
publish 03.43 timezone Stockholm [215 million visits/very last 24 hours, 1470 million visits/very last 7 days]

100% clear vision


700.000 aliens are here now above Stockholm,they are waiting to take step one,to be recast on their own galaxies,Messier 32,Andromeda.

17,7 million aliens/half-monkeys have already taken step one,and are happy and peaceful with that.

While I for a moment were looking at this photo from Netherlands,came 6800 field-souls from this field,they are now a helping hand with the aliens, we are so grateful.


8000 Coral reef-souls by Australia are still here working so aliens easy can take step one,and they say they are so glad that Lahealila looked at this photo,so they could come,they are so happy to be a helping hand. We,Lahealila,team,army are so grateful.

Background http://milkywaygalaxynews.com/galaxy/half-monkey-ship-in-sight/

We played this song and the aliens loved it,they were above Stockholm to take step one.  The singer is from Skåne,south Sweden where they have a fun accent.

Oh  boy-Peps  Persson


Oh boy!
Vilket vackert väder, solen skiner idag.
Oh boy!
Inga tunga kläder behövs, och det gillar jag.
Så upp och hoppa, det är sol idag,
och en så’n dag kan man inte ligga och dra.
Nej, lämna idet och häng med mig ut
då sommar’n kommer, nu e vintern slut.
Oh boy!
Hör på fågelsången, de sjunger så man blir yr.Oh boy!
Här på trädgårdsgången, går vägen till ett äventyr.
Ja, tänk ändå att man kan bli så glad
av markens blommor och av gröna blad.
Och barnet i en kommer hem igen
till glömda drömmar och till sommaren.
Oh Boy!Oh boy!
Vilka glada toner, de rycker och spritter i mig.
Oh boy!
Tusen millioner kramar vill jag ge dig.
Ja, tänk att det kan va’ så lätt ibland.
Så enkelt som att sträcka ut en hand,
och torka gruset av en barnakind,
och känna värmen från en sommarvind.
Oh boy!
Sicken skänk från ovan de e å leva ida.Oh boy!
Rena gudagåvan, är det konstigt att jag är glad?
För solen skiner ju, och du är här,
och jorden spinner i sin himlasfär.
Och faktiskt när man mår på detta vis,
är världen nära på ett paradis.  Oh boy! Vilket vackert väder!

love/Lahealila,team,army,Tussilago,the Waves by Northsea/Sweden,the Field by Brazil, the mount Robson by Canada.

top 40 countries

publish 07.20 timezone Stockholm [190 million visits/very last 24 hours]

100 % clear vision


Several million have reach understanding

Yes, that´s true, millions aliens have reach understanding, and they have all taken step 1 to be recast on their own galaxies,Messier 32 or Andromeda. They have all come above Stockholm and there they met the Waves by the Northsea/Sweden,the Field by Brazil,the mount Robson by Canada,army,team.

On request, where have all those millions aliens been incarnated?

Top 40

1  USA 7 million/aliens
2  Canada 4,4 million/aliens
3 Brazil 4,27 million/aliens
4  Japan 52.680/aliens
5  Germany 50.000/aliens
6 Spain 49.780/aliens
7 United Kingdom 47.040/aliens
8 Vietnam 47.010/aliens

9 Indonesia 42.170/aliens
10 France 27.670/aliens
11 Africa 8900/aliens
12 Russia 8700/aliens
13 China 8400/aliens
14 Australia 8000/aliens

15 Iraq 4700/aliens
16 Sweden 4550/aliens
17 Iran 4500/aliens
18 Ireland 4200/aliens
19 Malaysia 4008/aliens
20 Netherlands 4006/aliens
21 Ukraine 4000/aliens
22 India 2020 “
23 Mexico 900 “

24 Hawaii 820 “
25 Poland 808 “
26 Malta 800 “
27 Norway 799 “
28 Greenland 420 “
29 Portugal 411 “
30 Greece 402 “
31 Finland 400 “
32 Latvia 398 “

33 Denmark 204 “
34 Turkey 198 “
35 Hungary 160 “
36 Switzerland 150 “
37 Monaco 102 “
38 Lichtenstein 89 “
39 Iceland 38 “
40 Austria 37 “

