Soon peace

publish 13.20 timezone Stockholm

51,72 trillion, 51 720 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours.
74,67 trillion, 74 674 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days.

100% clear vision


Great result all over the globe with prayers and raising up hands!

75,27 millions milliards trillion, 75 270 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 fallen aliens have died on our galaxy the 4 latest days, because of everybody’s prayers/raising up hands.
The whole galaxy are so grateful!
Still it needs prayers/raising up hands for a while.
Please, continue to raise up your hands for the globe.

Dear Lord, please protect the earth and heaven against alien intruders and alien terrorists, dear Lord help us. Amen

Great result even in Colorado Springs/USA! We are so thankful!
2027 alien terrorists have died the 4 latest days, all belonged to the known “alien terrorists” organization M.P.
There of, 550 alien terrorists died because of prayers/raising up hands of people living in Colorado Springs, 527 died because of 3 men from France went astral to Colorado Springs and were raising up hands, 600 alien terrorists died because of I/Lahealila raised up my hands, 300 died because of seawave-angels and sky-army raised up hands a little, 50 died because of extra evil thoughts.
Thank you all so very much for raising up hands in Colorado Springs, but still there are some alien terrorists down in Colorado Springs.
We would be grateful if you please, continue with prayers and raising up hands.

37 alien helicopters have been taking of Sea-God, sky-army, sea-angels, I/Lahealila above Stockholm the latest 4 days. All helicopters took off from Colorado Spring Another 20 alien helicopters were taking already in Colorado Spring.

40 million fallen aliens died when this man raised up his hands in Texas/USA.
Wind turbine, Sweden.

Right now Sweden is building up many wind turbines. Last wrote I that Sweden was biggest in Europe in wind power, but after checking, we can see that Sweden is biggest in the world in wind power, number 2 in the world in wind power is USA.
We hope the whole world will choose wind turbines and solar cells, instead of nuclear power plants, coal power plants and other dangerous energy sources. We hope your country will join us, the living earth soul are with us in this.

Christmas is all around – Billy Mack

Yesterday I did Christmas shopping at Farsta, Stockholm.

Have a really nice day or evening depending on where you are!

love/Lahealila, team, sky-army, sea-angels by Värmdö/Stockholm, seawave-angels by Northsea, Sea-God

Intrusion spaceships

publish 05.41 timezone Stockholm

42,4 trillion, 42 472 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours.
60,2 trillion, 60 246 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days.

100% clear vision


We have shorter days in Sweden now when it’s winter, today 08.42/timezone Stockholm it was sunrise, and sunset already 14.47, only 6 hours daylight.

Wind turbines in Sweden. Right now are Sweden building up many wind turbines. Sweden is biggest in Europe in wind power. We hope that the whole world will choose wind power and solar cells instead of nuclear power plants, coal power plants and other dangerous energy sources. The living Earth soul are with us in this.

We have problem with several incoming spaceships from Messier 32 galaxy. Yesterday took Sea-God, sky-army, sea-angels and I/Lahealila care of 20 spaceships, and today 12 spaceships, onboard on every spaceships were 37-82 aliens.

Dear Lord, please protect the earth and heaven against alien intruders and alien terrorists, dear Lord help us. Amen

Great result all over the world with prayers and raising up hands!

In Colorado Springs/USA died totally 178 alien terrorists the latest 3 1/2 days, they serial-died between 8-27 times. All belonged to the known “alien terrorists” organization M.P.
There of, 47 alien terrorists died because of prayers/raising up hands of people living in Colorado Springs, 57 died because of 2 men from France went astral to Colorado Springs and were raising up hands, 40 died because I/Lahealila raised up my hands, 34 died because of extra evil thoughts,
Thanks you so much everyone for prayers/raising up hands in Colorado Springs, but still there are some alien terrorists down in Colorado Springs/USA.

