Vaseline is my friend!

publish 11.40 timezone Stockholm
100% clear vision
1037 trillion, 1037 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours
1154 trillion, 1154 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days

Hello, how you been?

Please, pray that no alien will ever more kill or harm anyone from this galaxy again.

It’s not without reason I put the prayer on top!
While I’m writing I have more or less pain on side of the stomach, it just hurts about 2 seconds each time, but it returns every few minutes.
My team discovered that it are spaceships above my bulding that comes down as several medially miniature spaceships and dock on side of my stomach for a little while, to take energy. The aliens even put a dock-rack on side of my stomach.
A small number of spaceships, say 100, felt like they wanted to visit me, otherwise they tend to stay above USA/60 000 and Canada/30 000.

Why the spaceships came to me?
It depends on A.J, small known in USA, she/he went up astral to a spaceship above Los Angeles and said stuttered: I want you to go to Lahealila and take energy of her, cause she don’t let me have her brain, and she has 24 hours life-guards so I can’t take it, tell all spaceships to go to Lahealila

Me/Lahealila: Yes thats true, my brain is exclusively for me, and yes I have 24 hours life-guards. And the 100 spaceships you only sent into death. Maybe we will ask the spaceship you came with, for aboute 70 years ago, to set you out of order.
How many of you would like that?
You can help by praying.

What did I do…
I did some raise up hands, that killed aliens on 7 spaceships, the spaceships turned red and burned up.
I put vaseline (for humans) on my stomach, where it hurts, that killed all aliens on 43 spaceships, the spaceships were even annihilated.
The rest 50 spaceships took sky-army, star-angels, seawave-angels, sea-angels care of.
The aliens onboard the spaceships cursed A.J name all the time, cause she/he told them to come here.

Good to know, vaseline is highly effective against aliens, thank me for discovering that!
The secret, vaseline is highly alive and when medially miniature spaceships tries to dock on side of my stomach, flyes the vaseline up to the spaceship and look at it for some seconds, that kills the aliens and delete the spaceship totally, yes it did.

It’s not only me, being stalked by spaceships that dock on the stomach or head, it’s all over the world. For example are 267 people, there of 120 babies/children, in Canada daily stalked by spaceships that dock on the stomach, head. In USA 220 people, there of 102 babies/children.

Are you one of them who are stalked by spaceships?
Do your raise up hands and put on vaseline where it hurts. The spaceship are just above your building, so start to pray too.

Area 51, Nevada,USA

How do I know, if a child is a alien?
He/she eats living beetles.
They do it sometimes from 6 month age – 9 years age.
It’s the animal instinct.

Photo from September 8, 2021 Gärdet, Stockholm

Some sunny news…
The higher energy over earth, I wrote about last, has bring new species of butterflies over the whole world.
These 2 fine newborn butterflies, became manifested September 5, 2021, at Gärdet, Stockholm.
The butterflies are only 3 days old at the photo, and these light sky-blue butterflies with purpur, dark violet colored markings are a new species of butterflies on earth!

We also saw that Central Park in New York has new blue species of butterflies, China and Africa have new red butterflies, Japan has new white butterflies with a little pale blue on.
There are new butterflies species all over the world, United Kingdom, Brazil, Hawaii, Canada, China, France, Australia, Germany, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Iran, Italy, South Africa, Denmark, Irac, Norway, Spain, Poland, Finland, Switzerland, Indonesia, Malaysia, Iceland, Arabia, Greece, Turkey, Philippines, Latvia, you name it!

Dream station – Stive Morgan

Area 51, trailer


Have a really nice nice day or a really nice evening!

Love/Lahealila, team, sky-army, sea-angels, seawave-angels, angels of Lightning, space-army, star-angels, cobra

Higher energy

publish 10.30 timezone Stockholm
100% clear vision
1035 trillion, 1035 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours
1150 trillion, 1150 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days

Hello, how you been?

The new era,100% Body and Soul, has bring in much higher energy on earth and over the whole galaxy.
Can you feel it?
It’s wonderful!
This means it very soon will be peace everywhere on earth and in heaven.

Please, pray that no alien will ever more kill or harm anyone from this galaxy again.

The new era has reached also andromeda galaxy. It’s fantastic, over 270 living stars have already slipped out from the big black hole, on the outskirts of andromeda galaxy, all because of the new era!
It so great that over 200 living stars slipped out in only the 2 latest days from the big black hole.
It’s amazing, the big black hole is about to disappear in a few months, because of the new era!

