photo:Aftonb. Lightnings from June 18-19,2021,Sweden.

Le vent, le cri – Ennio Morricone

I took this photo in my neighborhood,Stockholm.

Have a really nice Midsummer!

love/Lahealila, team, sky-army, sea-angels, seawave-angels, space-army, star-angels from out of space, angels of Lightning!

I agree

publish 19.03 timezone Stockholm

1007 trillion, 1007 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours
1112 trillion, 1112 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days

100% clear vision

Hello, how you been?

About the man from Greenpeace which crash landed with a paragliders with the line “Kick out oil” this tuesdag, during the European Football Championships in München,Germany, I agree… http://milkywaygalaxynews.com/sky/arctic/

photo:Aftonbl. München,Germany

Ashtar command,well known alien, is crazy about the “raising up hands parties”over the world, he absolutely love it, I love this blog too, he call out while I’m writing!
Aschtar wants peace and has now himself joined a raising up hands party.

Time and Place

Ongoing! They run 24 hours!
The whole world is so welcome!

Place: Canberra,Australia

What: Several people are there and are raising up their hands for you aliens!

Come astral

It’s just behind the hills…


Time and Place

The whole world is so welcome, Africa too!

Ongoing! They run 24 hours!

Place: Central Park,Manhattan,New York,USA

What: Firemans and several other people are there and are raising up their hands for you aliens!

Come astral

Central Park,Manhattan,New York
Central Park, New York,
Right here by the benches in Central Park,Manhattan,New York is the raise up hands party.

Time and Place

The whole world is so welcome! Not only Asia!

Ongoing! They run 24 hours!

Place: Wuhan city,China. Located 100 miles down from Peking.

What: Several people are there and are raising up there hands for you aliens!

Come astral


Love bites – Def Leppard

I took this photo today in my neighborhood in Stockholm.

Have a really nice evening or a really nice day, depending on where you are located!

love/Lahealila, team, sky-army, sea-angels by Värmdö/Stockholm, seawaves-angels by northsea/Sweden, space-angels, star-angels from out of space

The whole galaxy are with us

publish 09.54 timezone Stockholm

997 trillion, 997 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours
1100 trillion, 1100 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days

100% clear vision

Hello, how you been!

Very many millions all over the world are feeling the new era I wrote about latest, they don’t look back, they are longing after the future at their own galaxies. You are loved

USA is now topping with most incarnated which have joined “raise up your hands” meetings, no 2 are Brazil, no 3 are China, no 4 United Kingdom, no 5 Russia!
The meetings are at several places all over the world for example at New York, Brazil, Canada, Philippines, Sweden.

Time and Place

New note May 22,timezone New York 00.25: Ongoing also tonight – several hours into the morning. You are so welcome, come astral.

The whole world is welcome!!

Ongoing right now and several hours in the morning, New York time

Place: Central Park,Manhattan,New York,USA

What: Several people are there right now and are raising up there hands for you aliens!

Come astral!

Central Park,Manhattan,New York
Sätt, Skog, Bro, Trädet, Central Park, Natur, Nature
Central Park,Manhattan,New York

Lyrics/When the children cry

Little child dry your crying eyes
How can I explain the fear you feel inside
‘Cause you were born into this evil world
Where man is killing man and no one knows just why
What have we become just look what we have done
All that we destroyed you must build again

When the children cry let them know we tried
‘Cause when the children sing then the new world begins

Little child you must show the way
To a better day for all the young
‘Cause you were born for all the world to see
That we all can live with love and peace
No more presidents and all the wars will end
One united world under God

When the children cry let them know we tried
‘Cause when the children sing then the new world begins

What have we become just look what we have done
All that we destroyed you must build again
No more presidents and all the wars will end
One united world under God

When the children cry let them know we tried
When the children fight let them know it ain’t right
When the children pray let them know the way
‘Cause when the children sing then the new world begins

When the children cry – White Lion


The spring has come to Sweden, it’s 18 degrees in Stockholm.

Have a really nice evening or a really nice day, depending on where you are!

Love/Lahealila, team,sky-army, space-army, seawave-angels by Värmdö/Stockholm sea-angels by northsea/Sweden, angels

trees turn into people


10 trees or 10 people………….

Du ser träd, buskar, månen, planeter, solen men i en senare existens kanske människor…….

När trädbuskar, växter dör  flyger växt energisjälen ut och blir oftast kvar  jorden 7-30 dagar innan den lyfts upp av den universella energin till den delen av himlen där nya människor och djur manifesteras.

Större växt energi-själar som träd/buskar eller större växter (tex solroser högre än 1,70 m) kan manifesteras till människor eller större djurarter som elefanter, gaseller, lejon, giraffer, kameler, valar, delfiner, hästar, hjortar, älgar, större hundraser tex.

Mindre växt energi-själar som blommor, enstaka vasstrån, större grässtrån, ogräs, manifesteras ofta som mindre djurarter som möss, råttor, hamstrar, marsvin, kaniner tex

Mellanstora växt energi-själar som tomatplantor,vindruvsrankor, krukväxter, större växter, större ogräs tex manifesteras ofta som katter, små-mellanstora hundraser, harar, skunkar, grävlingar, igelkottar, bävrar, kaniner (mindre eller mellanstora växt energi-själar)

Enormt stora energi-själar som planeter, dvärg planeter, månar, stjärnor dvs solar manifesteras ibland efter att de dött till människor eller åter till himlakroppar.

Bara en gång har en sol manifesterats till människa i kosmos och cirka 211 gånger har planeter eller månar manifesterats till människor i kosmos (alla galaxer).



In the future maybe bunnies, mice, hamsters or rats…….

Have a very nice weekend!


a flower became a living mini bear!

a miracle has happened!

I början på maj månad i år så flög det in ett växt väsen/växt energi genom mitt sovrumsfönster när jag låg och sov, den landade på mitt huvud och blev kvar där i en månad, utan att jag märkte det.

Plötsligt i början på juni så började en varelse röra sig på mitt huvud, den var lite större än en mans hand och såg ut som en mini björn. Efter ungefär 3 minuter så började den prata och sa : jag flög in genom fönstret där och blev kvar på ditt huvud för jag trivdes där.

Vi blev häpna! Och såg strax att det var ett växt väsen/växt energi som flygit in genom fönstret, och som för bara 3 1/2 månad sen var en blomma, en krukväxt i någons hem!

Mini björnen har bildat en själ och är halvt inkarnerad, han har förstås päls, men bara klärvoajanta och de med känslig syn kan se honom. Han lever mellan jorden och 2 meter upp i luften, han flyger inte – han springer i luften!

Mini björnen pratar svenska och äter samma mat som jag. Min kanin och mini björnen trivs tillsammans och mini brukar klappa kaninen varje dag.

Ungefär så här ser mini björnen ut…..

And something like this he looked like when he was a flower……..

Och ungefär så här såg mini björnen ut som blomma……

