7,4 milliard spaceships came in peace!

Publish 23.49 time zone Stockholm
100% clear vision
1353 trillion, 1353 500 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours.
1502 trillion, 1502 000 000 000 000 visits/last 7 days.

Hello again!
Today it was a little sun and 5 degrees in Stockholm.

A new unbelievable record! 7,4 milliard spaceships with 320 milliard in the crew come in peace, the latest 14 days!
Hoijasajama is here every day and likes to talk on the blog.
Hoijasajama is the highest Sea-God over Messier 32 galaxy and Andromeda.
Hoijasajama: Hello again everybody! It's so nice to talk to you again. The new record made me fainted twice and cried 2 river. I'm so happy for everybody.  I love every single of them so much! They have taken a big part of my heart. I have a spire by my side to heal me, cause my heart is bleeding for them of love to them. The crew are so friendly to me and are so nice to talk too.
Today we ate kebab-pizza with pepperoni on from Lahealia, it tasted delicious, I fainted 4 times because it tasted so good. 
I hope everyone has had a good start on the new year! I have had a pleasant start of the new year, i'm very pleased with all the spaceships that have come in peace. It's so fun to talk here. 
Right now am I cuddling with the highest squirrel from the picture down below., he's very anxious to tell everyone his story!
Now I had to go back to the spaceships again, the crew are looking after me, they are very anxious to see more of me. See you again soon.
Have a nice weekend/Hoijasajama 

The highest squirrel from the picture wants to tell you blog readers his amazing story, we are so happy for him!
The squirrel: Hello! I'm so very happy nowadays, cause after I was speaking on the blog at New Year's Eve 2 angels flew me to a tree outside Lahealia's balcony. You see I was lonely in the mountains between Norway and Sweden. When I came here Lahealia told us about a another squirrel  she seen in the tree. I meet the squirrel astral first and we fall in love! The squirrel was 5000 meters away, so the angels flew the female squirrel to me, outside Lahealia's  balcony. We were so happy to see each other, we fell in love even deeper! 
Now we live in a small forest, only 350 meters away from Lahealia's balcony, so we visit every day. It so fun to visit there, we get food and cider. 
Now I made my wife pregnant, my children will be born in May! I'm so happy I can bee and my wife too! It was so nice to speak to you all, I felt I wanted to tell you about my happiness, I'm so thankful Lahealia found the picture of me and told us about the other squirrel.
I love you all/The squirrel

The latest 24 hours came 5,2 million lion-angels from 1550 galaxies, and 14 200 000 000 000 angels of lightning from 500 galaxies, above my building, amazing!
They have all come to help us on this galaxy, we are so thankful, we love you all so much!
Lion-angels are the highest angels in cosmos.
Angels of lightning are very strong, one can carry a whole spaceship.

You are all so welcome to the 4 meeting centers in the world, see more further down. At the meeting centers can you meet Sea-Gods and sea-angels from Andromeda galaxy and Messier 32 galaxy, and lion-angels, angels of lightning and angels.

In love…

Continuing from my last writing, Winter Cottage 07

Written by angels

Everyone is welcome, spaceships too!

Time and Place

Place: Central Park, Manhattan, New York, USA

Ongoing! They run 24 hours!

The whole world is so welcome, Africa too!

What: Firemans and several other people are there and are raising up their hands for you aliens!

Come astral

central park,new york,usa,
Right here by the benches in Central Park, Manhattan, New York/USA is the raise up hands party.
milkyway-galaxy-news,USA,new york,
Central Park, Manhattan, New York/USA

Time and Place

Place: Wuhan city, China. Located 100 miles down from Peking.

Ongoing! They run 24 hours!

The whole world is welcome! Not only Asia!

What: Several people are there and are raising up there hands for you aliens!

Come astral

It’s just behind the fence…


Time and Place

Place: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Beside the 45 meters big statue.


The whole world is welcome!

What: Several people are there and are raising up their hands for you aliens!

Come astral

rio de janeiro,brazil,jesus,
Here beside the statue are the raise up hands party, Rio de Janeiro,Brazil.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Time and Place

Place: Canberra, Australia

Ongoing! They run 24 hours!

The whole world is welcome!

What: Several people are there and are raising up their hands for you aliens!

Come astral

It’s just behind the hills!


