Publish 01.27 timezone Stockholm 100% clear vision 1287 trillion, 1287 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours. 1428 trillion, 1428 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days. Hello, how are you doing? Today in Stockholm, was it mostly cloudy with a little sun, 21 degrees. Jesus, now a son of the sun! For 10 days ago was Jesus Christ spoken to us again. I couldn't tell you earlier, cause he needed to be deeper into the sun, so people's thoughts wouldn't reach him. Sky-army: Jesus do you want to be a part of the sun, just like Ashtar? Jesus Christ: Oh, I want it so much, it's my highest wish, I been waiting for you to ask me! Much better than hell. You see, I wasn't God's best child, sometimes I was a bad guy. Sky-army: Yes Jesus, we could have asked you earlier, but we didn't have time before, but now have we booked for you! Jesus Christ: Ashtar said, it's the best ever! It's good for the nerves too, and fun and glorious too! This is a also a opportunity for me to talk to the people, I love to talk to the people. Tell Lahealila I want her to write about me again. It was me who said to Lahealila, that she should open up a blog, and write about me sometimes, now has the time come again! Tell Lahealia, I love her so much, and I know she loves me too. Me, Jesus Christ, want to say to the people, be kind and sweet to each other. It's so easy to be kind and it means a lot. Don't rush, everything is coming when you are ready for it. Thank you for all thoughts after the writing "Jesus Christ very last world", it was fun. Now I'm going to be in the sun, and I'm truly happy with that, no regrets, only happiness! Love you all/Jesus Christ Jesus is doing fine in the sun, he is laughing all the time. As a sunbeam, can he see the world. Jesus wanted to be 2 sunbeams, so now can he see even more of the world.

I surrender – Hillsong
Have a nice evening!
Love and peace/ Lahealila, team, sky-army, cobra, lions, angels, angels of lightning, star-angels, lion-angels, star-angels, Sea-God