the moon off course

publish 17.47 timezone Stockholm

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100% clear vision

Hello, how you been?

I hope you survive in the heat, wherever you are located!
Eat icecream and drink cold drinks, it lowers your body temperature by 4-10 degrees.


The moon was big off course at wednesday June 30, it stuck 7 hours in one crevice of the coast of Mexico and Texas,USA, the cause is the transition to the new era “100% Body and Soul”. But no worry, our close friends star-angels from out of space helped to move the moon, so it didn’t became a Big Bang!

For a while, will the moon sometimes be slightly off course, cause transition to the new era. But no worry, the star-angels from out of space will be there and helps to move the moon.
Do you remember the 3 stars I wrote about for a while ago, star-angels from these stars are helping our moon now and are helping our galaxy in many ways.

Here at the Gulf coast between Texas and Mexico stuck the moon for 7 hours.
Photo from nov 2020 Malmö,Sweden. Here was the moon also to close to the planet, only 1000 meters away.

Ongoing raise up hands parties for you aliens


Colors of the rainbow – Alexandro Querevalû


Have a really nice day or a really nice evening, depending on where you are located!

love/Lahealila, team, sky-army, sea-angels, seawave-angels, space–asrmy, angels of Lightning, star-angels from out of space