One day last week when it was particularly troublesome aliens I prayed to the highest heavenly arm, and they came…….. On rara occasions, one of the heavenly armies can transform into a 7 meters big hand. We got help from “the big hand” last week, and this week too.
Infact, since last week “the big hand” has taken 7 spacecrafts/andromeda-galaxy, one just above USA, mostly above San Francisco, 6 just above south suburbs Stockholm, one was taken earlier today just above my building.
Yesterday my friend skyhorse/with heavenly sword,spire” was for the first time a 5 meter big hand, the hand took a spacecraft located in my residence, aboard there were 6 missiles. Thank you so very much “the big hand”!!!
Please pray for security for everyone on earth and against blitz, air raid. Protection for all animals on earth and in heaven, and also for buildings.
Last evening I saw a helicopter closer than 50 meters from my building, I felt danger and shouted to the team – stop the helicopter!!
Immediately a strong from the team with his heavenly sword and spire, throws the helicopter away 500 meters, just before that he had seen how one of the aliens/andromeda galaxy” was just thinking about opening the hatch in the floor of the helicopter.
Aboard the helicopter there was an unsecured explosive charge/14,7 kilo, Oh God!
By the time he/team opened the helocopter door, the 3 crew members had already died, inside the helicopter flew their 3 soul-angels around. – We do not boast because they are terrorists, said the soul-angels as the door was opened.
Sadly the soul-angels keept talkking – one more helicopter is on the way, stop it quickly before it starts!! Medially he/heavenly sword and spire” stopped the helicopter before it started.
4 1/2 years ago was the helicopter, which came here last night, “copied/stolen from the police in Washington/on earth” by 2 men from andromeda galaxy. My/Lahealila´s team flew the helicopter to the police in Washington/on earth” , and informed about what happened.
“2 men from andromeda galaxy copied, materialized up a similar police helicopter, after that the original police/Washington helicopter did not work.”
Thank you so much team/Lahealila
Please pray for security for everyone on earth and against blitz, air raid. Protection for all animals on earth and in heaven, and also for buildings.
on the right translater, next time I will write in english again.
Det har hänt så mycket på sistone så denna gång skriver jag på svenska, det går lite snabbare även fast jag är bra på engelska.
Big problem with aliens in suburbs/south Stockholm
För närvarande finns 6 spaceship ankrade i 3-5 av Stockholms mindre/medelstora södra förorter, rymdskeppen flyger ibland emellan de södra förorterna och ankrar ofta 2-3 rymdskepp i samma söder förort. Ombord på rymdskeppen är det aliens uteslutande från andromeda galaxen, rymdskeppen är stulna från satellitgalaxen M32.
Tidigt imorse så upptäckte jag ett 1 meter långt miniatyr rymdskepp i taket ovanför min säng, det var egentligen ett normal stort rymdskepp med 44 aliens ombord från andromeda galaxen, de hade gjort sig själva och rymdskeppet tillfälligt till miniatyrer. Jag sa genast till skyhorse och teamet att beslagta rymdskeppet, det fixade dom snabbt, alla ombord sov utom piloten.
Vi har också problem med att aliens från andromeda galaxen materialiserar sig, ibland så många som 60 aliens i ett centrum en söderförort/Stockholm.
Ofta lyfter aliens/andromeda även upp expediter/butiksbiträden till himlen och tar själva över som butiksbiträden, oftast i mataffärer, butiksbiträdena får oftast komma ner till jorden igen senare på kvällen då mataffären har stängt.
I tisdags eftermiddag,18 feb, såg jag med egna ögon hur aliens hade tagit över 21 mataffärer, pizzerier, restauranger, tobaksaffärer, jag gick förbi affär efter affär men det var bara aliens överallt. Och sen när jag skulle ta bussen så hade aliens även misshandlat busschauffören medvetslös/lyft till himlen” dear God!
Utomjordingarna kommer först ner astralt till en mataffär/butik/pizzeria och slår butiksbiträdena oftast medvetslösa innan de lyfter upp dom till himlen, sen kommer det in fler aliens/andromeda som tar över som expediter/butiksbiträden.
2 personer ringde polisen i tisdags, en expedit såg en kollega bli slagen medvetslös och ringde genast polisen och sa efter 1 minut – nu lyfter dom upp min kollega till himlen. En kund såg en misshandlad/medvetslös manlig expedit ligga på golvet bakom en monter i samma mataffär men medans kunden pratar i mobilen med polisen så försvinner expeditens kropp.
12 butiksbiträden är sjukskrivna på grund av aliens, de är väldigt upprörda.
Thanks a lot for your prayers, it means a lot, infact, 61 fallen, dangerous people from andromeda-galaxy have now died because of your prayers.