Background http://milkywaygalaxynews.com/galaxy/half-monkey-ship-in-sight/

Top 20

South Dakota,USA
Banff,Alberta,Canada,authentic photo
Brazil, when I for a few second were looking at this photo, 4000 sea-souls came by,and they are still here,helping the aliens who reach understanding.
Kumamoto,Japan,4000 waterfall-souls came by when I for a few second were looking at this photo,they are still here helping aliens who reach understanding.
Germany,old Elisabeth
Granada,Spain, 4000 mouintain-souls came by,background,and are here now helping and meeting the aliens.
Neist Point,United Kingdom,6000 sea-souls from the sea came by,and are now a helping hand with the aliens.
Vietnam,authentic photo
Siberia,wild nature,Russia
Lushan,China,authentic photo,wintertime, 4000 sea-souls,from this sea,came by and wants to help with aliens.
Coral reef,Australia,8000 coral reef-souls came by above Stockholm, and wants to be a helping hand with the aliens.
soft white limestone beach,Gotland,Sweden
Ireland,7500 mountain-souls came by and wants to he a helping hand with the aliens.
Netherlands,4000 sky-souls and 4000 ocean-souls came by, and are now a helping hand with the aliens.

How great is our God-Chris Tomlin

mount Robson by Canada
the Field by Brazil
the Waves by the Northsea,Sweden

Love/Lahealila,team.army,Tussilago,the Waves by the Northsea/Sweden,the Field by Brazil,mount Robson by Canada

Canada are coming big

publish 21.37 timezone Stockholm [165 million visits/very last 24 hours]

100% clear vision


Over 7 million,7.900 000,aliens/half-monkeys have now come above Stockholm to meet the Waves by the Northsea,the Field by Brazil. We help too, team, sky-army,Lahealila,Tussilago,God

All 7,9 millions aliens have reach understanding and have taken the first biggest step,to later on be recast on Messier 32 galaxy or Andromeda galaxy,where they belong. They are all satisfied and have peace in mind,feeling glad.

Canada are coming big,2,1 million aliens have now come above Stockholm,most of them the latest 2 days. For a few seconds was I looking at this picture of mount Robson,the mountain felt that and came. Now are 4700 mountain-souls by mount Robson still here,helping first the canadians,but after that all aliens,they say.

Mount Robson,height 3954,Canada

Of total 7,9 million aliens which are coming to be recast on Messier 32 and Andromeda are 3,77 million from USA, 2,1 million Canada, 2,01 million Brazil, 4500 Sweden.

Rio de Janeiro,Brazil

Louis Armstrong came by and wants to say hey to every singly blog readers

What a wonderful world-Louis Armstrong

love/Lahealila,team,Tussilago,the Waves,the Fielld,the mount Robson,God

You’re altogether lovely

publish 03.22 timezone Stockholm [157 million visits/very last 24 hours]

100% clear vision


God bless you, 7,8 million aliens/half-monkeys have now met the Waves by the Northsea,the Field by Brazil,army,team,Tussilago,and I/Lahealila also helps.  All  7,8 million have now taken the first biggest step,to later on be recast on their own galaxies,Messier 32,Andromeda.  They feel peace,and are happy.

Brazil are coming big now,not only USA then, 2 million have come from Brazil,the last 3 days,thereof 1,8 million incarnated,and 200.000 have been incarnated in Brazil.

Brazil,authentic photo
New York,USA

” Light of the world
You stepped down into darkness
Opened my eyes, let me see
Beauty that made this heart adore You
Hope of a life spent with You

Here I am to worship
Here I am to bow down
Here I am to say that You’re my God

You’re altogether lovely
Altogether worthy
Altogether wonderful to me

King of all days
Oh so highly exalted
Glorious in heaven above
Humbly You came to the earth You created
All for love’s sake became poor

Here I am to worship
Here I am to bow down
Here I am to say that You’re my God

You’re altogether lovely
Altogether worthy
Altogether wonderful to me “

Here I am to worship-Michael W.Smith

The importent,kidnapped person I told you about before,are now released 97%.


love/Lahealila,team,army,the Waves,the Field,Tussilago,God

my sweet lord

publish 02.50 timrzone Stockholm [147 million visits/very last 24 hours]

100% clear vision


[Verse 1]
I really wanna see you
Really wanna be with you
Really wanna see you, Lord
But it takes so long, my Lord

[Verse 2]
I really wanna know you
I’d really wanna go with you
I really wanna show you, Lord
That it won’t take long, my Lor

My sweet Lord (Hallelujah)
Mmm, my Lord (Hallelujah)
My sweet Lord (Hallelujah)

George Harrison

A missile was catch by the Waves from the Northsea, it happend on wednesday,right above where we/Lahealila,team,the Waves,the Field,army” where at Stockholm city. It were the alien terrorist organization M.P [M….ng P….e] who was behind this, 2 of them flew a helicopter with 2 of their children, who helped the adult with the missile. They are not a threat anymore.

