statistics covid-19

publish 13.50 timezone Stockholm

100% clear vision


We still have problems with the alien “terrorist organization” M.P,last night were it still air strikes. Please pray for the terrorists to be exterminated,already have 318 of them died. Thank you so much for all prayers/Lahealila,team.


Please pray for security for everyone on earth and against lightning, air raid. Protection for animals on earth and in heaven, and also for buildings.

On request from the states,statistics covid-19

Covid-19,the alien death

Believe it or not,it´s the truth………..83,41% deaths/USA hit aliens/illegal incarnate.

83999 aliens/incarnate have now died USA,total 100700 deaths/USA covid-19

We got the number with clear vision why the total deaths/USA is higher than the official,96363 because we counted all who died of covid-19 (may 22)



Don´t be angry at China, it´s much less aliens nowadays.

Do you dare to beleive,it´s the truth…96,65% deaths/covid-19,China hit aliens/illegal incarnate.

78 000 aliens have now died/China,total 80700 deaths/China covid-19,that means that only 2700 chinese have died, congratulations!

The great wall China


The deaths of covid-19 hit aliens/incarnate earth are 82,87%

346000 aliens/illegal incarnate” have now died/world,total 417500 deaths/world covid-19

We got the number with clear vision why the total deaths/world is higher than the official,334622 because we counted all who died of covid-19 (may 22)

How it began

It needed a alien to grill the beef to short time

It all started at the animal market in Wuhan/China……….
In nov/dec 2019 were 2 illegally incarnated aliens/andromeda-galaxy working at a food stall, they were grilling meat – so far so good. But after a while it became a long queue, and when they became stressed, the barbecue time/birds became 15-30 minits too short – and that started the outbreak of covid-19/Coronavirus pandemic.

Desireless – Voyage


The virus has spoken

publish 08.02 timezone Stockholm

100% clear vision


The deaths of covid-19  hit aliens/incarnate-earth are 69.33% of the total deaths of covid-19

The virus mission

The coronavirus has spoken to us today,and this is what it said.

The virus feel that quite many don´t belong here.
The virus said, we don´t want them to be here,they belong much further away,they have no belonging here,they are aliens.
We feel who is bad or not, we are kinder to them who is not bad.
Now we must continue with our mission, we work hard.

Yes sure you are, thank you for your time.

199000 aliens have now died of Covid-19  They were illegal incarnate earth “milkyway (may 7)

Covid-19  total deaths world 287017 (may 7)

We got the number with clear vision why the total deaths/world is higher than the official 263997, because we counted all who died of covid-19 (may 7)


We still have problems with a huge number of aliens ………

Please pray for security for everyone on earth and against lightning, air raid. Protection for all animals on earth and in heaven, and also for buildings.

Glenn Frey – You Belong To The City



aliens can`t cope coronavirus

publish 19.25 timezone Stockholm

100% clear vision


Whats happening at Washington……

Photo Washington,yesterday,Trump attack Sweden-how Sweden deal with virus.
Still Sweden have fewer deaths.

Mexio wants the wall now…….
– they dont want illegally virus

The worst pandemic in modern history, but incarnate/aliens earth” have % a huge number more victims. We from this galaxy are of course, several trillions more people incarnate, than people from andromeda galaxy are on our planet, earth, they also incarnate illegal.


Right now, the deaths of covid-19 hit aliens/incarnate-earth are 51,74 % of the total deaths of covid-19/coronavirus, and only 48,26% of the deaths are people from this galaxy.

108 402 aliens have now died of Covid-19, they were illegal incarnate, earth “milkyway, thereof 18 deaths/illegal incarnate earth” from Messier 32 galaxy, 108 384 deaths/iilegal incarnate earth” from andromeda galaxy.

Aliens from andromeda galaxy, don´t cope covid-19, cause they are lower-energy beings.

Covid-19 total deaths/world 209 498.

We got the number with clear vision, why the total deaths/world is higher than the official, its because, we counted all who died of covid-19.

Massgrave,Hart Island,New York, victims covid-19, 5-8 half to full cremated bodies in each box,buried of prisoners from Rikers Island.

24 118 aliens have died in USA of covid-19, illegal incarnation/earth
59,55% of total covid-19 deaths/USA are aliens, died since dec-2019.

Covid-19 total deaths/USA 40 500

We got the number with clear vision, why the total deaths/USA is a little higher than the official, its because, we counted all who died of covid-19 in USA.

Manhattan/New York
New York

927 aliens have died in Sweden of covid-19, illegal incarnation/earth
54,53% of total covid-19 deaths/Sweden are aliens, died since dec-2019.

Covid-19 total deaths/Sweden 1700

We got the number with clear vision, why the total deaths/Sweden is a little higher than the official, its because, we counted all who died of covid-19 in Sweden.


How it began

It all started at the animal market in Wuhan/China……….
In nov/dec 2019 were 2 illegally incarnated aliens/andromeda-galaxy working at a food stall, they were grilling meat – so far so good. But after a while it became a long queue, and when they became stressed, the barbecue time/birds became 15-30 minits too short – and that started the outbreak of covid-19/Coronavirus pandemic.

Janji – Heroes Tonight [feat. Johnning] footage from The Avengers

New York
