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For you who missed my last article

Leaves transforms into bees
When the leaves fall off the trees and dies, leaves the leaf-soul/plant-soul to
look for a bee nest,there they become one with a bee egg or a newborn bee.
If it´s cold, will the leaf-souls fly to heavenly heaven to come down again
when it´s warmer,or they winters in a boathouse, fisherman´s hut,shed.
In those fisherman´s huts at Gotland,Sweden leaf-souls use to winters, before
they transforms into bees.

At Messier 32 galaxy they used leaves to transform into half-monkeys/aliens, instead
of trees or bigger plants.

Dover Calais-Freestyle
love/Lahealila,team,army,Tussilago,the Waves by Northsea/Sweden, the Field by Brazil,
mount Robson by Canada, sea-souls by Lushan,China, the Field the ocean the sky by
Netherlands, mountain-soul by Ireland, sea-souls by Neist Point,United Kingdom, God
continuing soon…….