Canberra, Australia

Åre, Sweden

Have a nice weekend!

Love and peace/ Lahealia, team, sky-army, cobra, lions, angels, angels of lightning, star-angels, lion-angels, Sea-God

Albatross eggs in 2 weeks

Publish 22.21 time zone Stockholm
100% clear vision
1322 trillion, 1322 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours.
1461 trillion, 1461 000 000 000 000  visits/last 7 days.

Hello again!
Today we had 26 degrees and sunny, in Stockholm, the warmest day so far!

The albatross I wrote about last, is such a wonderful couple! In 2 weeks will the female deliver bird eggs! No time to rest! In August the chicks are ready! 
Now are they looking for the perfect spot for their nest, near the 2 lakes in which they usually catch fish. The albatross are so much in love! They come and visits us every day, they love it here in Stockholm!
The albatross are so friendly and talks so nice. We love them much.

121 000 surrendered spaceships with crew have arrived, the latest 14 days! Amazing! We are so thankful! But still there are a few left, you are all so welcome to the 4 meeting centers in the world, see more further down. At the meeting centers can you meet Sea-Gods and sea-angels from Andromeda galaxy, and lion-angels, angels of lightning and angels.

The latest 24 hours came 4,3 million lion-angels from 1207 galaxies, and 16 000 000 000 000 angels of lightning from 400 galaxies, above my building, incredible!
They have all come to help us on this galaxy, we are so thankful, we love you all so much!
Lion-angels are the highest angels in cosmos.
Angels of lightning are very strong, one can carry a whole spaceship.

Father’s love letter

Everyone is welcome, spaceships too!

Time and Place

Place: Central Park, Manhattan, New York, USA

Ongoing! They run 24 hours!

The whole world is so welcome, Africa too!

What: Firemans and several other people are there and are raising up their hands for you aliens!

Come astral

central park,new york,usa,
Right here by the benches in Central Park, Manhattan, New York/USA is the raise up hands party.
milkyway-galaxy-news,USA,new york,
Central Park, Manhattan, New York/USA

Time and Place

Place: Wuhan city, China. Located 100 miles down from Peking.

Ongoing! They run 24 hours!

The whole world is welcome! Not only Asia!

What: Several people are there and are raising up there hands for you aliens!

Come astral

It’s just behind the fence…


Time and Place

Place: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Beside the 45 meters big statue.


The whole world is welcome!

What: Several people are there and are raising up their hands for you aliens!

Come astral

rio de janeiro,brazil,jesus,
Here beside the statue are the raise up hands party, Rio de Janeiro,Brazil.
Rio de Janeiro,Brazil

Time and Place

Place: Canberra, Australia

Ongoing! They run 24 hours!

The whole world is welcome!

What: Several people are there and are raising up their hands for you aliens!

Come astral

It’s just behind the hills!

Canberra, Australia

Photo from May, 2024, Gärdet, Stockholm.

Have a nice evening!

Love and peace/ Lahealila, team, sky-army, cobra, lions, angels, angels of lightning, star-angels, lion-angels, star-angels, Sea-God

Now 2 albatross in Stockholm

Publish 23.21 timezone Stockholm
100% clear vision
1321 trillion, 1321 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours.
1460 trillion, 1460 000 000 000 000 visits/last 7 days.

Hello again!
Today it was sunny and 23 degrees, the summer has come early to Stockholm and nearly all over Sweden!

Yesterday it went off...
The albatross I wrote about on my 2 latest posts, have now been completely healed, one of the wings was broken 11 times.
Yesterday took the albatross at Motala, it first flight in a month, headed to Stockholm! The big bird had to take a brake after 8 miles (it's 26 miles to Stockholm), cause the wing hurt. The angels gave the albatross morphine, and after 1 hour could it fly all the way to Stockholm.
The other albatross came to meet just above the lakes, he use to catch fish in.
The albatrosses are so much in love! We vare so happy for them. The albatrosses have it great in the lovely weather! Today they been fishing together, they both love it here in Stockholm. 
The albatrosses are so kind, we love them so much.
A grown up albatross has a wingspan of over 3 meters, that's the biggest in the world.
Background http://milkywaygalaxynews.com/sky/albatross-in-love/

117 000 surrendered spaceships with crew have arrived, the latest 14 days! Amazing! We are so thankful! But still there are a few left, you are all so welcome to the 4 meeting centers in the world, see more further down. At the meeting centers can you meet Sea-Gods and sea-angels from Andromeda galaxy, and lion-angels, angels of lightning and angels.