The big black hole, on the outskirts of andromeda, contains unbelievable 100 million living stars from the entire cosmos, in only a few months will all the stars be free from the black whole!
It will be even higher energy in cosmos with this 100 million free stars, free to go wherever they want in cosmos, where they are needed.
The stars will ensure that there will be peace in cosmos
, on every planet and in heaven.

The black hole started to exist for 100 trillions years ago when a sun died, after 100 year disappeared its planet also into the black hole, and after that 100 million stars during trillions of years.

Gold in heaven,authentic photo from end of August/2021,Borås,Sweden

Antonio Vivaldi – Four Seasons
Antonio Lucio Vivaldi, was born on March 4, 1678 in Venice,Italy and died on July 28, 1741 in Vienna,Austria.

Budapest Strings,Bela Banfalvi, Conductor

new era,sweden,

Have a really nice weekend!

love/Lahealila, team, sky-army, sea-angels, seawave-angels, angels of Lightning, space-army, star-angels, cobra

The church bells rang

publish 22.00 timezone Stockholm

1049 782 780 000 visits/very last 24 hours, 7192 478 100 000 visits/very last 7 days.

100% clear vision

Hello! How are you doing?

The church bells rang at 6 PM today Saturday, at south Stockholm where I live, 10 minutes from Stockholm city. They rang to honor a man, 30 years old, who was shot dead by a materialized alien at november 3, 2020. It had a huge effect, 80 astral aliens died during the 4 1/2 minutes the church bells rang and during the vibrations afterwards. I will now write to the church to tell them about this, and asked them to ring the church bells often, as aliens are a huge problem here. Maybe you too can talk to your church about this.

For about 9 days ago, a church in Ohio/USA was praying against aliens intruders and alien terrorists, with big results, 80 aliens died during the prayers. 10 of the dead were alien intruders from were they count the vote in Ohio, and another 5 are still unconscious.

Thank you all so very much for your prayers, 4700 troublesome, dangerous aliens have died since last I wrote, only because of your prayers.

Dear Lord, please protect the earth and heaven against alien intruders and alien terrorists, dear Lord help us. Amen

Too late for love – John Lundvik


Have a real nice evening!

love/Lahealila, team, sky-army, sea-angels by Värmdö, seawaves-angels by Northsea

The shortest night

publish 13.25 timezone Stockholm / 8,2 millions visits/very last 24 hours

100% clear vision

The longest day


Today we celebrate midsummer in Sweden,it´s the longest day,sunrise was at night 03.27,and sunset will be at 22.07 tonight. It´s sunny and 26 degrees at Stockholm today.

strawberry midsummer cake

Swedish tradition,midsummer barling

Please pray to protect our planet,the sun,the moon,heavenly heaven,our galaxy milkyway with all planets,suns,moons/Living earth soul

As I said before,music is a peaceful and very powerful weapon.

When we played this song earlier today,128 aliens nearby died.

I give you the morning-Weeping Willows/swedish group,written by american Tom Paxton

I wish you all a nice midsummer!

love/Lahealila,team,Tussilago,army,living earth soul (he came by while I was writing this)

new helicopter attack

publish 07.23 timezone Stockholm clear vision


Last evening I saw a helicopter closer than 50 meters from my building, I felt danger and shouted to the team – stop the helicopter!!

Immediately a strong from the team with his heavenly sword and spire, throws the helicopter away 500 meters, just before that he had seen how one of the aliens/andromeda galaxy” was just thinking about opening the hatch in the floor of the helicopter.

Aboard the helicopter there was an unsecured explosive charge/14,7 kilo, Oh God!

By the time he/team opened the helocopter door, the 3 crew members had already died, inside the helicopter flew their 3 soul-angels around. – We do not boast because they are terrorists, said the soul-angels as the door was opened.

Sadly the soul-angels keept talkking – one more helicopter is on the way, stop it quickly before it starts!! Medially he/heavenly sword and spire” stopped the helicopter before it started.

4 1/2 years ago was the helicopter, which came here last night, “copied/stolen from the police in Washington/on earth” by 2 men from andromeda galaxy. My/Lahealila´s team flew the helicopter to the police in Washington/on earth” , and informed about what happened.