32 alien helicopters have been taking by Sea-God with sea-angels, sky-army, I/Lahealila above Stockholm, the latest 3 1/2 days. All helicopters took off from Colorado Springs.
We hope you please, will continue to help with prayers and raising up hands.

62,79 millions milliards trillion, 62 790 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 fallen aliens have died on our galaxy the latest 3 1/2 days, because of everybody’s prayers/raising up hands.
We are so thankful that so many people all over the globe are joining this. But still it needs prayers/raising up hands.
Please continue to raise up your hands for the galaxy!

50 million fallen aliens died when this person raised his hands/USA

Christmas (Baby, please come home) – U2


Have a really nice weekend!

Love/Lahealila, team, sky-army, sea-angels, seawave-angels, Sea-God

Helicopter intrusion

publish 04.41 timezone Stockholm

27,8 trillion, 27 854 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours.
42 trillion, 42 047 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days.

100% clear vision


Today around 15.00-01.00 timezone Stockholm, intrusion above Stockholm by not less than 33 helicopters with alien crew. The helicopters took off from Colorado Springs/USA with explosives. Onboard were totally 89 aliens.
The helicopters are not a threat anymore, Sea-God, sky-army, I/Lahealila, seawaves-angels, team took care of it.

I asked Sea-God and sky-army if they could go to Colorado Springs/USA to stop the production of bombs and explosives. They went immediately to a house and a flat in Colorado Springs and took care of 20 alien in a production of bombs and explosives.

We hope that people in Colorado Springs/USA please, could help with raising up your hands several times a day, to stop so no further bomb, explosive production will start again. A new bomb production have already started 00.55/ timezone Stockholm, in Colorado Springs. Sea-God with team will of course stop that one too, but first they must stop a bomb production in heaven by aliens.

20 million fallen aliens died when this person raised up his hands.

Yesterday I felt an explosion vibration from heaven, Sea-God noticed that I reacted quite strongly and checked it up. Sea-God and sky-army could after 3 seconds see that a nuclear bomb, 20 kilo, had explode in heavenly heaven, 0,4 mile from earth.
Sea-God and sky-army went immediately to heaven and could there stop 3/4 of the explosion. No one else than a bird was harmed, they helped the bird which now are healthy again.
Sea-God, sky-army, seawave-angels, team cleared the heaven from radioactivity.
The alien terrorists which had explode the bomb, serial-died 10-15 times, immediately they saw Sea-God and sky-army.

Please, continue to raise up your hands several times a day, the whole galaxy are with us and heaven and earth need protection against alien terrorists.

Dear Lord, please protect the earth and heaven against alien intruders and alien terrorists, dear Lord help us. Amen

487 800 milliard trillion, 487 800 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 fallen aliens have died the latest 3 days, 70 hours, on our galaxy, because of everybody’s prayers. The whole galaxy are so thankful to you all, you are loved.
Still there are dangerous aliens out there, so please continue to raise up your hands.

Happy Xmas (War Is Over) – John Lennon


Have a really nice weekend!

love/Lahealila, team, sky-army, sea-angels, seawave-angels, Sea-God


publish 21.35 timezone Stockholm

1006 717 820 000 visits/very last 24 hours, 7008 722 400 000 vists/very last 7 days

100% clear vision


Have a great halloween!

Halloween is from the beginning a harvest festival. It’s a celebration from Ireland which started already in the 9th century before Christ. Then it was believed that the dead returned to earth, and they lit fires to scare away witches and evil spirits who also ravaged freely this evening.

Thank you all so very much for your prayers, 1050 troublesome, dangerous aliens have died, since last I wrote, only because of your prayers.

In a house in Colorado Springs/USA died 10 alien terrorists during a nuclear bomb production only because of your prayers, it happened wednesday at 09.00 timezone Colorado Springs, 16.00 timezone Stockholm. It was a production of 20 nuclear bombs that became stopped. Thank you a lot for the prayers that achieved that!

