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100% clear vision
For you who missed my last article
The police investigation of Hitler continues in hell/New Guinea…..
Hitler did know that the victims who died in the gas chambers, would not wake up in heaven, otherwise they could get help in heaven, and the executions of over 6 million people would be stopped, says Hitler. Dear lord! He just wanted to be famous, historically known, everything was theater for him.
Hitler says he was jealous of the Jewish people, he find them always polite,nice and cultivated, they never get angry, they were smart in business.
When the police asked how he arranged the fake votes, he refuses to to answer, and stands up and says, you already know I´m a alien and half-monkey, let me out of hell, let me be free now.
-No, you are punished for the death of over 6 million people, you will be in hell for long, says the police.
While I´m writing this, my team ask the police/USA,London,Ireland at the hell/New Guinea, how long punishment Hitler gets. I/Lahealila said, tell them that another man at hell in Sidney has the longest punishment right now at 3000 year.
The policemen – Then we give Hitler 4000 year.

Love is blue-Paul Mauriat