Happy New Year

publish 00.00 swedish time clear vision


I wish you all a happy new year 2020!

old town/stockholm

Janji – Heroes Tonight [feat. Johnning] with footage from The Avengers

I´m sorry to say that yet one more sky-police station is occupied by 9-12 citizens from andromeda-galaxy, that happened for about 21 hours ago above south Dakota, infact its right above the building you see in this picture, its aboute 4700 meters right above the building.
Please pray for releasing

South Dakota/USA
Rushmore/South Dakota/us

take care!

riot andromeda

clear vision time 18.32 swedish time


Last night and today it´s a riot and it still is by andromeds outside my Lahealilas building located in a near suburb in Stockholm. 88 andromeds has been shoot down but most of them will wake up at andromeda galaxy after they been transported. 17 andromeds is still a threat and 2 is on the way to hell. 3 sky-policestations West Virginia/us (2 strengths), Ohio/us, Texas/us are still working on this andromeda-riot.

For 3 days ago it was another riot when 108 andromeds were shoot down nearby.

Andomeda galaxy is lower-energy galaxy and are forbidden enter upon our galaxy milkyway`s zones.

Folks help us with prayers!

Pray for all safety and that our galaxy milkyway`s zones shall remain close against andromeda galaxy.

Alice Cooper – Poison
