Big storm near the sun


Publish 04.35 timezone Stockholm
100% clear vision
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Hello, how you been?

Since my last writing has it been 4 new very big meteorite fallout from the sun, the storrm is very heavy near the sun, depending on the very big storm at the border of our galaxy.

2 hours 45 minutes ago came the biggest meteorite of them all, 2,20 miles × 0,8 miles,height 0,5 miles. The meteorite screamed “Help me, help me”.
Sky-army answered “of course we help you”.
The team had to cleave it in the air in 2 pieces and landed them 0,8 miles apart from each other at Nevada desert,USA. No one was hurt.

The team helped one meteorite down to China, 20 meters near a house where a couple lives, they are still laughing about it. No one was hurt.
The other 3 meteorite down to Nevada desert,USA, one of them landed 20 meters near a litle lake, the meteorite loves the place!

Please, pray that the very big storm at the border of our galaxy will end.

Nevada desert,USA

Frank Sinatra – Killing me sofly


Have a really nice evening or day!

Love/Lahealila, team, sky-army, cobra, angels of lightning, lions, horses

ps. I’m since today free from the kidnappers. Thank you so much for your prayers.

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