Publish 00.42 timezone Stockholm 100% clear vision 1206 trillion, 1206 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours. 1300 trillion, 1300 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days.
Dear blog readers, how is it? I know many of you have it a little to warm in your countries. I hope you can manage the heat. Today it was sunny and 31 degrees in Stockholm. My mam came by in the heat with strawberry, drinks and 2 liters of ice cream, I hope you also have a caring mother or father. To manage the heat I now have 2 fans on, it feels cozy. And at night I will have a fan on in my bedroom, on a chair down at the foot end. And in the freezer I have ice cubes too, it makes my drinks so very cold…
This time it is 330 stars that slipped out the latest 24 hours, from the big black hole at the south border on andromeda galaxy. Fantastic! The stars are feeling great and are so happy they still are alive. -Thanks for reading about us stars, it easier up for us. We are so happy so we are laughing nearly all the time. This is happening because of the great new era. Best of wishes/4 of the stars
Sommartider (Summertime) – Gyllene Tider, live Ullevi,Sweden
Scotland,United Kingdom 6 a’clock in the morning.
Have a nice evening or a nice day, depending where you are located.
Love and peace/Lahealila,team,sky-army,cobra,lions,angels
Publish 06.48 timezone Stockholm 100% clear vision 1205 trillion, 1205 500 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours. 1299 trillion, 1299 500 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days.
Hello, how you been? I hope you doing well.
Today and tomorrow we celebrate midsummer in Sweden. It’s the longest day at the year. Today the sunrise was at 03.28 at night and the sunset will be in the evening at 22.08. It will be sunny and 28 degrees in Stockholm today.
Can you believe it! 310 stars have come out from the big black hole at the south border on andromeda galaxy, the latest 24 hours. It’s so wonderful! It’s because of the new era. The stars are so happy and thankful!
Do as follows: Turn on the oven 175 °. Melt the butter. Mix with coconut and sugar. Add eggs and lemon and stir to a smooth batter.
Pour the batter into two piles on a sheet of parchment paper. Flatten with, for example, a spatula to 2 round bottoms, about 1 cm thick, with a diameter of 22 cm.
Bake in the middle of the oven for about 20 minutes. Let cool. Whip the cream fluffy. Place one bottom on a cake pan and slice over half of the strawberries.
Put on the other bottom and spread on the cream. Top with strawberries, garnish with edible flowers and dust with a little icing sugar. Finished!
In Swedish.
Midsommartårta med kokosbottnar, fluffig grädde, jordgubbsfyllning, toppad med ätbara blommor och färska bär. Den smakar ljuvligt!
Ingredienser: 75 gr smör 200 gr riven kokos (6dl) 2 dl strösocker 3 ägg 0,5 citron, finrivet skal och pressad saft
Gör så här: Sätt ugnen på 175°. Smält smöret. Rör ihop med kokos och socker. Tillsätt ägg och citron och rör till en jämn smet.
Häll ut smeten i två högar på en plåt med bakplåtspapper. Platta till med t ex en slickepott till 2 runda bottnar, ca 1 cm tjocka, med en diameter på 22 cm.
Grädda mitt i ugnen ca 20 min. Låt kallna. Vispa grädden fluffig. Lägg ena bottnen på ett tårtfat och skiva över hälften av jordgubbarna.
Lägg på den andra bottnen och bred på grädden. Toppa med jordgubbar, garnera ev med ätbara blommor och pudra över lite florsocker. Klart!
A Swedish summer classic…
Sommaren är kort – Tomas Ledin
Photo June/2022 Värmdö,StockholmPhoto June/2022 Stockholm
I wish you all a really nice midsummer!
Love and peace/Lahealila,team,sky-army,cobra,lions,angels
Publish 07.37 timezone Stockholm 100% clear vision 1205 trillion, 1205 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours. 1299 trillion, 1299 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days.
Hi, how you been?
Today will it be 20 degrees and a little sun in Stockholm.
Amazing! 287 stars have come out from the big black hole at the south border on andromeda galaxy, the latest 24 hours! The stars are thrilled that they are free from the black hole and are saying: Thank you for writing about us again, we are so thankful. We hope you are doing well too, thanks for reading about us stars too, it makes it easier to come out from the black hole. Now we are ready to work, wherever we are needed. We are happy we still are alive, it’s so hard to be in the black hole, but I hope we all survied, I believe it is so. Take care/4 of the free stars
Astral butterflies Sometimes astral butterflies come into existence by a person’s energy, with a size slightly bigger than a hand. The astral butterflies are like 20-40% incarnate, so they are not only astral, they are living in dimension 0,7, we are living in dimension 0. They comes in different colors like white,brown,blue,yellow,green,violet,red,gold shimmering, depending on the person’s mood. These butterflies are helpers on earth and sometimes in heaven.
