publish 21.37 timezone Stockholm [165 million visits/very last 24 hours]
100% clear vision
Over 7 million,7.900 000,aliens/half-monkeys have now come above Stockholm to meet the Waves by the Northsea,the Field by Brazil. We help too, team, sky-army,Lahealila,Tussilago,God
All 7,9 millions aliens have reach understanding and have taken the first biggest step,to later on be recast on Messier 32 galaxy or Andromeda galaxy,where they belong. They are all satisfied and have peace in mind,feeling glad.
Canada are coming big,2,1 million aliens have now come above Stockholm,most of them the latest 2 days. For a few seconds was I looking at this picture of mount Robson,the mountain felt that and came. Now are 4700 mountain-souls by mount Robson still here,helping first the canadians,but after that all aliens,they say.

Of total 7,9 million aliens which are coming to be recast on Messier 32 and Andromeda are 3,77 million from USA, 2,1 million Canada, 2,01 million Brazil, 4500 Sweden.

Louis Armstrong came by and wants to say hey to every singly blog readers
What a wonderful world-Louis Armstrong
love/Lahealila,team,Tussilago,the Waves,the Fielld,the mount Robson,God