angel music

publish 04.48 timezone Stockholm [1000 172 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours]

100% clear vision


This evening we talked a little about the panpipe. We saw it was made in heaven in the 16th century by 18 angels, that´s why it sound so heavenly!

One of the 18 angels came by, he told us it took 2 weeks to made it in heaven. He think it´s good to know that it has effect on aliens. We could say that aliens took the heavenly sound of the panpipe to their heart and died. Many of the aliens had reached understanding and will of course get rebirth on messier 32 galaxy or andromeda galaxy.

The heavenly sound comes from the feelings of pure love the angels felt when they made it, the angel says.

The angel that come down from heaven is helping us in many ways, we are so grateful.

Bora-Bora,French Polynesia

The lonely shepherd-David Döring

MOTHER EARTH – Wuauquikuna

love/Lahealila,team, sky-army, 9 angels