Astral butterfly and flower peony.
Photo from June/2022 Minnesota,USA
Have a nice evening or a nice day, depending where you are located.
Love and peace/Lahealila,team,sky-army,cobra,lions,angels
Publish 23.02 timezone Stockholm 100% clear vision 1204 trillion, 1204 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours. 1297 trillion, 1297 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days.
Hello, how you been?
Today in Stockholm we had mostly cloudy with only a little sun and 22 degrees.
The big cosmic releasing!
Amazing! 252 stars have come out the latest 24 hours, from the big black hole at the south border on andromeda galaxy. The stars are so happy and are crying out loud “We are free and more alive than ever! When you, Lahealila, writes about it, it makes it easier to come out from the terrible big black hole. Thank you for writing often about it, and when you read abote us stars, it give us stars hope so we easier can be free from the black hole. We stars are trying to reach all the other stars to tell about the big releasing, but it takes time tho we are around 200 million stars in the terrible big black hole. Thanks for reading about us stars, it help us the stars to easier be free from the black hole”/2 of the stars that now are free, because of the new era.
Isn’t it wonderful with butterflies, have you noticed that you gets happy when you see a butterfly? A butterfly are a happy creature, always kind and with God’s energy. They love flying around and flowers, animals and people love them. And because of the new era will we now have more butterflies on earth. And on the stars are it also butterflies, they are made of pure God’s energy, the star-angels love them!
This photo was taken one week ago in Poland. The butterfly is talking: I’m a very happy little creature, but a rather big butterfly. I love flying around, here at Lahealila’s place too. I remember the flower at the picture, it said “Come and taste me, I have lots of nectar, I would love to feed you, I already love you” I/the butterfly said, I love you too. The flower’s nectar tasted so wonderfully!/The butterfly
June/2022 Poland
Butterfly Ladybag Bumblebee
Have a nice evening or a nice day, depending where you are located.
Love and peace/Lahealila,team,sky-army,cobra,lions,angels
Publish 15.57 timezone Stockholm 100% clear vision 1203 trillion, 1203 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours. 1293 trillion, 1293 visits/very last 7 days.
Hi there, how you been?
Today it’s sunny and 23 degrees in Stockholm, only a little clouds. The summer has began in Sweden, soon time for the premiere swim in the sea!
Unbelievable 240 stars have slipped out the latest 24 hours, from the big black hole at the south border on andromeda galaxy. All of this because of the new era. The stars that slipped out are very joyful and happy, and thankful that they still are alive. The nature is very thankful too, for example will we have more butterflies this year, than we are used too, because of the new era.
This butterfly transformed directly from a leaf to a butterfly, around May 15,2022 in Sweden.
Photo from end of May/2022,Stockholm.Photo from June/2022 Moselle Valley,Germany
Leaving on a jet plane – John Denver
Photo from June/2022 Härnösand,Sweden
Have a nice day or nice evening, depending where you are located.
Love and peace/Lahealila,team,sky-army,cobra,lions,angels
Publish 23.24 timezone Stockholm 100% clear vision 1202 trillion visits/very last 24 hours (1202 000 000 000 000 visits) 1292 trillion visits/very last 7 days (1292 000 000 000 000 visits)
Hello, how you been?
Today we had half sunny and 20 degrees in Stockholm.
Marvelous! Not less than 227 stars have slipped out the latest 24 hours, from the big black hole at the south border on andromeda galaxy! It’s the new era that makes this possible.
IZ is cathing up. Remember IZ from my last writing? I say Hello again to all blog readers! This is fun, I can be with you even more. It’s fun to see you when you read this stuff. You are so many, there are about 1000 million blog readers at the same time, it’s hilarious! Last night me and Lahealila were playing some old music, it was fun. Lahealila was playing drums, saxophone and piano, and me was playing oklahome. We had a show with an audience with over 200 people. We had a marvelous night! Right now am I flying and looks at all the latest stars that slipped out from the big black hole at andromeda galaxy, the stars are very funny and are laughing all the time, it’s hilarious! I thank God that I’m here right now, it’s so fun! Thank you Lahealila that I can be on this blog. I love the song down below and the picture, then I am from Hawaii ofcourse, but it’s wondreful here. I wish you all a pleasant night. Take care/IZ
IZ – What a wonderful world
Skåne,swedenLike walking on clouds…
Have a nice evening or a nice day, depending where you are located.
Love and peace/Lahealila,team,sky-army,cobra,lions,angels