clairvoyant view
very latest news
We still have Claude Stevensen and Bruce/us to support
clarence/former member springsteen e-streetband/full citizens of andromeda galaxy

We recently discovered that Clarence saxofonist/springsteen e-streetband are full member andromeda galaxy with had fake crown/self-made on his head-means hes not archangel/as he lied about. Clarence is level 3,8- 4 exactly right as full member of citizen from andromeda galaxy/same level like
some insects
On this galaxy/milkyway we recently discovered 6 souls murdered by the former member springsteen e-streetband/Clarence as a full-classify rape of a very high wite soul with he sad he did because he earlier only slept with black women.
And by the way he
`s 1,37 m/high/not 1,98 m/high with he temporarily became with stolen DNA/membrane from a earlier member of the band .
We are in shock over what mine Lahealilas cats discover in this presence now; Clarence/former member springsteen e-streetband cold bloody murdered Ernest Carter also former member, just only for afterwards taken his DNA/membrane, he even murdered his soul just as a full-bloody citizens of andromeda galaxy r.i.p.

Mine Lahealilas cats called for Ernest Carters soul-angel and he
s in this presence now flying like a bird to the pussycats paw/hand its a miracle!
`s alive again!!!!!!!
The cold bloody murdered of Ernest Carter was not discovered until this presence now because Clarence hid the body, the murder happened in year 1984 a slight cold winterday in November in LosAngeles by the border by the cost.
Clarence is in this presence now arrested by the sky-jail gards and hes screaming - that
s old so I shouldnt be punished for that. And he
s also saying – damn cats of Lahealila it`s not normal to print so mutch shit at the same time as they discoverer it!
Ernest is so glad so he`s jump down to me Lahealila and say thank you for your webzite and for your deloving cats. Thank you Lahealila so mutch he lauf and say.

Lahealila and her animals, cats, turtle too are now full member of this band.says Bruce , Claude and Ernest.
the song chosen by Ernest
springsteen-tougher than the rest

Pray for all safety and that our galaxy milkyway`s zones shall remain close against andromeda galaxy.
love/Lahealila, Bruce, Ernest, Claude