Publish 00.15 time zone Stockholm 100% clear vision 1328 trillion, 1328 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours 1468 trillion, 1468 000 000 000 000 visits/last 7 days. Hello again! Today we had 25 degrees and quite sunny, in Stockholm. Background Under surgery... The female albatross is right now under brain surgery by a skilled lion. She needed one more operation, since she knocked 2 of the baby birds unconscious! The 2 baby birds are rescued and are feeling fine today. The female will after the operation be sedated for 3 days for best effect. At the nest are it 6 baby birds,but soon 12. 6 baby birds are right now knocking themselves out of the eggs! A kind cat and a deer are watches over the baby birds, while the male albatross is collecting food for them, he gives the cat 2 fishes every day too and the deer haulm. This albatross family is the only albatross we have in Sweden. This albatross family have a brown hood. We love the albatross family so much. A grown up albatross has a wingspan of over 3 meters, that's the biggest in the world! 300 000 surrendered spaceships with crew have arrived, the latest 16 days! Amazing! We are so thankful! But still there are a few left, you are all so welcome to the 4 meeting centers in the world, see more further down. At the meeting centers can you meet Sea-Gods and sea-angels from Andromeda galaxy, and lion-angels, angels of lightning and angels. The latest 24 hours came 4,24 million lion-angels from 1200 galaxies, and 15 000 000 000 000 angels of lightning from 402 galaxies, above my building, incredible! They have all come to help us on this galaxy, we are so thankful, we love you all so much! Lion-angels are the highest angels in cosmos. Angels of lightning are very strong, one can carry a whole spaceship.

Sommaren är kort – Tomas Ledin
Everyone is welcome, spaceships too!
Time and Place
Place: Central Park, Manhattan, New York, USA
Ongoing! They run 24 hours!
The whole world is so welcome, Africa too!
What: Firemans and several other people are there and are raising up their hands for you aliens!
Come astral

Time and Place
Place: Wuhan city, China. Located 100 miles down from Peking.
Ongoing! They run 24 hours!
The whole world is welcome! Not only Asia!
What: Several people are there and are raising up there hands for you aliens!
Come astral
It’s just behind the fence…

Time and Place
Place: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Beside the 45 meters big statue.
The whole world is welcome!
What: Several people are there and are raising up their hands for you aliens!
Come astral

Time and Place
Place: Canberra, Australia
Ongoing! They run 24 hours!
The whole world is welcome!
What: Several people are there and are raising up their hands for you aliens!
Come astral
It’s just behind the hills!

Stockholm, photo from July, 2024
Have a nice evening!
Love and peace/ Lahealila, team, sky-army, cobra, lions, angels, angels of lightning, star-angels, lion-angels, Sea-God