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100% clear vision
Dracula has exists in real
His real name was prince Vlad III Dracul, he was born year 1430 in Transylvania, Romania.

He was living as Vlad III Dracul until year 1640, that means, he lived for 210 years, he was a zombie,a walking dead, the last 130 years of his life.
When he died the first time, when he was 80 years old, they had a funeral. 4 weeks later, he told everyone he been away, they must have buried someone else. He had just manage to materialize.
He became known for paving the roads with prisoners of war and prisoners, who had been piled alive on stilts.
Vlad III Dracul was a bloodthirsty vampire
When he became a zombie he became a bloodthirsty vampire too. He drank his servants,gardeners,friends,officers and visitors blood. Daytime they were part of it, but nighttime not.
Daytime he bit them in their arms, often only with a half approval
At night he bit them in the neck, if they woke up, he beat them in the head.
He drank blood cause he didn´t thought he could eat food as a zombie, but of course he could eat.
This will be continued…..

Help from above!
While I´m writing this I heard several crows croaking loudly, they had seen a helicopter with 6 alien terrorists from the organization M.P. All 6 aliens serial-died of the crows` croaking!
There was also a half-developed missile on board. Thank you so much crows!!!!

Please help with prayers
Dear Lord, help the sky-armies to catch 7 spaceships, that are here now, and protect so no more spacecrafts will come over from Messier 32 galaxy. Amen

Everything I Do-Bryan Adams, live Wembley, London