The Waves by the Northsea still eats iodine tablets, against radiation,and use aloe vera gel against 80% burns,but they get better for each day. Damn those terrorists, who just can“t deal with that millions aliens,now have reach understanding with God.

Stockholm south

6 millions aliens/half monkeys have now reach understanding,terrorists can´t stop them!! They have now a wonderful time, and later on will they be recast on their own galaxies. 5,2 million are from USA,thereof 2,7 million were until now incarnated in USA,  and nearly 2,5 million have been incarnated in USA, and were until now above USA.  800 000 are from the rest of the world. God is with us

Background http://milkywaygalaxynews.com/galaxy/half-monkey-ship-in-sight/

southern USA
the Northsea,Sweden

love/Laheallila,team,army,the Waves,the Field,Tussilago,God

The Waves and the Field

publish 16.58 timezone Stockholm [130 million visits/very last 24 hours]

100 % clear vision


I’m still writing from my cell phone, I’m still not at home.

The Waves by the Northsea and the Field by Brazil have been working hard lately,together with team,army and myself sometimes. The Waves and the Field have been working about 10-14 meters above me,it help them to stay in the air

Its a miracle, so many as 4,1 million aliens/half-monkeys from Messier 32 galaxy and andromeda galaxy,have now reach understanding.

Over 4 million have now meet the Waves and the Field, and have taken the highest step,and are now flying with their soul-angel, and later on will all of them be recast on their own galaxies, Messier 32 galaxy,andromeda galaxy. God are here to guide us.

Background http://milkywaygalaxynews.com/galaxy/half-monkey-ship-in-sight/

The field by Brazil
The waves by the Northsea

Thank you all for your prayers, you would beleive it means a lot.

The importent person is still kidnapped, but it will soon be a releasing , but please pray for releasing.

A classic in Sweden: Idas sommarvisa, Idas summer song. (Ida 4 years and 7,5 months old)


love/Lahealila,team,the Waves,the Field,army,Tussilago

soon releasing

publish 19.40 timezone Stockholm [127 million visits/very last 24 hours] [862 million visits/very last 7 days]

100% clear vision


I couldn’t resist taken this photo of this lovely flowers, 2 weeks ago,just outside my building.

taken in my neighborhood

The importent person is still kidnapped,and is at a partly abandoned hospital at Skanstull,Stockholm.

Thanks so very much for all your prayers. There are fewer kidnapper now.

Please pray for releasing.

Those photos are taken just 10 minits ago, from some windows where the person is held captive.

from inside




publish 21.45 timezone Stockholm [117 million visits/very last 24 hours]

100 % clear vision


Still not home, I’m still writing with my cell phone.

Now it’s 8 left from the alien organization M.P, they are still holding the importent person kidnapped, at a partly abandoned hospital at Skanstull,Stockholm.

Thanks so very much for all your prayers, it means so much, you know.

Please pray for releasing

This photo is taken 10 minits ago, through the window where the person still is kidnapped.


Taken 2 weeks ago,outside a company, near where I live.



publish 04.14 timezone Stockholm [100 millions visits/very last 24 hours]

100% clear vision


I’m still writing with my cell phone, still not at home.

The person I wrote about last,is still kidnapped by the alien terrorist organization M.P/USA [Mi….. Pe ….] in a partly abandoned hospital located Skanstull,Stockholm city.

Thanks so much for all yours prayer, it means a lot.

7 kidnapper have now self-died,13 is still left.

Please, pray for releasing.

This photo was taken just 10 minits ago, from the window where the person is held captive/Skanstull,Stockholm

Lågornas sken-Nordman




publish 05.14 timezone Stockholm [81 millions visits/very last 24 hours]

100% clear vision


I’m not at home right now, so I’m writing from my cell phone.

I’m so sorry to say that one of the highest is kidnapped since july 1.

The person is kidnapped by the alien terrorist organization M.P/USA, and is on a partly abandoned hospital,located in Stockholm city,Skanstull.

Only 20 aliens are still alive in the organization M.P

Please help with prayers, so this importent person will be released quickly. Its so meaningfully with prayers.