The latest 24 hours came 4 million lion-angels from 1204 galaxies, and 16 000 000 000 000 angels of lightning from 400 galaxies, above my building, incredible!
They have all come to help us on this galaxy, we are so thankful, we love you all so much!
Lion-angels are the highest angels in cosmos.
Angels of lightning are very strong, one can carry a whole spaceship.

Dedicated to the 2 deeply in love albatrosses.

The first cut is the deepest – Cat Stevens

Everyone is welcome, spaceships too!

Time and Place

Place: Central Park, Manhattan, New York, USA

Ongoing! They run 24 hours!

The whole world is so welcome, Africa too!

What: Firemans and several other people are there and are raising up their hands for you aliens!

Come astral

central park,new york,usa,
Right here by the benches in Central Park, Manhattan, New York/USA is the raise up hands party.
milkyway-galaxy-news,USA,new york,
Central Park, Manhattan, New York/USA

Time and Place

Place: Wuhan city, China. Located 100 miles down from Peking.

Ongoing! They run 24 hours!

The whole world is welcome! Not only Asia!

What: Several people are there and are raising up there hands for you aliens!

Come astral

It’s just behind the fence…


Time and Place

Place: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Beside the 45 meters big statue.


The whole world is welcome!

What: Several people are there and are raising up their hands for you aliens!

Come astral

rio de janeiro,brazil,jesus,
Here beside the statue are the raise up hands party, Rio de Janeiro,Brazil.
Rio de Janeiro,Brazil

Time and Place

Place: Canberra, Australia

Ongoing! They run 24 hours!

The whole world is welcome!

What: Several people are there and are raising up their hands for you aliens!

Come astral

It’s just behind the hills!

Canberra, Australia

Hälsingland, Sweden

Have a nice evening!

Love and peace/ Lahealila, team, sky-army, cobra, lions, angels, angels of lightning, star-angels, lion-angels, star-angels, Sea-God


Publish 19.06 timezone Stockholm
100% clear vision
1317 trillion, 1317 000 000 000 000  visits/very last 24 hours.
1456 trillion, 1456 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days.

Hello, hope you doing fine?
Today in Stockholm, it was quite sunny and 2 degrees.

For 2 weeks ago, saw we a flying albatross at my courtyard, it's the only one in Stockholm. Their wingspan is seriously long! A grown-up albatross has a wingspan at 3 meter or more. This albatross isn't grown-up yet, so he has 2,78 meters wingspan, but in a year will he have over 3 meter wingspan.
Anyway, this albatross was hungry, so I said to the angels to show him the 2 lakes nearby, which have lots of fish. The albatross is still here, he thinks it's heaven on earth! The fish jumps up from the lakes and says "Take me, I want to be a bird in my next life". The albatross answers "Sure, you gonna be a bird, feed me now". The fish "Thank you, you beautiful bird".The bird eats 13-15 fishes every day, he's so happy.
This albatross has a brown cap, people who see it, guess it's a eagle. The albatross comes to visit us every day, he's so kind! We love him!
All fish that dies can be birds after they died, if they want to.

78 000 surrendered spaceships with crew have arrived, the latest 17 days! Amazing! We are so thankful! But still there are a few left, you are all so welcome to the 4 meeting centers in the world, see more further down. At the meeting centers can you meet Sea-Gods and sea-angels from Andromeda galaxy, and lion-angels, angels of lightning and angels.

The latest 24 hours came 4,3 million lion-angels from 1200 galaxies, and 18 000 000 000 000 angels of lightning from 420 galaxies, above my building, incredible!
They have all come to help us on this galaxy, we are so thankful, we love you all so much!
Lion-angels are the highest angels in cosmos.
Angels of lightning are very strong, one can carry a whole spaceship.

Eagles – Hotel California

Everyone is welcome, spaceships too!

Time and Place

Place: Central Park, Manhattan, New York, USA

Ongoing! They run 24 hours!

The whole world is so welcome, Africa too!

What: Firemans and several other people are there and are raising up their hands for you aliens!