The uranium to the production of the nuclear bombs had the terrorists stolen from a keeping in a mountain in the desert/Africa, from nuclear plant waste. More security is required of nuclear plant waste.

A second nuclear bomb production was also stopped only because of your prayers. It was a production in heaven above Stockholm. All 8 alien terrorists died wednesday at 19.00 timezone Stockholm. Thanks a lot for your prayers!

Dear Lord, please protect the earth and heaven against alien terrorists, dear Lord help us. Amen

Spirit of the earth – Stive Morgan

i love


love/Lahealila, team, sky-army, sea-angels by Värmdö/Stockholm, seawaves-angels by Northsea/Sweden

My 1 kilo Halloween candy

prayers are effective

publish 04.51 timezone Stockholm

1006 310 770 000 visits/very last 24 hours, 7008 282 340 000 visits/very last 7 days

100% clear vision


Thank you all so very much for your prayers, 950 troublesome, dangerous aliens have died, since last I wrote, only because of your prayers.

Dear Lord, please protect the earth and heaven against alien terrorists, dear Lord help us. Amen

Sculpture of a real angel. Florence/Italy
The angel saved the sculptor from a lion, the angel himself was then clawed by the lion.

Today/wednesday 14.00 Swedish time came again 4 helicopters above Stockholm, the helicopters took off even this time from Colorado Springs/USA with 16 aliens in the crew from the known organization M.P.

20 people photographed the helicopters above Colorado Springs/USA with visible nuclear bombs,3-4 kilo, under the helicopters. The helicopters were seen by 80 people.

18 people have sent photos of the helicopters to 7 different newsrooms in USA, Canada, London/England, Paris/France, Switzerland, Germany, Ireland.

Now are 14 of the aliens taken by the sky-army, sea-angels by Värmdö/Stockholm, seawaves-angels by Northsea/Sweden, I/Lahealila. We are still working with this…..

Kiss the rain – Yiruma [written by Desmond Child, Eric Bazilian, Billie Myers]


love/Lahealila, team, sky-army, sea-angels by Värmdö/Stockholm, seawaves-angels by Northsea/Sweden

the crows are heroes

publish 15.53 timezone Stockholm

1006 110 300 000 visits/very last 24 hours, 7007 873 290 000 visits/very last 7 days

100% clear vision


a hectic night.….

Tonight came 4 helicopters above Stockholm with 15 aliens in the crew and with 4 nuclear bombs. Another 4 helicopters came 05.00 Swedish time in the late night, with 14 aliens in the crew and also with 4 nuclear bombs. All 29 aliens were from the organization M.P.

All 8 helicopters took off from Colorado Springs/USA with visible nuclear bombs,3-4 kilo, under the helicopters. The helicopters were photographed by 30 people and seen by 67 people above Colorado Springs/USA. All 30 have sent photos of the helicopters to 11 different newsrooms in USA, Canada, London/England, Australia, Switzerland, Denmark, Germany, Dublin/Ireland.

Sky-army, sea-angels by Värmdö/Stockholm took care of the helicopters and 19 of the aliens, I/Lahealila took care of the rest, 10 aliens who got lost in my flat. The aliens will later on be recast on Messier 32 galaxy, where they come from.

You can help with prayers. Thank you all so very much for your prayers, 510 troublesome,dangerous aliens have died, since last I wrote, because of your prayers.

Dear Lord, please protect the earth and heaven against alien terrorists, dear Lord help us. Amen

Colorado Springs,Colorado/USA

Friday last week we heard 7 crows that croaked loudly on my roof, the crows croaked on a spaceship that was anchoring on my roof, on board were 40 aliens.

The cows croaked and croaked and didn’t give up until all aliens were dead!

Thank you so much crows, what would we do without you!

Right now are sky-army, sea-angels by Värmdö/Stockholm, mountain-angels by Neist Point/United Kingdom working with another 4 alien helicopters that came 1,5 hours ago…..puh!

