publish 16.12 timezone Stockholm
100% clear vision
The pandemic started by 2 aliens
– but heretofore it killed themselves most
50,62% of covid-19/Coronavirus deaths are aliens from andromeda galaxy, illegally incarnated on this planet/earth.
I guess you understand, we from this galaxy are several trillions more people incarnate, than people from andromeda galaxy are on our planet, earth.
It needed a alien to grill the beef to short time
It all started at the animal market in Wuhan/China……….
In nov/dec 2019 were 2 illegally incarnated aliens/andromeda-galaxy working at a food stall, they were grilling meat – so far so good. But after a while it became a long queue, and when they became stressed, the barbecue time/birds became 15-30 minits too short – and that started the outbreak of covid-19/Coronavirus pandemic.
The 2 alien barbecue assistants became also infected by covid-19 and died dec 27,2019 in each other`s arms, they were found died by 2 of their grown-up children, somewhere in Hong Kong, where they were born. Their 4 grown-up children became also infected by covid-19, their 7 grandchildren too, now they all are dead, they were all aliens/andromeda-galaxy.
Covid-19 total deaths/world 87 000
Covid-19 deaths/world illegal incarnate/earth aliens/andromeda-galaxy 44 041 “milkyway.
Aliens from andromeda galaxy, don´t cope covid-19, cause they are lower-energy beings.

The singer Steven Lee, in the video down below, came down from heaven, while I and team were listening to his music. I´m sorry to say, he died 9 1/2 years ago, he been driving motorbike for nearly 5 days in a row, back home to Switzerland from Lisbon/Portugal, through Munchen, Spain, Paris, when he over-tired crashed on a serpentine-way, into a rockwall.
Steven wants to say hello to his friends in Switzerland, and he also wants to say thanks a lot for being such close friends. And thank you Lahealila for being a new friend, Steven says.

Gotthard – Anytime Anywhere

love/Lahealila with team, skyhorse, Howard, Steven