publish 13.25 timezone Stockholm / 8,2 millions visits/very last 24 hours
100% clear vision
The longest day

Today we celebrate midsummer in Sweden,it´s the longest day,sunrise was at night 03.27,and sunset will be at 22.07 tonight. It´s sunny and 26 degrees at Stockholm today.

Please pray to protect our planet,the sun,the moon,heavenly heaven,our galaxy milkyway with all planets,suns,moons/Living earth soul
As I said before,music is a peaceful and very powerful weapon.
When we played this song earlier today,128 aliens nearby died.
I give you the morning-Weeping Willows/swedish group,written by american Tom Paxton
I wish you all a nice midsummer!
love/Lahealila,team,Tussilago,army,living earth soul (he came by while I was writing this)