Gladiator – Now we are free – Hans Zimmer and Lisa Gerrard

I couldn’t resist photographing this rose

love/Lahealila, team, sky-army, sea-angels by Värmdö/Stockholm

Rescued by sea-angels

publish 01.24 timezone Stockholm

1005 710 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours, 7007 112 400 000 visits/very last 7 days

100% clear vision


So much has happened …..

Today, wednesday at 16.10 Swedish time took the sea-angels by Värmdö/Stockholm care of 4 helicopters from Colorado Springs/USA, with 15 aliens in the crew. They just looked the aliens in their eyes for a second and they died. This happened above Stockholm.

The helicopters took off earlier today from Colorado Springs/USA with visible nuclear bombs,3-4 kilo, under the helicopters. The crew belonged to the known organization M.P.

This time the helicopters were photographed by 4 people and seen by 7 people. All 4 have sent photos of the helicopters with visible nuclear bombs to 2 different newsrooms in USA and Canada.


Today we happened to talk about Värmdö in Stockholm, and suddenly 5000 sea-angels came from the sea at Värmdö. They remembered me from some visits by the sea at Värmdö. The sea-angels are helping us so much. I’m so grateful, it seems much lighter now.

Now I see the solution for some extra awkward stalkers, the sea-angels told us they use to take them to the sea and drown them until they ends up in their soul-angel. Later on will they of course be recast on their own galaxies, most Messier 32 galaxy and some belongs to andromeda galaxy. This is wonderful news!

“Earlier you could see me write “sea-souls” but now we know they are sea-angels. Sea-angels from Värmdö have very visible angel wings, cause Värmdö is only one mile away from Stockholm city. Sea-angels by Lushan/China are helping us a lot too, but their angel wings are only a little visible, cause China is on the other side of the planet, but at Lushan/China their angel wings are very visible. And it’s the same with mountain-angels and earth-angels. Earth-angels by Brazil (I wrote before “field-souls”) have also helped us a lot, and mountain-angels by Neist Point/United Kingdom too. Thank you all so very much.”

You can help with prayers. Thank you all so very much for your prayers, 210 troublesome,dangerous aliens have died, since last I wrote, because of your prayers.

Dear Lord, please protect the earth and heaven against alien terrorists, dear Lord help us. Amen

Right now there are another 4 helicopters flying around above Stockholm with 14 aliens in the crew. The helicopters took off from Colorado Springs earlier tonight Swedish time, with visible nuclear bombs under the helikopters. A lot of angels, sea-angels by Värmdö/Stockholm, earth-angels by Brazil, mountain-angels by Neist Point/United Kingdom, sky-army and team are working with this now…..

This time were the helicopters photographed by 7 people and seen by 20, 6 of them have sent photos of the helicopters to 4 different newsrooms in USA, Canada, Paris/France, Denmark.

Alpha – Vangelis and Jean Michel Jarre


love/Lahealila, team, sky-army, 11 angels, sea-angels by Värmdö/Stockholm

Rescued by a horse

publish 06.57 timezone Stockholm

1005 087 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours, 7006 200 000 000 visits/very last 7 days

100% clear vision


It happened much lately…..

A white incarnate horse, I met before, came astral to me about 14.00 Swedish time Sunday, he wanted to help cause he felt it soon could be dangerous. After a while saw the horse 4 helicopters with alien crew, taking off from Colorado Springs/USA, heading Stockholm, with visible nuclear bombs,3-4 kilo, under the helicopters. And one missile,10 kilo, in one of the helicopters.

20 aliens were in the crew, belonging to the quite known organisation M.P.

The white horse, angels, sky-army, team, 4000 sea-souls by Lushan/China, 7000 mountain-souls by Neist Point/United Kingdom have now stopped the helicopters. The helicopters didn’t come so far, they were taken already above USA. The whole team have been working very effectively, they are so grate! Thank you all so vey much!