10 black-clad executioners/4 new came today” have also died. 8 astral, self-died and one, astral, died when I knocked in the wall 2 times, and one, astral, dangerous died when I happened to open the towing door on him, he started to bleed heavily from the nose then fainted he and after one minit he died.
presence now
Now its about 87 dangerous/half-dangerous people left on our galaxy from andromeda-galaxy, please help with much prayer it really works, thanks a lot!
a little big cat
Before he was a leopard he was a beautiful tree/3 years ago” I saw in Nacka nature reserve/lilla Sickla/Björkhagen,south Stockholm” near water where I used to take a walk, and now you can see him at safari/Botswana/Africa.
827 000 people have now died on the andromeda-galaxy
Its still burning and explodes on andromeda-galaxy and on their planet is the treetops on fire now.
700 000 people have now died at andromeda-galaxy´s sky (heavenly heaven), and 127000 people have died on their planet, and 767000 are right now unconscious. 22,97% of andromeda-galaxy´s sun has die away.
The burning,the explosions, the black holes andthe sun partly fadingaway is happening because of their behavior against other galaxies, especially against our galaxy milkyway
Andromeda galaxy is a lower-energy galaxy and they are forbidden enter upon our galaxy milkyway`s zones and all incarnation is forbidden and unlawfully
FRONTLINE Thank you all so much for your prayers, 14 of 19 black-clad executioners from andromeda-galaxy sky were killed because of your prayers, 5 retreated. One black-clad executioners self-died, his whole astral-body turned to grey-black powder as he tried to get through my window, and one I killed. 81 fallen/witches from andromeda-galaxy self-died at our galaxy milkyway because of your prayers, thank you all so very much.
5 spaceship from andromeda-galaxy are located inside milkyway´s zones, bye the way, one of the spaceship is stolen from messier 32 galaxy and the other spaceships are built with stolen drawings belonging messier 32.
211 sky-animals stolen by a few from andromeda-galaxy, horses, dogs, cats, cows, owls, one falcon, crows, magpies, donkeys, one camel, one dromedary, birds, were rescued by sky-horses, sky-police after I/Lahealila and team with sky-horse discovered it.
presence now – urgently 12.43 swedish time jan 26
now: 6 new black-clad executioners from andromeda-galaxy sky have cross our border.
17 sky-horses, sky-police, Lahealilas team are now working to incapacitate 103 fallen/witches people from andromeda-galaxy which have cross milkyway´s borderline.
If you wont to help, please pray much, thank you, it will really help.´s still 100% burning on andromeda-galaxy´s sky and it explodes a lot.164 750 people have now died at andromeda-galaxy, mostly at the sky (heavenly heaven), and near 70 000 people are unconscious.
Darin – You´re Out Of My Life/Live GLOBEN/Stockholm
It´s still 100% burning on andromeda-galaxy´s sky and it explodes a lot.
164 750 people have now died at andromeda-galaxy, mostly at the sky (heavenly heaven), and near 70 000 people are unconscious.
19% of andromeda-galaxy´s sun has die away. And 99,9% of the ocean has black holes.
The burning,the explosions, the black holes andthe sun partly fadingaway is happening because of their behavior against other galaxies, especially against our galaxy milkyway
Now the fire has spread further down the sky so now its visible from their planet, the fire is now about 400 meters above the planet.
If there on a galaxy is more than 50% fallen people (witches) which are more than 85% fallen (85% witches) at the sky (heavenly heaven) it can start burning – and thats what happens at andromeda-galaxy.
And its the same at the sky that is near above a planet if more than 50% of the incarnated are more than 85% fallen – and thats why the ozean at the planet on andromeda-galaxy now have 99,9% black holes and thats why the burning now only are 400 meters above the planet.
note: In sky (heavenly heaven) a person is called witch if he/she is more than 50% fallen, and if they are more than 87% fallen they sometimes burns at the stake in hell.
550 people have escaped from the burning and have crossed the border into our galaxy milkyway, and 100 people are further out in space between galaxies, and 65 people have gone to the satellite galaxy messier 32.
Please pray that our galaxy milkyway notshall beaffected by annihilation movements from andromeda-galaxy, and that our galaxy´szones shall remain closed against andromeda galaxy.
Andromeda galaxy is a lower-energy galaxy and they are forbidden enter upon our galaxy milkyway`s zones and all incarnation is forbidden and unlawfully
The sky surface (heavenly sky) is 100% burning on andromeda-galaxy.
Last wednesday the fire started with an explosion at the andromeda-galaxy, before it had turned to 100% black holes at sky.
100 000 people have died, mostly in the sky, and at the moment are 50 000 unconscious. A total of only 2 million people are there at the andromeda-galaxy. Its uncertain how long it will burn.
The burning and the black holes is happening because of their behavior against other galaxies, especially against our galaxy milkyway
Please pray that our galaxy milkywaynotshall beaffected by annihilation movements from andromeda-galaxy, and that our galaxy´szones shall remain closed against andromeda galaxy.