Come astral

central park,new york,usa,
Right here by the benches in Central Park, Manhattan, New York/USA is the raise up hands party.
milkyway-galaxy-news,USA,new york,
Central Park, Manhattan, New York/USA

Time and Place

Place: Wuhan city, China. Located 100 miles down from Peking.

Ongoing! They run 24 hours!

The whole world is welcome! Not only Asia!

What: Several people are there and are raising up there hands for you aliens!

Come astral

It’s just behind the fence…


Time and Place

Place: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Beside the 45 meters big statue.


The whole world is welcome!

What: Several people are there and are raising up their hands for you aliens!

Come astral

rio de janeiro,brazil,jesus,
Here beside the statue are the raise up hands party, Rio de Janeiro,Brazil.
Rio de Janeiro,Brazil

Time and Place

Place: Canberra, Australia

Ongoing! They run 24 hours!

The whole world is welcome!

What: Several people are there and are raising up their hands for you aliens!

Come astral

It’s just behind the hills!

Canberra, Australia

Västerås, Sweden.

Have a nice day!

Love and peace/ Lahealila, team, sky-army, cobra, lions, angels, angels of lightning, star-angels, lion-angels, star-angels, Sea-God

New Year

Publish 22.43 timezone Stockholm
100% clear vision
1247 trillion, 1247 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours.
1343 trillion, 1343 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days.

We wish you all a Happy New Year!

– Hi, I’m the lion speaking from the picture. I just want to wish all blog readers a Happy New Year!
I’ve been a planet before I became a lion. I still remember how it was to be planet, how I looked out in cosmos and saw all stars. It was very fun to be planet, fun too of course to be lion.
I’m helping the angels sometimes, that’s fun! Right now am I incarnated in Kenya, it’s very lovely nature here. It’s very fun to be on this blog! Thank you Lahealila.
Love you all, be kind/ the lion

Just the way you are – Billy Joel

The meeting centers have open under New Year! Everyone is welcome, doesn’t matter where you live!

Time and Place

Place: Central Park,Manhattan,New York,USA

Ongoing! They run 24 hours!

The whole world is so welcome, Africa too!

What: Firemans and several other people are there and are raising up their hands for you aliens!

Come astral

central park,new york,usa,
Right here by the benches in Central Park,Manhattan,New York/USA is the raise up hands party.
milkyway-galaxy-news,USA,new york,
Central Park,Manhattan,New York/USA

Time and Place

Place: Wuhan city,China. Located 100 miles down from Peking.

Ongoing! They run 24 hours!

The whole world is welcome! Not only Asia!

What: Several people are there and are raising up there hands for you aliens!

Come astral

It’s just behind the fence…


Time and Place

Place: Rio de Janeiro,Brazil. Beside the 45 meters big statue.

The whole world is welcome!

What: Several people are there and are raising up their hands for you aliens!

Come astral

rio de janeiro,brazil,jesus,
Here beside the statue are the raise up hands party, Rio de Janeiro,Brazil.
Rio de Janeiro,Brazil

Time and Place

Place: Canberra,Australia

Ongoing! They run 24 hours!
The whole world is welcome!

What: Several people are there and are raising up their hands for you aliens!

Come astral

It’s just behind the hills!

2023,new year,

We wish you a good and peaceful start on the New Year!

Love and peace/ Lahealila, team, sky-army, cobra, lions, angels, angels of lightning, star-angels, lion-angels, star-angels, Sea-God

Black hole in the sea

Publish 18.22 timezone Stockholm
100% clear vision
1243 trillion, 1241 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours.
1339 trillion, 1339 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days.

Dear blog readers, how is it?
We still have lots of snow in Stockholm, it’s -1 degrees.

The night of Friday we happened to talk about black holes in the sea, someone happened to discover a black hole in Baltic Sea. The black hole come into existence for 500 years ago, when a murdered man was thrown overboard.
A year ago, a fishing boat with 4 men onboard, ended up in the black hole.
4 star-angels made their arms 100 meters long, together 400 meters, they stretched their arms into the black hole. The 4 fishermen could now climb up the arms and are now free from the black hole!
The star-angels were talking about spinning the black hole at the other direction to stop the black hole. I was laying in my bed and started to rotate my right hand counterclockwise, after 10 seconds they shouted “you ended the black hole with brilliance!”

