publish 19.29 timezone Stockholm
597 trillion, 597 600 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours.
790 trillion, 790 200 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days.
100% clear vision
Hello, how you been?
Much has happen!
2 days ago we also took the spaceship that escaped, which I wrote about last week. It was hidden above Ireland.
We just started to talk about the spaceship that escape, the crew felt that, and suddenly the spaceship was above my building. The crew wanted to know where the other 11 spaceships were, and a fight broke out.
Sky-army, seawave-angels/northsea and sea-angels/Wärmdö,Stockholm took care of 20 in the crew.
An even bigger fight broke out with the remaining 20 in the crew.
Suddenly I started to raise up my hands.
The captain begun to speak: It must be Lahealila, I always wanted to feel have it is to die in pure God’s energy. I heard about Lahealila, how she can do this. I’m dying now because of my sins, but I know I’m in good hands, give my best wishes to Lahealila.
The rest 19 in the crew said: Forgive us for our sins. We been foolish who started fighting against you. We never meant to hurt you. Now we are dying in pure God’s energy and it feels really good. Thanks to you all who belongs to the galaxy and give our best wishes to Lahealila.
The crew started mass several times “forgive us God our sins”. After that they finally died.
Please continue to raise up your hands and pray too if you want to.
Dear Lord, please protect the earth and heaven against alien intruders and alien terrorists, dear Lord help us. Amen

Only authentic photo, February 2021. Aurora Borealis, Northern Lights at Abisko/north Sweden.

Every time I look at you – Kiss
Since last I wrote have the team also taking care of about 20 spaceships above Stockholm, with help also from sea-angels by Lushan/China and mountain-angels by Neist Point/United Kingdom.

Have a really nice evening or a really nice day, depending on where you are!
love/Lahealila, team, sky-army, sea-angels by Wärmdö/Stockholm, seawave-angels by northsea, space-army, sea-angels by Lushan/China, mountain-angels by Neist Point/United Kingdom, Hoijasajama(Sea-God from messier 32 galaxy)