Publish 00.43 timezone Stockholm
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Hello, how you been?
For about 1 year ago when it was 40 degrees or more at some areas in the world, I asked sky-army if people in those areas could take 1 pill of painkillers, containing paracetamol, to lower their body temperature, as they are antipyretic.
Sky-army said, yes it can lower their body temperaure, not a bad idea at all.
I never wrote about it at that time, but now I hear that India has 40 degrees or more, I’ll better write about it, soon maybe other areas as well.
Here are facts about painkillers to lower body temerature, said by sky-army.
If it’s 40 degrees or more in the area, you can lower your body temperature by…
I pill of painkiller, containing 500 mg paracetamol, every 4 hours.
It can lower the body temperature 4-7 degrees.
If it’s 40 degrees or more in the area, can the body temperature be as high as 43-50 degrees.
Good luck!

Beethoven – Silence
Musician – Ernesto Cortazar

Have a nice evening or a nice day, depending where you are located.
Love and peace/Lahealila,team,sky-army,cobra,lions,angels