publish 15.00 swedish time
clear vision
Much has happened lately……
Since about 5 days ago we have a fox helping us out from a high level galaxy called Tripoli.
My dead clever rabbit Snowie saw that the copilot at a spaceship from andromeda-galaxy, during the still ongoing andromeda riot, had tail and human-inisiering.

Snowie asked the fox which galaxy he came from? – Tripoli-galaxy, he answered. Snowie – But what on earth are you doing here then? The fox – I was stolen from my home-galaxy tripoli for about 6 weeks ago but I rather be with you Snowie and your Lahealila with company. Snowie – It is fine!
The fox – Can I just walk out from the spaceship and join you, is that possible? Snowie replicates: That you can do immediately, so fun for us that you also want to join us! The fox answered: Im so happy I can be
for that answer cause they from andromeda-galaxy use to beat me often and quite hard.Be prepared for me coming out from the spaceship now, it can be gunfire. Snowie -Just go out I cover you
There was no firing, but the andromeds said:Its our fox, dont steel the fox! Snowie - Its not steeling when the fox wants to join us intead o
f yours and
he`s actually also from tripoli, you stole him!
The andromeds said: okey then, take him, he nearly ever do as we say anyway. Good for the fox then! He never pleased us anyway!
Andomeda galaxy is a lower-energy galaxy and are forbidden enter upon our galaxy milkyway`s zones.

We named the fox to Zirion and he´s glad that me
Lahealila pick up the right
name for
him and is saying that it fit him perfectly, h
e´s very thankful for the giving name.
Zirion is very clairvoyant and are helping us out. Thanks so very much Zirion I`m so thankful for all you already done! Love from Lahealila
And since recently we also have 5 new dogs helping us out. They also say they are pleased with the names Lahealila picked up: Maximilian (often called Maxi), Ozian, Harry, Gideon and Fantomen.
Thanks so very much animals for all help heretofore dogs, Snowie, Monsun (a very helpful bird)Maxwell, Isac, Morgan, Buster, Columbo, Doggie, and cats. A big hug from Lahealila

I´m sorry I´ve to tell you that the andromeda-riot still is ongoing but I hope I tomorrow can tell you different.
If you want to you can help us with prayers.
Pray for all safety and that our galaxy milkyway`s zones shall remain close against andromeda galaxy.
Foreigner – I’ll fight for you
love/Lahealila, Zirion and company