“2 men from andromeda galaxy copied, materialized up a similar police helicopter, after that the original police/Washington helicopter did not work.”

Thank you so much team/Lahealila

Please pray for security for everyone on earth and against blitz, air raid. Protection for all animals on earth and in heaven, and also for buildings.

suburb south Stockholm

false police helicopter – milkyway galaxy news .com


Tattoos Together- Lauv


Love/Lahealila with team and skyhorse

6 spaceship located

publish 05.37 timezone Stockholm clear vision


on the right translater, next time I will write in english again.

Det har hänt så mycket på sistone så denna gång skriver jag på svenska, det går lite snabbare även fast jag är bra på engelska.

Big problem with aliens in suburbs/south Stockholm

För närvarande finns 6 spaceship ankrade i 3-5 av Stockholms mindre/medelstora södra förorter, rymdskeppen flyger ibland emellan de södra förorterna och ankrar ofta 2-3 rymdskepp i samma söder förort. Ombord på rymdskeppen är det aliens uteslutande från andromeda galaxen, rymdskeppen är stulna från satellitgalaxen M32.

Tidigt imorse så upptäckte jag ett 1 meter långt miniatyr rymdskepp i taket ovanför min säng, det var egentligen ett normal stort rymdskepp med 44 aliens ombord från andromeda galaxen, de hade gjort sig själva och rymdskeppet tillfälligt till miniatyrer. Jag sa genast till skyhorse och teamet att beslagta rymdskeppet, det fixade dom snabbt, alla ombord sov utom piloten.

Vi har också problem med att aliens från andromeda galaxen materialiserar sig, ibland så många som 60 aliens i ett centrum en söderförort/Stockholm.

suburb south Stockholm

Ofta lyfter aliens/andromeda även upp expediter/butiksbiträden till himlen och tar själva över som butiksbiträden, oftast i mataffärer, butiksbiträdena får oftast komma ner till jorden igen senare på kvällen då mataffären har stängt.

I tisdags eftermiddag,18 feb, såg jag med egna ögon hur aliens hade tagit över 21 mataffärer, pizzerier, restauranger, tobaksaffärer, jag gick förbi affär efter affär men det var bara aliens överallt. Och sen när jag skulle ta bussen så hade aliens även misshandlat busschauffören medvetslös/lyft till himlen” dear God!

Utomjordingarna kommer först ner astralt till en mataffär/butik/pizzeria och slår butiksbiträdena oftast medvetslösa innan de lyfter upp dom till himlen, sen kommer det in fler aliens/andromeda som tar över som expediter/butiksbiträden.

2 personer ringde polisen i tisdags, en expedit såg en kollega bli slagen medvetslös och ringde genast polisen och sa efter 1 minut – nu lyfter dom upp min kollega till himlen. En kund såg en misshandlad/medvetslös manlig expedit ligga på golvet bakom en monter i samma mataffär men medans kunden pratar i mobilen med polisen så försvinner expeditens kropp.

12 butiksbiträden är sjukskrivna på grund av aliens, de är väldigt upprörda.

Please pray for security for everyone

road at Skansen/Stockholm

In The Army Now – Status Quo

love/Lahealila/team and skyhorse

write-ups later today

14 executioners killed/space

publish 17.54 swedish time

clear vision


Thank you all so much for your prayers, 14 of 19 black-clad executioners from andromeda-galaxy sky were killed because of your prayers, 5 retreated.
One black-clad executioners self-died, his whole astral-body turned to grey-black powder as he tried to get through my window, and one I killed.
81 fallen/witches from andromeda-galaxy self-died at our galaxy milkyway because of your prayers, thank you all so very much.

5 spaceship from andromeda-galaxy are located inside milkyway´s zones, bye the way, one of the spaceship is stolen from messier 32 galaxy and the other spaceships are built with stolen drawings belonging messier 32.

211 sky-animals stolen by a few from andromeda-galaxy, horses, dogs, cats, cows, owls, one falcon, crows, magpies, donkeys, one camel, one dromedary, birds, were rescued by sky-horses, sky-police after I/Lahealila and team with sky-horse discovered it.

presence now – urgently 12.43 swedish time jan 26

now: 6 new black-clad executioners from andromeda-galaxy sky have cross our border.

17 sky-horses, sky-police, Lahealilas team are now working to incapacitate 103 fallen/witches people from andromeda-galaxy which have cross milkyway´s borderline.