Andromeda galaxy is a lower-energy galaxy and they are forbidden enter upon our galaxy milkyway`s zones and all incarnation is forbidden and unlawfully
very latest news still supported astral by the priest from 112 on duty (911/USA)
More than half of andromeda-galaxy´s sky surface are now black holes This evening has movements of elimination really expanded for real, its so heavy that the heaven at andromeda-galaxy now really are shaking of movements of elimination. 56% of andromeda-galaxy´s sky are now black holes, it have increased to 958 black holes (bigger than before) because of their behavoir against other galaxies, about 84,7% is because of what they done at our galaxy milkyway. Andromeda-galaxy is one of the nearest galaxies to our galaxy.
presence now note 02.31 swedish time: It has now increased to 1052 black holes at andromeda-galaxy´s sky.
Pray for protection for body and life and that our galaxy milkywayshall not beaffected by annihilation movements of andromeda-galaxy, and that our galaxy´szones shall remain closed against andromeda galaxy.
Its still 4 sky-police stations/with hostage” occupied by citizens from andromeda-galaxy,above South Dakota/USA, above London/uk, above Paris/France and one more above USA/secret.
The big sky-police station above London is infact about 4760 meters right above Buckimham Palace in London. There are 18 policemen in the hostage and the perpetrators from andromeda-galaxy are 6-10 men, 2 of the perpetrators was killed when the sky-police station became occupied. Please pray for releasing
And about 4850 meters right above the building in the picture below is the sky-police station lacated above Paris/France. There are 9 policemen in the hostage and in this presence now only 4 perpetrators then 4 of them died and one is half-dead/immobile. Please pray for releasing
And no difference here I´m sorry, about 7-8 citizen from andromeda-galaxy have still occupied the sky-jail/with hostage” above Stockholm/Sweden, they actually moved the sky-jail so its located just above my building. Please help to release the guads by prayers
1/3 of the andromeda-galaxy´s sky surface are now black holes
It has now increased to about 352 black holes! at andromeda-galaxy, because of their behavior against other galaxies that means that movements has started for a elimination of the andromeda-galaxy, in fact, the black holes covers now 33% of the surface of the sky one more sky-police station is occupied by 9-12 citizens from andromeda-galaxy, that happened for about 21 hours ago above south Dakota, infact its right above the building you see in this picture
Pray for protection for body and life and that our galaxy milkyway`s zones shall remain closed against andromeda galaxy.
Since about 9.30 its 2 americans/Alabama Mary-Anne, Chaty here astral helping us out “me/Lahealila and the animals”, we met once in a swedish church for about 1,5-2 years ago. At midnight they felt that is was some sort of danger in the sky just above my/Lahealil´s building, so therefore severels more aliens/andromeda-galaxy became stopped. And one priest is still here, as I told you about earlier. Thanks so much all 3 of you for helping.
I happens to find this photo and when we look closer we saw it were high archangel-dolphins with high-level 27-30,5 and high energy-being from 200% up to 455% at the Red Sea.
new occupation
Yesterday became the sky-police station above Paris/France occupied by 7-9 citizens from andromeda-galaxy, we are really sorry but hope they gets help soon.
I´m at least glad to say that the sky-police above Ireland now are free, but one sky-police station above USA and the big one above London/uk are, I´m sorry to say, still occupied. Please help them with prayers, cause the policemen are feeling very bad and a lot of them are crying after help.
plenty of more and bigger black holes
It has now increased to about 210 black holes! at andromeda-galaxy, because of their behavior against other galaxies that means that movements has started for a elimination of the andromeda-galaxy.
And no difference here I´m sorry, about 7-8 citizen from andromeda-galaxy have still occupied the sky-jail/with hostage” above Stockholm/Sweden, they actually moved the sky-jail so its located just above my building. Please help to release the guads by prayers
Pray for protection for body and life and that our galaxy milkyway`s zones shall remain closed against andromeda galaxy.
i love Lady and the Tramp-Bella Notte/Spaghetti Scene
Andromeda galaxy is a lower-energy galaxy and they are forbidden enter upon our galaxy milkyway`s zones and all incarnation is forbidden and unlawfully
Me Lahealila and my helping animals have discovered earlier that people from andromeda-galaxy have murdered people here on our galaxy milkyway, but I felt it was even more murders and I wanted to go to the bottom of this. So I asked my team, some ded clairovoyant animals Snowie, rabbit, dogs and cats, how many people has been murdered on our galaxy by someone from andromeda-galaxy?
The animals answered: Totally/heaven and earth/Tellus” has 14700 murders comitted by someone from andromeda-galaxy taken place on our galaxy milkyway. Dear lord!
Lahealila: How many murders/body and soul” has taken place in the heaven on milkyway and how many murders on the planet earth/Tellus is committed by someone from andromeda-galaxy?
