new threat

publish 19.07 timezone Stockholm [2070.000 000 visits/very last 24 hours,21400.000 000 visits/very last 7 days]

100% clear vision


The alien terrorist organization M.P/USA,Australia,Canada” and 7 spaceship from Messier 32 galaxy, has kept us busy since last. Now only a few of M.P are left.

5 spaceships/with weapon” with 210 aliens/half-monkeys on board have been taken above Stockholm by the sky-armies,the Waves by the Northsea, 4 of the spaceships came directly from Messier 32 galaxy, one had been here for a month.
And 3 helicopters with 8 alien terrorists from organization M.P,with missiles on board, have they also captured since last. They been working hard, thank you all/Lahealila

The threat are still ongoing……

Please pray, dear God help us so all alien terrorists will be disarmed and captured,and that no more spaceships will come from Messier 32 galaxy. Amen


Take me to the ocean/Ta mig till havet-Peter Lundblad

love/Lahealila,team,sky armies,Tussilago,Waves by the Northsea/Sweden