Publish 18.08 timezone Stockholm 100% clear vision 1289 trillion, 1289 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours. 1430 trillion, 1430 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days. Hello, how are you doing? Today in Stockholm, we had 19 degrees and a little sun. Jesus wants to say "a big HELLO" to all blog readers who read my last writing "Jesus is spoken again". Jesus: Hello to everyone again! I'm fine, and I have no regrets of being in the sun! I'm laughing all the time. Through the sunbeam, can I see the world! You shall not have any regrets for me, cause I love being in the sun! Don't look back, try to be in your presence now. Take care. Love you all/Sincerely Jesus Christ In 30 minutes, yesterday came 24 000 lion-angels from 200 galaxies, and 3 000 000 000 000 angels of lightning from 120 galaxies, above my building. This is a new record! We are so thankful! They came to help us on this galaxy, a big part of cosmos is helping us now! Many of these angels will be at the 4 meeting centers in the world, read more about this under the video. 14700 surrendered spaceships with crew have arrived, the latest 20 days! That is much! But still there are some left, you are all so welcome to the 4 meeting centers in the world, see under the video! Sea-Gods from andromeda galaxy will be there too! We think it's fun that the spaceships sometimes read my blog, when they fly lower.

When I need you – Leo Sayer
Everyone is welcome, spaceships too!
Time and Place
Place: Central Park, Manhattan, New York, USA
Ongoing! They run 24 hours!
The whole world is so welcome, Africa too!
What: Firemans and several other people are there and are raising up their hands for you aliens!
Come astral

Time and Place
Place: Wuhan city, China. Located 100 miles down from Peking.
Ongoing! They run 24 hours!
The whole world is welcome! Not only Asia!
What: Several people are there and are raising up there hands for you aliens!
Come astral
It’s just behind the fence…

Time and Place
Place: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Beside the 45 meters big statue.
The whole world is welcome!
What: Several people are there and are raising up their hands for you aliens!
Come astral

Time and Place
Place: Canberra, Australia
Ongoing! They run 24 hours!
The whole world is welcome!
What: Several people are there and are raising up their hands for you aliens!
Come astral
It’s just behind the hills!

I took this photo for some days ago in my neighborhood, Stockholm.
Have a nice weekend!
Love and peace/ Lahealila, team, sky-army, cobra, lions, angels, angels of lightning, star-angels, lion-angels, star-angels, Sea-God