I will tell you, the white horse killed 4 aliens, in one helicopter above USA, just by looking one second into their eyes, thank you so much my hero! My incarnate rabbit Tussilago learned this by watching me and my rabbit showed the horse how to do it the right way. Tussilago is a real killer, his record is 17 dead aliens in 18 minutes. You should see him when he has a show! Thank you so much my hero Tussilago!

This time the helicopters were photographed by 15 people and seen by 27 people. 14 people have sent photos of the helicopters with visible nuclear bombs to 7 different newsrooms in USA, Canada, Paris/France, Malta, Brazil, London/United Kingdom, Denmark,


Right now are 2 helicopters standing on my building/Stockholm, the crew are aliens belonging to the organization M.P. Totally 4 helicopters took off from Colorado Springs/USA earlier tonight, the crew were totally 16 aliens from M.P. The whole team are working with this right now…..

The helicopters were photographed by 40 people and seen by 200 people with visible nuclear bombs under the helicopters. 38 people have sent photos of the helicopters to 8 different newsrooms in USA, London/United Kingdom, Canada, Paris/France, Denmark, Switzerland, Brazil, New Zealand.

You can help with prayers. Thank you all so very much for your prayers, about 180 troublesome,dangerous aliens have died, since last I wrote, because of your prayers.

Dear Lord, please protect the earth and heaven against alien terrorists, dear Lord help us. Amen

7000 mountain-souls by Neist Point,United Kingdom, thank you so much for all help.

Sommaren är kort (The summer is short) – Tomas Ledin


love/Lahealila,team, sky-army, 11 angels

The pouring

publish 03.48 timezone Stockholm

1005 020 500 000 visits/very last 24 hours, 7005 403 000 000 visits/very last 7 days

100% clear vision


7 helicopters with 28 aliens in the crew, were flying above Stockholm tonight.

We discovered the helicopters around 22.00,Swedish time, tonight, flying around above Stockholm. The helicopters took off from Colorado Springs/USA earlier tonight with visible bombs under the helicopters, 4 fragmentation bombs,20 kilo each, 3 nuclear bombs,2-4 kilo. The aliens belonged to the known organization M.P.

The helicopters were photographed above Colorado Springs/USA by 27 people and seen by 101people. All 27 have sent photos of the helicopters with visible bombs to 14 different newsrooms in USA, Canada, Paris/France, London/England.

The helicopters are not a threat anymore, they were taken by sea-souls by Lushan/China, 11 angels, sky-army, team. They been working hard. Thank you all so much!

You can help with prayers. Thank you all so very much for your prayers, about 106 troublesome,dangerous aliens have died, since last I wrote, because of your prayers.

Dear Lord, please protect the earth and heaven against alien terrorists, dear Lord help us. Amen

Colorado Springs,USA

Modern loneliness – Lauv

love/Lahealila, team, sky-army, 11 angels

a sneezing that kills

publish 17.45 timezone Stockholm

[1005 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours, 7005 207 400 000 visits/very last 7 days]

100% clear vision


Yesterday I happened to sneeze, what surprised we became, when 4 aliens which stood astral beside me, serial-died 4-5 times, because of the sneezing. Well, it was a quite heavy sneezing….. The aliens belonged to the terrorist organization M.P. We had a good laugh!

A quite busy night…..

Around 04.00 Swedish time, last night, we discovered 4 helicopters above Stockholm, with visible nuclear bombs,3-4 kilo, under the helicopters. In the crew were totally 14 aliens, belonging to the terrorist organization M.P.

When the helicopters took off from Colorado Springs/USA were they photographed by 20 people and seen by 47 people. 14 of them have sent photos of the helicopters with visible nuclear bombs to 7 different newsrooms in USA, Canada, London/England.

The helicopters are not a threat anymore, sea-souls by Lushan/China, 9 angels, sky-army, team took care of the helicopters and the alien crew.

