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Have a great halloween!
Halloween is from the beginning a harvest festival. It’s a celebration from Ireland which started already in the 9th century before Christ. Then it was believed that the dead returned to earth, and they lit fires to scare away witches and evil spirits who also ravaged freely this evening.

Thank you all so very much for your prayers, 1050 troublesome, dangerous aliens have died, since last I wrote, only because of your prayers.
In a house in Colorado Springs/USA died 10 alien terrorists during a nuclear bomb production only because of your prayers, it happened wednesday at 09.00 timezone Colorado Springs, 16.00 timezone Stockholm. It was a production of 20 nuclear bombs that became stopped. Thank you a lot for the prayers that achieved that!
The uranium to the production of the nuclear bombs had the terrorists stolen from a keeping in a mountain in the desert/Africa, from nuclear plant waste. More security is required of nuclear plant waste.
A second nuclear bomb production was also stopped only because of your prayers. It was a production in heaven above Stockholm. All 8 alien terrorists died wednesday at 19.00 timezone Stockholm. Thanks a lot for your prayers!
Dear Lord, please protect the earth and heaven against alien terrorists, dear Lord help us. Amen

Spirit of the earth – Stive Morgan
i love

love/Lahealila, team, sky-army, sea-angels by Värmdö/Stockholm, seawaves-angels by Northsea/Sweden