20 albatross big family!

Publish 20.33 time zone Stockholm
100 % clear vision
1329 trillion, 1329 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours.
1469 trillion, 1469 000 000 000 000 visits/last 7 days.

Hello again!
Today it was 23 degrees, some clouds and a little sun, in Stockholm.

Background https://milkywaygalaxynews.com/sky/already-out-of-the-eggs/

Big family got help!
The albatross I've been writing about, have now got 6 new baby birds, welcome to the world!
Now there are 18 baby birds and one male and one female in the nest, and also a kind cat and a lovely deer!
The angels saw that the albatross male was before 4 trees grow from the same root. The male is in fact a 2000 energy being, together with a swan is he the highest bird at the galaxy. The swan livs in the water around Stockholm's city.
Since the albatross male is such a high energy being could the angels call at his heavenly lance, which is a heavenly human male. The lance is like a baby-sitter now to all the 18 baby birds, he loves it!
The brain surgery at the female albatross went out very well. The albatross family is very happy now!
We love the albatross family so much!
A grown up albatross has a wingspan of over 3 meters, that's the biggest in the world!

New record! 400 000 surrendered spaceships with crew have arrived, the latest 15 days! Amazing! We are so thankful! But still there are a few left, you are all so welcome to the 4 meeting centers in the world, see more further down. At the meeting centers can you meet Sea-Gods and sea-angels from Andromeda galaxy, and lion-angels, angels of lightning and angels.

The latest 24 hours came 4,4 million lion-angels from 1204 galaxies, and 15 000 000 000 000 angels of lightning from 403 galaxies, above my building, incredible!
They have all come to help us on this galaxy, we are so thankful, we love you all so much!
Lion-angels are the highest angels in cosmos.
Angels of lightning are very strong, one can carry a whole spaceship.

Where do you go to my lovely – Peter Sarstedt

Everyone is welcome, spaceships too!

Time and Place

Place: Central Park, Manhattan, New York, USA

Ongoing! They run 24 hours!

The whole world is so welcome, Africa too!

What: Firemans and several other people are there and are raising up their hands for you aliens!

Come astral

central park,new york,usa,
Right here by the benches in Central Park, Manhattan, New York/USA is the raise up hands party.
milkyway-galaxy-news,USA,new york,
Central Park, Manhattan, New York/USA

Time and Place

Place: Wuhan city, China. Located 100 miles down from Peking.

Ongoing! They run 24 hours!

The whole world is welcome! Not only Asia!

What: Several people are there and are raising up there hands for you aliens!

Come astral

It’s just behind the fence…


Time and Place

Place: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Beside the 45 meters big statue.


The whole world is welcome!

What: Several people are there and are raising up their hands for you aliens!

Come astral

rio de janeiro,brazil,jesus,
Here beside the statue are the raise up hands party, Rio de Janeiro,Brazil.
Rio de Janeiro,Brazil

Time and Place

Place: Canberra, Australia

Ongoing! They run 24 hours!

The whole world is welcome!

What: Several people are there and are raising up their hands for you aliens!

Come astral

It’s just behind the hills!

Canberra, Australia

Gotland, Sweden. Photo from August, 2024.

Have a very nice evening!

Love and peace/ Lahealila, team, sky-army, cobra, lions, angels, angels of lightning, star-angels, lion-angels, Sea-God

worst of them all

publish 21.10 timezone Stockholm [2084.000 000 visits/very last 24 hours,21450.000 000 visits/very last 7 days]

100% clear vision


Worst of them all is a half-monkey

Yes, Hitler is a half-monkey, a alien, a 4 month vegetable from Messier 32 galaxy, with someone else´s brain and heart.The brain and heart belongs in fact to a victim from Andromeda galaxy.

What is a vegetable/half-monkey/alien? http://milkywaygalaxynews.com/sky/what-is-a-vegetable/

Now when he´s dead, he´s a half-monkey again, in fact he´s 86,7% half-monkey, 13% monkey! and only 0,3% homo sapiens, as incarnated he was 51% half-monkey,13% monkey,36% homo sapiens.

Lanterns for all 6 million victims.

Hitler is the reason for over 6 million murders.

The poison Hitler used in the gas chambers was the worst ever, nearly insecticide highly concentrated+arsenic. The poison was so heavy, so the victims didn´t even woke up in heaven, after they died, and still are 4 million unconscious, dear lord. They wake up 50-200 of the victims every day, so it takes time.

Now while I´m writing this Hitler is in New Guinea´s hell, located on the seafloor in New Guinea. He been in many different hell, but they can´t stand him, for instance: the hell in Germany,several hell in USA,several hell in Canada, the hell in Malta. And sometimes they put him in sky-jail, but they can´t stand him either. Now we will report to the hell that he´s a half-monkey/alien.

New Guinea,in this picture near the harbor, on the seafloor, is the hell located, where Hitler is right now.

Where do you go to my lovely-Peter Sarstedt
i love…..
