publish 14.29 timezone Stockholm
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100% clear vision
Hello, how you been?
Today it’s sunny and 31 degrees in Stockholm and I had to fight with a bee to have my ice cold lemonade alone.
Ongoing raise up hands parties for you aliens

Late yesterday evening I happened to find this stunning picture, but I felt it was something sad about the deer. The deer felt I was looking at him and came astral to my home.
The deer wondered why I had tear in my eyes. You look amazing, but I feel sadness, I answered. Then we saw he was a human angel which aliens wanted to hide, some aliens took away his memory and gave the angel a deer initiating.
Now he’s happy again.
Lahealila and I/the angel have met before, I felt someone nice peeson was looking at me and wanted to see who it was. I’m so thankful she found me/the deer, says the angel.
For 200 years was the angel a deer.

I just love this song! When I played it the angels were moved to tears, “it’s amazing”, said the angels. It’s written by Evert Taube, he came by from heaven when I played it and said that this is the one I’m most fond of myself, this version is breathtaking!
I Evert Taube wants to say hello to everyone and this is a amazing time for everyone, for other galaxies too. The galaxy you belong to from the beginning loves you and are the galaxy which is the best for you in every ways.
Evert Taube: Så skimrande var aldig havet – Lunds studentsångare
English/So shimmering was never the sea
If you want to buy it ask after paticuarly this version, tell them they can fix it from the music video on my blog.

Have a really nice day or a really nice evening!
love/Lahealila, sky-army, space-army, sea-angels, seawave-angels, angels of Lightning, star-angels from out of space, the deer/the angel