Colorado Springs,USA

Another 4 helicopters came around 16.30 Swedish time, they also took off from Colorado Springs/USA with visible nuclear bombs,3-4 kilo, under the helicopters. The crew were 16 aliens from the organization M.P.

One person photographed one of the helicopters, he might soon send in photos to a newsroom. 4 people saw the helicopters with visible nuclear bombs.

3 of the helicopters are now taken, the fourth helicopter are the whole team now trying to take, they are now anesthetized the crew.

You can help with prayers. Thank you all so much for your prayers, about 105 troublesome,dangerous aliens have died, since last I wrote, because of your prayers.

Dear Lord, please protect the earth and heaven against alien terrorists, dear Lord help us. Amen

Sea-souls by Lushan,China

Conquest of Paradise – Vangelis

Japanese Cherry tree

Love/Lahealila,team, sky-army, 9 angels

Help from above

publish 06.20 timezone Stockholm

[1004 732 400 000 visits/very last 24 hours, 7004 942 500 000 visits/very last 7 days]

100% clear vision


a hectic night…..

Around 02.00/Swedish time” this night were 4 helicopters flying around above Stockholm, one helicopter still are. The helicopters took off from Colorado Springs/USA with visible nuclear bombs,3-4 kilo, under the helicopters.

The crew were totally 14 aliens from the known organization M.P.

The helicopters were photographed by 14 people and seen by 50 people. 12 of them have sent photos of the helicopters with visible nuclear bombs to 4 different newsrooms in USA and Canada.

3 helicopters were taken by 9 angels, sky-army, team, sea-souls by Lushan/China. They are working hard, thank you all so much!

The last helicopter that was until now flying above Stockholm, are now parked on a roof near my building/Stockholm. 2 in the crew are walking around in my neighbourhood and 2 are in the parked helicopter. A busy night…..

You can help with prayers. Thank you all for your prayers, about 100 troublesome/dangerous aliens have died lately because of your prayers.

Dear Lord, please protect the earth and heaven against alien terrorists, dear Lord help us. Amen

Colorado Springs,USA



Love/Lahealila,team, sky-army, 9 angels

rescued by the crows

publish 06.46 timezone Stockholm

[1000 400 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours, 7000 200 500 000 visits /very last 7 days]

100% clear vision


Last morning between 09.47-09.55/Swedish time” were the crows wild just above my building. 8 crows had seen 14 aliens standing on my building´s roof/Stockholm. The crows croaked angrily at the aliens and didn´t give up until all 14 were dead, that took 8 minutes. We are so grateful!!!

The 14 aliens were standing beside 4 hidden helicopters when the crows cracked at them. The helicopters took off from Colorado Springs/USA with visible nuclear bombs,2-4 kilo,under the helicopters. This time photographed by 4 people and seen by 5 people above Colorado Springs/USA

All 14 aliens in the crow belonged to the known organization M.P.

2 people have sent photos of the helicopters with visible nuclear bombs to 2 different newsrooms.

Around 00.00 last night/Swedish time took sea-souls by Lushan/China, angels, sky-army 4 helicopters with nuclear boms at western Colorado Springs/USA. The helicopters were taken before they took off. All 15 aliens were taken, all of them belonged to the known organization M.P.

You can help with prayers.

Dear Lord, please protect the earth and heaven against alien terrorists, dear Lord help us. Amen

Colorado Springs/USA
Thank you sea-souls by Lushan,China

In the end-Linking Park Ft. Mellen Gi & Tommee Profitt Remix

Thank you crows! We love you!

love/Lahealila,team, sky-army, 9 angels

Heavenly sound

publish 06.46 timezone Stockholm

[1000 200 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours, 7000 001 000 000 visits/very last 7 days]

100% clear vision


Tonight around 23.00 timezone Stockholm, were 4 helicopters flying around in my neighborhood/Stockholm, with nuclear bombs,2-4 kilo, visible under the helicopters.

9 angels, sky-army, 7000 sea-souls by Lushan/China took the 4 helicopters with crew,totally 18 aliens, 14 aliens belonged to the known organization M.P.

