publish 15.24 timezone Stockholm
102 trillion, 102 740 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours.
134 trillion, 134 420 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days.
100% clear vision
The other day the virus, covid-19, was spoken to us again.
The virus has a higher meaning.
The first thing the virus does when it gets in touch with a person is to detect the person’s karma.
98,1% of the deaths, worldwide, in covid-19 are aliens.
The totally deaths of covid-19 are 2,31 million, worldwide.
The virus’, covid-19, own words: We want the best for our galaxy and the whole universe, we are working with God.
Our goal is to kill many of the worst aliens.
We are a sort of kind virus with a lot of intelligence.
We go through the body and look after their worst behavior, then we/the virus talk how to act our best, and that depends on how bad the person is.
We wants the best for everyone, the best is if everyone stays where they first became creatures. All creatures have their own galaxies to be on.
Don’t be sad if someone older from our galaxy would passed away, they will continue to live on this galaxy. But if a alien dies in covid-19 will they not wake up in heaven either, because they belong to another galaxy. After a while will they passed away as a smaller energy to their own galaxy.
We must continue our mission. We work hard.
God luck with your own work. We love you for taking time to talk with us/the virus.
Take care now/the virus, covid-19

Please, continue with prayers/raise up hands.
Rivers of Babylon – Boney M

Have a really nice weekend!
love/Lahealila, team, sky-army, sea-angels by Värmdö/Stockholm, seawave-angels by northsea/Sweden, Sea-God