7 strengths

publish 01.31 swedish time

clear vision


Andromeda-galaxy riot

Last night it was 54 people/ 42 armed here from andromeda-galaxy, just outside my Lahealilas building located in a near suburb in Stockholm.


Maximilian, a black very helpful dog, went half-way to a sky-police station in the U.S where he medially contacted them. After a while 7 police-strengths came from Ohio/us 2 strengths, Denver/us 2 strengths, Atlanta/us 3 strengths, nearly 50 andromeds they took to sky-police stations/us. Only 6 or 7 andromeds they had to shoot down. Puh! http://milkywaygalaxynews.com/galaxy/andromeda-riot-continues/ http://milkywaygalaxynews.com/galaxy/riot-andromeds/

Thank so very much Maximilian, he got a medal, love/Lahealila, and thank so much Atlanta, Denver and Ohio/sky-police stations.

Andomeda galaxy is a lower-energy galaxy and are forbidden enter upon our galaxy milkyway`s zones and all incarnation is forbidden and unlawfully


If you want to you can help with prayers.

Pray for all safety and that our galaxy milkyway`s zones shall remain close against andromeda galaxy.

´I´ve have discovered something terrible, more about that day after tomorrow!

Alan Parsons Project – Sirius / Eye In The Sky/live in Spain

love peace/Lahealila

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