When the helicopters took off from, Colorado Springs/USA, were the helicopters photographed by 14 people and seen by 44 people. 7 people have sent photos of the helicopters with visible nuclear bombs to 4 different newsrooms.

Another helicopter took off from Colorado Springs/USA, this time stopped before it entered Stockholm, stopped by sea-souls by Lushan, one angel, 4 from sky-army.

You can help with prayers.

Dear Lord, please protect the earth and heaven against alien terrorists, dear Lord help us. Amen

Colorado Springs,USA

More heavenly music, original panpipe made by 18 angels, that helped a lot against aliens tonight. This beautiful music is written already year 1913 by Daniel Alomia Robles from Peru.

El Condor Pasa – Leo Rojas

Lagoon Paron,Peru

love/Lahealila,team, sky-army, 9 angels

saved again

publish 18.15 timezone Stockholm [1000 022 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours]

100% clear vision


Around 05.00 in the early morning Swedish time, took 4 more helicopters off from Colorado Springs/USA with nuclear bombs, 3-4 kilo, with destination Stockholm. This time photographed by 7 people and seen by 20 people.

The crew were totally 14 alien terrorists, 8 aliens were from the known organization M.P.

Even this time were the helicopters stopped by the sky-army, 8 angels, and also 7000 sea souls by Lushan/China came by to help.

For a while ago, 17.00 Swedish time, were 2 more helicopters taken by the sky-army, 8 angels, sea-souls by Lushan/China, this time before they lifted from Colorado Springs. On bord, 2 nuclear bombs, 4 kilo, 3 kilo.

This time totally 7 alien terrorists on board, 4 from the organization M.P.

You can help with prayers.

Dear Lord, please protect against alien terrorists, dear Lord help us. Amen

Colorado Springs,USA
Garden of the Gods,Colorado Springs,USA

7000 sea-souls by Lushan/China came by and stopped the helicopters, thank you so much!

The sea-souls are from the sea in this photo, they came by the first time I looked at this photo. The photo is authentic, it´s mint green because it was frostily.


Every time I look at you-Kiss

When we play this song the aliens use to love the song, unfortunately they die after about 15-20 seconds…..

love/Lahealila,team,sky-army, 8 angels


publish 19.28 timezone Stockholm [270 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours, 520 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days]

100% clear vision


Dracula has exists in real

His real name was prince Vlad III Dracul, he was born year 1430 in Transylvania, Romania.

Vlad III Dracul´s castle,Transylvania,Romania

He was living as Vlad III Dracul until year 1640, that means, he lived for 210 years, he was a zombie,a walking dead, the last 130 years of his life.

When he died the first time, when he was 80 years old, they had a funeral. 4 weeks later, he told everyone he been away, they must have buried someone else. He had just manage to materialize.

He became known for paving the roads with prisoners of war and prisoners, who had been piled alive on stilts.

Vlad III Dracul was a bloodthirsty vampire

When he became a zombie he became a bloodthirsty vampire too. He drank his servants,gardeners,friends,officers and visitors blood. Daytime they were part of it, but nighttime not.
Daytime he bit them in their arms, often only with a half approval
At night he bit them in the neck, if they woke up, he beat them in the head.
He drank blood cause he didn´t thought he could eat food as a zombie, but of course he could eat.
This will be continued…..

Vlad III Dracul¨s castle,Transylvania,Romania

Help from above!

While I´m writing this I heard several crows croaking loudly, they had seen a helicopter with 6 alien terrorists from the organization M.P. All 6 aliens serial-died of the crows` croaking!
There was also a half-developed missile on board. Thank you so much crows!!!!


Please help with prayers

Dear Lord, help the sky-armies to catch 7 spaceships, that are here now, and protect so no more spacecrafts will come over from Messier 32 galaxy. Amen


Everything I Do-Bryan Adams, live Wembley, London
