Angelo – I love you all escpeciell Lahealila. Now I need to cool down for a while says Lahealila. because I recently died of broken heart disease. Arne Waise come bye tonight , we nearly died at the same time. Arne also said you need to cool down for a time now.
Otherwise Angelo has been spion on Lahealilas earlier life love-life. so now he´s jelous at the cashier down at her grocery as he happen to be her former lover when she was incarnate in Ohio/us. And now Angelo is stalking all her previous life and right now when she was a high level singer at a higher galaxy phonix, she´s copywrite and Angelo is very fond of her singing voice and artistry.
Lahealila was created on our galaxy Milkyway, and belong to Milkyway,but she happend to meet the highest on Phonix,and he liked her much and wanted Lahealila to incarnate 1 time on Phonix.
Rolling Stones- Satisfaction/Live in Argentina 1998
Angelo-Lahealila I´m sorry for acting weird and jelous against you but I troly are in love with you