This is so magic, Northern Lights, aurora borealis. It’s a weather phenomena which arises when particles are thrown from the sun and collide with the atoms and molecules present at the earth’s atmosphere. At Abisko, located in north Sweden are this visible daily from December 13 – Mars 20.
Only authentic photo
Only authentic photo, from February 2021, Northern lights, Aurora borealis. Abisko, north Sweden.
I love this so much…
Pachelbel – Canon in D Major Orchestra Italiana
Only authentic photo, from Mars 2021, Northern Lights, Aurora borealis. Abisko north Sweden.Only authentic photo, Mars 2021, Northern Lights, Aurora borealis. Abisko, north Sweden.
Have a really nice evening or a really nice day, depending on where you live.
The result is even better than ever! We are so happy that the whole world is joining in this! The whole galaxy is so grateful. You are loved. 451 trillion, 451 000 000 000 000 troublesome, dangerous aliens have died on our galaxy the latest 30 hours, because of everybody’s prayers. But still it needs more prayers, so please continue to raise up your hand for our galaxy Milkyway.
Dear Lord, please protect the earth and heaven against alien intruders and alien terrorists, dear Lord help us. Amen
Sea-God, sky-army, sea-angels are right now very busy to catch a whole dangerous alien gang. Earlier tonight they catch 8 helicopters with aliens which took off from Colorado Springs/USA, and 7 spaceships from messier 32 galaxy. They are working with this the whole time, I’m helping too.
Kolmården zoo, Sweden
2000 Miles – The Pretenders
Have a really nice weekend!
love/Lahealila, team, sky-army, sea-angels by Värmdö/Stockholm, seawaves-angels by Northsea/Sweden, Sea-God
Yesterday we discovered withclear visionthat Hitler wasn´t popularly elected/Germany, he won with 1 million fake votes, it required 700.000 fake votes for Hitler to win the election, but he wanted to win big.
Blue flowers to give hope to those 4 million victims who still remain unconscious in heaven. I took this photo a month ago near my home, I just love those flowers…..
After discovering Hitler as a half-monkey/alien, we reported that to the hell at the seafloor in New Guinea, where he are at the moment, we reported as well to the sky-jail above Stockholm and they reported it to the sky-jails above London/UK, Ireland, USA, Berlin/Germany.
Immediately USA sent 3 men from sky-jail and 2 from hell, London sent 2 men/sky-jail, Ireland 1 man/sky-jail, to question Hitler in hell/New Guinea.
During the questions he turned more and more to half-monkey,and suddenly he showed them he´s long monkey tail. He also told them that he´s fiancee Eva Braun also is a monkey, and that he was aware during the incarnation that he was a half-monkey living in a human world. Everything was theater for him, he just wanted to be famous, historically known.
The tourist´s complaint/Turistens klagan-Cornelis Vreeswijk i love, the best choirever…..
Det sjunger några ungar på Karl Johan Dom låter starka och fina som bara ungar kan Själv e jag bakom lås och bom på mitt hotell En kväll bak barrikaden en vanlig kväll
Över mitt huvud svävar en kolsvart gam I rummet bredvid mitt sjunger en tokig dam Och jag är trött och tveksam men deras sång är glad Om inga ungar funnes så slutar ja’
Min dam att språket slinter i vissa fall På grund av snö som blöter fast den är kall Stor sak däri, skidåkning har också charm Gnid in ditt skinn med nässlor så du blir varm
Men det ska vara nässlor från vikens kant Och inga sneda nässlor från ruinens brant Bevara oss från dem som dessa saluför Oss och de glada ungarna här utanför
När inga ungar längre finns är allting slut Vad är det då för mening om man står ut? Visst har det blivit kaos i tidens lopp Men så länge det finns ungar så finns det hopp
One day last week when it was particularly troublesome aliens I prayed to the highest heavenly arm, and they came…….. On rara occasions, one of the heavenly armies can transform into a 7 meters big hand. We got help from “the big hand” last week, and this week too.
Infact, since last week “the big hand” has taken 7 spacecrafts/andromeda-galaxy, one just above USA, mostly above San Francisco, 6 just above south suburbs Stockholm, one was taken earlier today just above my building.
Yesterday my friend skyhorse/with heavenly sword,spire” was for the first time a 5 meter big hand, the hand took a spacecraft located in my residence, aboard there were 6 missiles. Thank you so very much “the big hand”!!!
help from aboveGoldengate/San FranciscoStockholm
Please pray for security for everyone on earth and against blitz, air raid. Protection for all animals on earth and in heaven, and also for buildings.
At evening 3 days ago, I saw 2 false police helicopters circulate above the residential area where I live/Stockholm. I felt danger and said to my team – check the helicopters!! (real helicopters)
The team immediately went astral to check up the helicopters, after 3 seconds the team told me – there is one hydrogen bomb in each helicopter, unsecured, dear God!!
One from the team pulverized the bombs/6,4 kilo and 4,38 kilo”, then he and one more from the team boarded the helicopters, there were 4 men/materialized from andromeda galaxy in one of the helicopters and 3 men/materialized/andromeda in the other one, after that flew 2 from the team the helicopters 5 minits/ultra speed” and parked the helicopters on a helicopter plate in USA, where they became borrowed from.
Thank you so incredible much team!
Please pray for security for everyone on earth and against blitz, air raid. Protection for all animals on earth and in heaven, and also for buildings.
Today have we/one skyhorse,Lahealila with team” founded a association we named to “skyangels milkyway”.
Among other things, we will help find missing persons/some animals”, and we will have several animal members to help and Marco, who was killed a while ago by 2 men from andromeda galaxy, one got 16 years and the other one got 12 years in swedish jail.
Infact, today I saw a picture at a web magazine of Marco and the 2 killers and then Marco felt someone was thinking on him and then he came down to us on earth, by looking of the pictures we saw that the killers were from andromeda galaxy with unauthorized incarnation/Sweden.
eCar Expo, a 600-meter-long two-lane road runs through.
Now on friday a electric car show starts at “Friends Arena” in Stockholm, Feb 6,7,8.
You can test drive 12 new E-Cars on the world´s biggest indoor track, E-Bikes you can test drive too.
Friends arena/Stockholm,Råsta Strandväg 1,Solna
i love…..
Frank Sinatra – My Way/Live At Madison Square Garden-1974
light a candl dont let it burn out never let the hope turn to doupt it`ll be brighter again light a candl for all you belive in
i love Light a candl-Triad, Rob Lundgren (acapella) swedish song written by N.Strömstedt, L.Lindbom
In presence now are yet another sky-police station occupied by andromeda-galaxy, so now its 3 sky-police station above N.Ireland, London/uk, USA. Please help with prayers and light a candl for all people and animals belonging galaxy milkyway, so no one more dies.
And about 7-8 citizen from andromeda-galaxy have still occupied the sky-jail/with hostage” above Stockholm/Sweden, they actually moved the sky-jail so its located just above my building.
It has now increased to about 122 black holes at andromeda-galaxy, because of their behavior against other galaxies that means that movements has started for a elimination of the andromeda-galaxy.
publish Dec 21: In this precens now 12 citizen from andromeda-galaxy have taken possession of 2 sky-police stations/with hostage” on our galaxy milkyway´s sky, one is above London/uk and the other one is above USA but because of security reasons I cant tell you … Continue reading