The star-angels found another black hole in Baltic Sea, 4 persons started to rotate their arms counterclockwise until the black hole was ended!
Even this black hole erose when a murdered man was thrown overboard, this time for 1000 years ago, no one was in the black hole.

Baltic Sea

Fairytale of New York – The Pogues

Everyone is welcome, spaceships too! At the meeting centers are all the kindest!

Time and Place

Place: Central Park,Manhattan,New York,USA

Ongoing! They run 24 hours!

The whole world is so welcome, Africa too!

What: Firemans and several other people are there and are raising up their hands for you aliens!

Come astral

central park,new york,usa,
Right here by the benches in Central Park,Manhattan,New York/USA is the raise up hands party.
milkyway-galaxy-news,USA,new york,
Central Park,Manhattan,New York/USA

Time and Place

Place: Wuhan city,China. Located 100 miles down from Peking.

Ongoing! They run 24 hours!

The whole world is welcome! Not only Asia!

What: Several people are there and are raising up there hands for you aliens!

Come astral

It’s just behind the fence…


Time and Place

Place: Rio de Janeiro,Brazil. Beside the 45 meters big statue.

The whole world is welcome!

What: Several people are there and are raising up their hands for you aliens!

Come astral

rio de janeiro,brazil,jesus,
Here beside the statue are the raise up hands party, Rio de Janeiro,Brazil.
Rio de Janeiro,Brazil

Time and Place

Place: Canberra,Australia

Ongoing! They run 24 hours!
The whole world is welcome!

What: Several people are there and are raising up their hands for you aliens!

Come astral

It’s just behind the hills!


Have a nice weekend!

Love and peace/ Lahealila, team, sky-army, cobra, lions, angels, angels of lightning, star-angels, lion-angels, star-angels, Sea-God

Welcome home

Publish 02.32 timezone Stockholm
100% clear vision
1220 trillion, 1220 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours
1316 trillion, 1316 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days.

Dear blog readers, how is it?
Today, Saturday, in Stockholm will it be 27 degrees and some rain.

Amazing! Now there are 11500 surrendered spaceships, since the 4 of August. Sea-Gods and sea-angels meets them, they are all the kindest.

Sea-God: Hi, nice to speak to you again! Many surrendered spaceships have arrived, but still there are a few left. I hope all spaceships will arrive as surrendered, nothing to be scare of. I and my gang take you to your galaxy, 2 beautiful galaxies – Andromeda and Messier 32 galaxy.
We are so happy that you want to come home again. WELCOME HOME!
You are all so welcome to the 4 meeting centers in the world, read more about that further down. We feel peace and love for you.
Peace on earth/ Sea-God over Andromeda and Messier 32 galaxy
Come home and I’ll throw the biggest party heaven has ever seen/Luke 15:7

Unbelievable! 6400 stars have slipped out the latest 24 hours, from the big black hole at the south border on Andromeda galaxy. The latest 6 days have also 3 moons slipped out! Stars and moons are so happy they can be.

Golgotha – W.A.S.P.

Photo from June/2022 Stockholm

Time and Place

Place: Central Park,Manhattan,New York,USA

Ongoing! They run 24 hours!

The whole world is so welcome, Africa too!

What: Firemans and several other people are there and are raising up their hands for you aliens!

Come astral

central park,new york,usa,
Right here by the benches in Central Park,Manhattan,New York/USA is the raise up hands party.
milkyway-galaxy-news,USA,new york,
Central Park,Manhattan,New York/USA

Time and Place

Place: Wuhan city,China. Located 100 miles down from Peking.

Ongoing! They run 24 hours!

The whole world is welcome! Not only Asia!

What: Several people are there and are raising up there hands for you aliens!

Come astral

It’s just behind the fence…


Time and Place

Place: Rio de Janeiro,Brazil. Beside the 45 meters big statue.

The whole world is welcome!

What: Several people are there and are raising up their hands for you aliens!

Come astral

rio de janeiro,brazil,jesus,
Here beside the statue are the raise up hands party, Rio de Janeiro,Brazil.
Rio de Janeiro,Brazil

Time and Place

Place: Canberra,Australia

Ongoing! They run 24 hours!
The whole world is welcome!

What: Several people are there and are raising up their hands for you aliens!

Come astral

It’s just behind the hills!