If you wont to help, please pray much, thank you, it will really help.  Black-clad executioners from andromeda-galaxy have cross the border to our galaxy milkyway and are threatens our highest incarnate 
a new horse-friend to the sky-horse that is helping us much  It´s still 100% burning on andromeda-galaxy´s sky and it explodes a lot. 164 750 people have now died at andromeda-galaxy, mostly at the sky (heavenly heaven), and near 70 000 people are unconscious. 

Darin – You´re Out Of My Life/Live GLOBEN/Stockholm

persian-leopard/siberia minus-55 degrees

love/Lahealila/team and sky-horse

write-ups in a few hours

presence now

mobile note 04.43 at night in Sweden

Some of our highest are in danger and also the sky-police forces which are working.

Black-clad executioners from andromeda-galaxy have cross the border to our galaxy milkyway and are threatens our highest incarnate.

If you wont to help, please pray much, thank you, it will help.

love/Lahealila with team and sky-horse


publish 17.36 swedish time clear vision


Its still 4 sky-police stations/with hostage” occupied by citizens from andromeda-galaxy,above South Dakota/USA, above London/uk, above Paris/France and one more above USA/secret.

The big sky-police station above London is infact about 4760 meters right above Buckimham Palace in London. There are 18 policemen in the hostage and the perpetrators from andromeda-galaxy are 6-10 men, 2 of the perpetrators was killed when the sky-police station became occupied.
Please pray for releasing

Buckimham Palace/London

And about 4850 meters right above the building in the picture below is the sky-police station lacated above Paris/France. There are 9 policemen in the hostage and in this presence now only 4 perpetrators then 4 of them died and one is half-dead/immobile.
Please pray for releasing


And no difference here I´m sorry, about 7-8 citizen from andromeda-galaxy have still occupied the sky-jail/with hostage” above Stockholm/Sweden, they actually moved the sky-jail so its located just above my building.
Please help to release the guads by prayers

1/3 of the andromeda-galaxy´s sky surface are now black holes

It has now increased to about 352 black holes! at andromeda-galaxy, because of their behavior against other galaxies that means that movements has started for a elimination of the andromeda-galaxy, in fact, the black holes covers now 33% of the surface of the sky  yet one more sky-police station is occupied by 9-12 citizens from andromeda-galaxy, that happened for about 21 hours ago above south Dakota, infact its right above the building you see in this picture 

Pray for protection for body and life and that our galaxy milkyway`s zones shall remain closed against andromeda galaxy.

W.A.S.P. Miss You


riot andromeda

clear vision time 18.32 swedish time


Last night and today it´s a riot and it still is by andromeds outside my Lahealilas building located in a near suburb in Stockholm. 88 andromeds has been shoot down but most of them will wake up at andromeda galaxy after they been transported. 17 andromeds is still a threat and 2 is on the way to hell. 3 sky-policestations West Virginia/us (2 strengths), Ohio/us, Texas/us are still working on this andromeda-riot.

For 3 days ago it was another riot when 108 andromeds were shoot down nearby.

Andomeda galaxy is lower-energy galaxy and are forbidden enter upon our galaxy milkyway`s zones.

Folks help us with prayers!

Pray for all safety and that our galaxy milkyway`s zones shall remain close against andromeda galaxy.

Alice Cooper – Poison


pray for milkyway

clairvoyant view

very latest news

8 days ago 2 policemen were cold bloody murdered at the sky-police station above Stockholm, their soul lay murdered outside the body, the 2 murderer from andromeda galaxy lay still and breathed heavily when my cat and mini-bear happens to come by.

My cat and mini-bear have half human-inisiering, and they anesthetized the killers, and collect the murdered soul back to the policemen, suddenly they started to breath again!

Thanks I love you both!

The 2 murderer from andromeda galaxy are arrested.

Andomeda galaxy is a lower-energy galaxy and are forbidden enter upon our galaxy milkyway`s zones and all incarnation is forbidden and unlawfully

Now we need prayers so no one more gets murdered.

Pray for our galaxy milkyway`s zones shall remain close against andromeda galaxy.

Pray for archangel Michael, Ashtar, sankt Peter, sankt Pier, sankt Claus, mother Maria,Lucifer, Mauritz soul-angel shall return.

Arash/swedish-iranian and Helena/swedish

Pure Love – Arash Feat Helena

peace love/Lahealila