7700 murders/body and soul” was taken place in the heaven on our galaxy milkyway which is committed by someone from andromeda-galaxy.
And total about 7000 murders is committed by someone from andromeda-galaxy on our planet earth/Tellus, thereof is 1730/body and soul” murders and 5270 has been murdered in their incarnation by someone from andromeda. Dear lord!
Look alike a true knight-angel who has taken the head off a neanderthal from andromeda galaxy, it happened in real just above Manhattan/NY/us for nearly exactly 10 years ago.
Pray for all safety and that our galaxy milkyway`s zones shall remain close against andromeda galaxy.
scarface-push it to the limit
Coming up soon: 250 people was murdered on earth/Tellus of one incarnated serial killer from andromeda-galaxy who was unlawfully incarnated on earth/Tellus.
Since about 5 days ago we have a fox helping us out from a high level galaxy called Tripoli.
My dead clever rabbit Snowie saw that the copilot at a spaceship from andromeda-galaxy, during the still ongoing andromeda riot, had tail and human-inisiering.
Snowie asked the fox which galaxy he came from? – Tripoli-galaxy, he answered. Snowie – But what on earth are you doing here then? The fox – I was stolen from my home-galaxy tripoli for about 6 weeks ago but I rather be with you Snowie and your Lahealila with company. Snowie – It is fine!
The fox – Can I just walk out from the spaceship and join you, is that possible? Snowie replicates: That you can do immediately, so fun for us that you also want to join us! The fox answered: Im so happy I can befor that answer cause they from andromeda-galaxy use to beat me often and quite hard.Be prepared for me coming out from the spaceship now, it can be gunfire. Snowie -Just go out I cover you!
There was no firing, but the andromeds said:Its our fox, dont steel the fox! Snowie - Its not steeling when the fox wants to join us intead of yours and he`s actually also from tripoli, you stole him!
The andromeds said: okey then, take him, he nearly ever do as we say anyway. Good for the fox then! He never pleased us anyway!
Andomeda galaxy is a lower-energy galaxy and are forbidden enter upon our galaxy milkyway`s zones.
We named the fox to Zirion and he´s glad that meLahealila pick up the rightname for him and is saying that it fit him perfectly, he´s very thankful for the giving name.
Zirion is very clairvoyant and are helping us out. Thanks so very much Zirion I`m so thankful for all you already done! Love from Lahealila
And since recently we also have 5 new dogs helping us out. They also say they are pleased with the names Lahealila picked up: Maximilian (often called Maxi), Ozian, Harry, Gideon and Fantomen.
Thanks so very much animals for all help heretofore dogs, Snowie, Monsun (a very helpful bird)Maxwell, Isac, Morgan, Buster, Columbo, Doggie, and cats. A big hug from Lahealila
Last night and today it´s a riot and it still is by andromeds outside my Lahealilas building located in a near suburb in Stockholm. 88 andromeds has been shoot down but most of them will wake up at andromeda galaxy after they been transported. 17 andromeds is still a threat and 2 is on the way to hell. 3 sky-policestations West Virginia/us (2 strengths), Ohio/us, Texas/us are still working on this andromeda-riot.
For 3 days ago it was another riot when 108 andromeds were shoot down nearby.
Andomeda galaxy is lower-energy galaxy and are forbidden enter upon our galaxy milkyway`s zones.
Folks help us with prayers!
Pray for all safety and that our galaxy milkyway`s zones shall remain close against andromeda galaxy.
Ashtar was cool bloody murdered for 497 years ago by a neandertal from andromeda galaxy, we didn´t discovered until now because he also got his identity caught.
Andomeda galaxy is lower-energy galaxy and are forbidden enter upon our galaxy milkyway`s zones.
For a few days ago Doggie, a very nice dog contacted the sky-police above London and West Virginia/us to get rid of some stalking andromeds as they put into sky-jail, 13 andromeds to sky-jail London/uk and 8 andromeds to sky-jail West Virginia/us.
Well after a well done job I told the sky-police about that Ashtar were cool bloody murdered but that his soul-angel might be alive. Doggie felt ihe was flying near another galaxy long way from home and show him up as in a medial film.
Me Lahealila asked if they wanted to see how we work when we call on Ashtars soul-angel and 3 policemen started to call on Ashtar, and Ashtar came flying into Rogers/sky-police London palm. Roger was recently incarnate in Scotland/uk.
We all are so happy that Ashtar is alive!!!!!!!! Ashtar is feeling rather tired but is very happy to be alive.
Ashtar came by and wants to say thank you Lahealila and your team. He is feeling much better now, regards to everyone from Ashtar.
Thanks for all prayers for Ashtars and archangel Michaels soul-angel.
Pray for our galaxy milkyway`s zones shall remain close against andromeda galaxy