Gratis bilder av Pagod
Peking, China
Gratis bilder av Indiana dunes state park
Indiana Dunes State Park, USA

I wish you all a nice weekend!

Love and peace/ Lahealila, team, sky-army, cobra, lions, angels, angels of lightning, star-angels, lion-angels, star-angels, Sea-God

a friend from the past

Publish 23.32 timezone Stockholm
100% clear vision
1195 trillion, 1195 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours.
1288 trillion, 1288 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days.

Hi there, how you been?

Today in Stockholm we had 18 sunny degrees. In June begins the summer in Sweden.

More and more stars slips out from the big black hole, at the south border on andromeda galaxy!
Unbelievable 120 stars have slipped out the latest 24 hours!
The star really rays of happiness!
Before I wrote it were 100 million stars in this black hole, but now we see it are 200 million stars, 100 million more stars were hidden in a hump!! OMG!

The world is too small sometimes…
Yesterday when I was on a office, I looked at the May cat in a calendar they put on the wall, it was a fine black cat. The cat felt I was looking at him and recogniced me as a close friend, from before he was incarnated. The cat is incarnated in Netherlands.
Me and the cat have been close friends for about 200 years, before we incarnated, been working much together too. The black cat is one of the highest cats in cosmos, he’s very intelligent, now we sometimes work together again.
The cat comes when his mistress and master are at work or are sleeping…


Gymneopedie – Erik Satie

scotland,united kingdom,
Scotland,United Kingdom

Have a nice evening or a nice day, depending where you are located.

Love and peace/Lahealila,team,cobra,lions,angels

a butterfly…

Publish 00.07 timezone Stockholm
100% clear vision
1193 trillion, 1193 500 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours.
1286 trillion, 1286 500 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days.

Hi, how you been?

Today in Stockholm we had 12 degrees and quite sunny.

Wonderefully! The latest 24 hours have 127 stars come out from the big black hole, at the south border on andromeda galaxy. It’s because of the new era!
The stars are so happy!

This lovely butterfly transformed from a fallen leaf to a butterfly, a quite sunny day in Cuba October/2021, the picture is from end of Mars/2022.
This butterfly is saying: I wanted to be white with a little red on, and it seems like I am, that makes me satisfied. I feel I come with peace everywhere I go, it’s so nice to feel that. It’s fun to be a butterfly. I’m glad to be chosen to be on this lovely blog.
I wish everyone peace/The white and red butterfly

Photo from Mars/2022, Cuba

I surrender – Hillsong worship


Have a nice evening or a nice day, depending where you are located.

Love and peace/Lahealila,team,cobra,lions,angels

a rabbit from the sun

Publish 18.26 timezone Stockholm
100% clear vision
1191 trillion,1191 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours.
1286 trillion,1286 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days.

Hello, how you been?

I hope you still have a Happy Easter!

Today in Stockholm we have 16 sunny degrees! Wonderful!

Amazing! This rabbit tranformed from a part of a meteorite from our sun into a rabbit, for 10 months ago, the picture is only 1 week old.
The meteorite came loose from the sun for 200 years ago, afer that has it circulate mostly around the sun, and still are.
For 10 months ago came a little part of the meteorite’s soul loose and fell down to earth, after 2 minutes it transformed to a rabbit!
The rabbit remember it was circulate around the sun, now it feels much better! The rabbit also remember that it was warm on the sun.
The rabbit find it cozy at Värmdö in Stockholm, where it find much to eat, he says.

Photo from April/2022 Värmdö,Stockholm

The latest 24 hours were it so many as 120 stars that came loose from the black hole at the south border on andromeda galaxy! Fantastic!

Louis Armstrong – What a wonderful world, with original spoken intro.

Louis Armstrong came by while I was listening to this video, he wants to wish everybody a really Happy Easter! May peace be with you/Louis


Have a nice weekend!

Love and peace/Lahealila,team,cobra,lions,angels

Light a candle

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/lahealila/

Publish 23.24 timezone Stockholm
100% clear vision
1174 trillions,1174 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours.
1275 trillions,1275 800 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days

Hello, how you been?

