publish 08.23 timezone Stockholm
304 trillion, 304 200 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours.
445 trillion, 445 700 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days.
100% clear vision
Hello, how you been!
Quite big changes are taking place in the world right now, just wait and see….
Is there a cow between you and your wife?
It have come to our knowledge that very many women, believe me it’s many all over the world, have a cow-vagina. It not just that they have a cow-vagina, they are aliens too, but only around 15% of them knows they are incarnated aliens.

If you are a man and have been married 1, 2 or maybe 3 times, maybe you still haven’t been with a women.
Very many women all over the world (incarnated aliens, often without knowing that) are born as a man with a penis, but directly after they are born a alien change their gender to a vagina. The penis is still there but now sewn on the inside of the fake vagina, and sometimes the penis is a little visible outside the vagina, and sometimes the whole penis is visible.
The vagina has a alien stolen from a dead cow, a carcass, which the alien sews and place as a vagina. 97% of the remade women have a cow-vagina,
The remade women are mostly from messier 32 galaxy, only a few are from andromeda galaxy.
The aliens steal ovaries and uterus from human corpses at morgue and sews it into a remade women.
40% of the remade women have only one ovary, and it’s from a corpse, and 59,9% have 2 ovaries from corpses.
80% of the remade women have a uterus from a corpse, and 20% have non uterus at all.
Aliens from messier 32 galaxy which are incarnated on our galaxy, are always born as a man. That depends on that at least energy level 6 is required to give birth to a women. Aliens from messier 32 galaxy use to have energy level 4 when they incarnate on our galaxy, never energy level 6.
Aliens are incarnate illegally on our galaxy.
What do I do if I wants to have proof on that I was born as a man?
You can go to a doctor and check if you have XY chromosome, genetic, as men. Born women have XX chromosome, genetic.
You can ask a doctor to take a sample on your vagina, to check if it is genetic from a cow.
Ask your doctor to look after a sewn penis on the inside of your body, but on the outside of the “cow vagina”. Let the doctor loosen the penis from the inside of your body, and suddenly you have a real visible penis.
What you do after that, is up to you!
But don’t worry, be happy!

Please continue with prayers/raise up hands, it’s important!
Dear Lord, please protect the earth and heaven against alien intruders and alien terrorists, dear Lord help us. Amen
A letter from God (is available)

Have a really nice evening or a really nice day, depending on where you live!
love/Lahealila, team, sky-army, sea-angels, seawave-angels, Sea-God, Hoijasajama(God from messier 32 galaxy) , God