publish 10.21 timezone Stockholm
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100% clear vision
New note by 10.50 timezone Utah/USA saturday, november 7, 2020. On request from the vote counting office in Utah/USA: We saw with clear vision that the real results in Utah are 78% – Biden, 22% – Trump. So many as 20 alien intruders are at Utah vote counting office, they are right now being strangled by the sea-angels…..
Later note further down by 06.17 timezone Georgia/USA saturday, november 7, 2020.
I said to the sea-angels and the sky-army that we had to do something about…..
I only tell you a little, I feel I had to tell you the truth.
The sea-angels and the sky-army have tonight “strangle” 240 “astral alien fake votes cheaters”. Still are even more “astral alien fake votes cheaters” coming down to the office where the votes counts in USA. The results are wrong in many states.
Especially in Texas, the results are wrong, the real results are the opposite, the sea-angels and the sky-army have not had time to be there, I’m sorry.
There have not been any “astral alien fake votes cheaters” in state Washington so the results are there correct, right now the results are Washington 59,5% – Biden, 38% – Trump. The results are correct even in Washington DC 92,6% – Biden, 5,2% – Trump.
Believe it or not but it’s the truth, the correct results are that Biden has won in 48 states and Trump in 5 states.
Later note by 06.17 timezone Georgia/USA november 7, 2020. On request from a employee at the vote counting office in Georgia, where they now counts the vote a second time: We saw with clear vision that the real results in Georgia are 73% – Biden, 27% – Trump.
I/Lahealila asked the sea-angels to protect the real results in Georgia and to be at the roof where they count the votes, to protect against “astral alien fake votes cheaters”. So thats why 10 sea-angels now are there standing on the roof.

Alien worlds – Stive Morgan

love/Lahealila, team, sky-army, sea-angels by Värmdö/Stockholm, seawaves-angels by North-sea/Sweden.