Publish 18.19 timezone Stockholm
100% clear vision
1229 trillion, 1229 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours.
1325 trillion, 1325 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days.
Dear blog readers, how is it?
Today we had 14 degrees and cloudy in Stockholm.
Because of the new era the planets, moons and suns on our galaxy Milky Way moves up and down up to 0,7 miles.
Mercury’s moon came medially by my home and above, 5 days ago, asking after help cause it had moved 0,6 miles higher up in the galaxy. The moon was halfway out from the galaxy membrane.
Immediately were lion-angels, star-angels and sky-army there and helped the moon back to its orbit. This use to happen twice a week with Mercury’s moon, what was different this time were the 15 birds, thrushes, that of curiosity followed the moon to our galaxy. Very nice birds with gills, cause on Mercury is it too little oxygen. In 2400 years will it be living Neanderthals on Mercury and in 3700 years humans, it will be lots of oxygen at this time.
The 15 birds come and visits us every day, they are so lovely! The birds materialize themselves on our galaxy.

God is on the move -7eventh Time Down
Time and Place
Place: Central Park,Manhattan,New York,USA
Ongoing! They run 24 hours!
The whole world is so welcome, Africa too!
What: Firemans and several other people are there and are raising up their hands for you aliens!
Come astral

Time and Place
Place: Wuhan city,China. Located 100 miles down from Peking.
Ongoing! They run 24 hours!
The whole world is welcome! Not only Asia!
What: Several people are there and are raising up there hands for you aliens!
Come astral
It’s just behind the fence…

Time and Place
Place: Rio de Janeiro,Brazil. Beside the 45 meters big statue.
The whole world is welcome!
What: Several people are there and are raising up their hands for you aliens!
Come astral

Time and Place
Place: Canberra,Australia
Ongoing! They run 24 hours!
The whole world is welcome!
What: Several people are there and are raising up their hands for you aliens!
Come astral
It’s just behind the hills!

I wish you all a Happy Halloween!
Love and peace/ Lahealila, team, sky-army, cobra, lions, angels, angels of lightning, star-angels, lion-angels, star-angels, Sea-God