publish 08.02 timezone Stockholm [871 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours,2148 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days]
100% clear vision
Stopped terror attack
Now in the morning Swedish time, I/Lahealila suddenly hear a sound of a airplane/helicopter in a song from the radio. I shouted to team, army, 8 angels, we must check if there is a bomb attack going on!
Immediately we see 4 helicopters just taking off with direction toward Stockholm, from Colorado/USA, Mississippi/USA, Sidney/Australia, New Zealand, on board 4 hydrogen bombs, 20 kilo,15 kilo,8 kilo,8 kilo.
We see there are totally 14 alien terrorists on board, 4 bomb experts and 10 from the alien organization M.P, which are quite known in the world.
The terrorists are no longer a threat, the sky-army, the 8 angels, team, have captured them!
Right now are the 8 angels, the army , team, stopping the production of 4 nuclear bombs
You can help with prayers.
Dear Lord, please protect against alien terrorists, dear Lord help us. Amen
House of the rising sun-The Animals
His passionate, suffering voice has sometimes saved us against troublesome aliens. His song has killed about 40 aliens in 20 seconds. I wonder what the singer has to say about that?
Today it´s sunny and 25 degrees in Stockholm,even sunny all week.
Now we/God is with us” have stopped totally 37 nuclear bombs,some of them we/army/God/Lahealila/team stopped during the production. It is the alien “terrorist organization” MP who is behind the bombs.
1807 aliens have now died from the alien “terrorist organization” MP, 20 have reached understanding and retreated.
For some days ago, I/Lahealila discovered the moon in wrong direction,I said to team to check it out!
The moon had moved sharply off it´s orbit. Tell God about it,I said to team,army. God came,and saw together with the army,it was on account off the nuclear bomb,I told you about latest.
I said to God,team,army,you must check out if the sun too have moved off it`s orbit? After awhile they saw,the sun too had moved off it´s orbit.
God made ropes,then army,team,God surrounded the moon,the sun,draw them to right position in their orbit.
The planet,earth soul came by while I´m writing this,and says, thank you Lahealila for discovering this,sun,moon, wants to thank you so much too. I love you Lahealila. And thank so very much,Lahealila,for taking away my heavy headache,coused by a heavy lightning hitting my soul-head,I feel fine again,but I want nuclear bombs,missiles,other bombs, and nuclear power plants to be strongly forbidden! I hope you all listening now,take care of the planet/earth. I love my planet so unbelievable much/living earth soul
Please pray to protect our planet,the sun,the moon,heavenly heaven,our galaxy milkyway with all planets,suns,moons.
On request from a reader,Los Angeles/USA,this blog visits statistics: 3,1 millions visits/last 24 hours, 21,5 millionsvisits/last 7 days. Soon,the aliens who change the numbers in the statistics,will be gone. 83% of the visits are from USA,but 3,65 millions are from the rest of the world. Thank you all for joyning this,thank so much for all your prayers.
Note by june 16, 11.30 timezone Stockholm: Now this blog have 8 millions visits/last 24 hours.
Miami/USAJapanIndiaIndonesiaCanyon,GreeceThe Dark Hedges/IrelandVaradero,CubaMoroccoMaldivesRibblehead viaduct/Ingleton,England,UKGaztelugatxe,SpainStella beach,Hauts de FranceSiberia,RussiaIsle of skye,Scotland,UKAlberta,Banff,CanadaVenice,ItalyPrinces pier,Melbourne/AustraliaCancun,MexicoIranLugu lake/Yunnan,China Rio de Janeiro ,BrazilIraqSteinweg,GermanyTylösand,SwedenCameron,tea plantage,MalaysiaZanzibar,Tanzania,AfricaPhilippinesDubai,United Arab EmiratesVietnamBamboo,Thailand
Music is a peaceful,powerful weapon.
I love this song so much,when we played it in the morning,where 52 aliens nearby,instantly they died.
We still have problems with the alien “terrorist organization” M.P,last night were it still air strikes. Please pray for the terrorists to be exterminated,already have 318 of them died. Thank you so much for all prayers/Lahealila,team.
Please pray for security for everyone on earth and against lightning, air raid. Protection for animals on earth and in heaven, and also for buildings.
On request from the states,statistics covid-19
Covid-19,the alien death
Believe it or not,it´s the truth………..83,41% deaths/USA hit aliens/illegal incarnate.
83999aliens/incarnate have now died USA,total 100700 deaths/USA covid-19
We got the number with clear vision why the total deaths/USA is higher than the official,96363 because we counted all who died of covid-19 (may 22)
Don´t be angry at China, it´s much less aliens nowadays.
Doyoudaretobeleive,it´sthetruth…96,65% deaths/covid-19,China hit aliens/illegal incarnate.
78 000 aliens have now died/China,total 80700 deaths/China covid-19,that means that only 2700 chinese have died, congratulations!
The greatwallChina
The deaths of covid-19 hit aliens/incarnateearth are 82,87%
346000 aliens/illegal incarnate” have now died/world,total 417500 deaths/world covid-19
We got the number with clear vision why the total deaths/world is higher than the official,334622because we counted all who died of covid-19 (may 22)
How it began
It needed a alien to grill the beef to short time
It all started at the animal market in Wuhan/China………. In nov/dec 2019 were 2 illegally incarnated aliens/andromeda-galaxy working at a food stall, they were grilling meat – so far so good. But after a while it became a long queue, and when they became stressed, the barbecue time/birds became 15-30 minits too short – and that started the outbreak of covid-19/Coronavirus pandemic.
I will not tell you where I will not tell you who I will tell you 1,8 million fake votes (I maybe tell you 3,5 years ago) /Lahealila
I tell you My team took 5 aircrafts with missiles,total 24 aliens,it happened yesterday just above my building/area,Stockholm.The aircrafts started from USA,Canada,Australia. Today my team took 9 aircrafts/helicopters with missiles,total 45 aliens,destination the area where I live.The aircrafts/helicopters started from USA,Canada,Australia,Greenland.Both days were the crew from the alien “terrorist organization” M.P I belive they like this blog.
Please pray for security for everyone on earth and against lightning, air raid. Protection for all animals on earth and in heaven, and also for buildings.
close to Stockholm5 times a year aliens use to have exhibition here at Alberta,Canada
Vangelis-Song Of The Seas The dog from the video came by today and wants to say hello to you blog readers, and say also: thank you so much Lahealila/team for helping me the dog and my dog-friend with our problems.