publish 17.47 timezone Stockholm
1011 trillion, 1011 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours
1120 trillion, 1120 500 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days
100% clear vision
Hello, how you been?
I hope you survive in the heat, wherever you are located!
Eat icecream and drink cold drinks, it lowers your body temperature by 4-10 degrees.
The moon was big off course at wednesday June 30, it stuck 7 hours in one crevice of the coast of Mexico and Texas,USA, the cause is the transition to the new era “100% Body and Soul”. But no worry, our close friends star-angels from out of space helped to move the moon, so it didn’t became a Big Bang!
For a while, will the moon sometimes be slightly off course, cause transition to the new era. But no worry, the star-angels from out of space will be there and helps to move the moon.
Do you remember the 3 stars I wrote about for a while ago, star-angels from these stars are helping our moon now and are helping our galaxy in many ways.
Ongoing raise up hands parties for you aliens
Colors of the rainbow – Alexandro Querevalû
Have a really nice day or a really nice evening, depending on where you are located!
love/Lahealila, team, sky-army, sea-angels, seawave-angels, space–asrmy, angels of Lightning, star-angels from out of space