Light a candle for peace…


Do you remember the white moose I wrote about for some days ago?
How we finally find out that he in real was a human angel
He had so much pain in his legs, after beeing moose for nearly 5 years, he couldn’t nearly stand up. But now, after healing from angels, sky-army and lions, can he stand up! He’s happy again!
The white moose/the angel have something to say: I wants to speake about the importants of peace in all level right now, it’s the new era, don’t forget that.
Thousands of stars have slipped out from the big black hole at the border on andromeda galaxy, and that means much higher energy in the whole cosmos.
Take care!
Youre dear friend/ex. white moose, human angel.

The white moose/the human angel in real!

Father’s love letter (year 1999)
An intimate message from God to you.


Have a really nice day or evening!

Love and peace/Lahealila, team, sky-army, cobra, angels, lions.

One meteorite more…

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/lahealila/

publish 02.20 timezone Stockholm
100% clear vision
1152 trillion,1152 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours.
1260 trillion,1260 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days.

Hello, hope you doing well!

One meteorite in a week, only one this time, but a very big one 1,2 miles × 0,7 miles.
When the meteorite was 4 miles neaarly above my building to night, it came down astral to my apartment and strared at me. I shouted to sky-army “it’s a meteorite here, help”
Sky-army said to the meteorite “we help you to Nevada desert”
The metoeorite answered “Good I don’t want to hurt her, but I remember her since she been visiting our sun sometimes, thats why I wanted to ask after help here, I know you are many here to help me. Nevads is fine for me, we like when it’s hot”

Sky-army, angels of lightning, lions from China, star-angels, angels helped the meteorite down to Nevada desert, it landed 10 meters near a cottage.
The man who’s living in the cottage only think it’s fun, and will take a walk around the meteorite.

Nevada desert,usa

The butterfly came astral to us and talked. He’s living in Thailand.
Butterfly – I’m a close friend to the frog, I visit him every day. I drink water too when I sit down at the frog, he’s very cute and friendly. It can be very hot here, I need to drink water every hour…

The photo was taken 1 week ago, Thailand

The sound of silence – Wuauquikuna


Have a really nice evening or day!

Love/Lahealila, team, sky-army, angels of lightning, cobra, lions

Vaseline is my friend!

publish 11.40 timezone Stockholm
100% clear vision
1037 trillion, 1037 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours
1154 trillion, 1154 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days

Hello, how you been?

Please, pray that no alien will ever more kill or harm anyone from this galaxy again.

It’s not without reason I put the prayer on top!
While I’m writing I have more or less pain on side of the stomach, it just hurts about 2 seconds each time, but it returns every few minutes.
My team discovered that it are spaceships above my bulding that comes down as several medially miniature spaceships and dock on side of my stomach for a little while, to take energy. The aliens even put a dock-rack on side of my stomach.
A small number of spaceships, say 100, felt like they wanted to visit me, otherwise they tend to stay above USA/60 000 and Canada/30 000.

Why the spaceships came to me?
It depends on A.J, small known in USA, she/he went up astral to a spaceship above Los Angeles and said stuttered: I want you to go to Lahealila and take energy of her, cause she don’t let me have her brain, and she has 24 hours life-guards so I can’t take it, tell all spaceships to go to Lahealila

Me/Lahealila: Yes thats true, my brain is exclusively for me, and yes I have 24 hours life-guards. And the 100 spaceships you only sent into death. Maybe we will ask the spaceship you came with, for aboute 70 years ago, to set you out of order.
How many of you would like that?
You can help by praying.

What did I do…
I did some raise up hands, that killed aliens on 7 spaceships, the spaceships turned red and burned up.
I put vaseline (for humans) on my stomach, where it hurts, that killed all aliens on 43 spaceships, the spaceships were even annihilated.
The rest 50 spaceships took sky-army, star-angels, seawave-angels, sea-angels care of.
The aliens onboard the spaceships cursed A.J name all the time, cause she/he told them to come here.

Good to know, vaseline is highly effective against aliens, thank me for discovering that!
The secret, vaseline is highly alive and when medially miniature spaceships tries to dock on side of my stomach, flyes the vaseline up to the spaceship and look at it for some seconds, that kills the aliens and delete the spaceship totally, yes it did.

It’s not only me, being stalked by spaceships that dock on the stomach or head, it’s all over the world. For example are 267 people, there of 120 babies/children, in Canada daily stalked by spaceships that dock on the stomach, head. In USA 220 people, there of 102 babies/children.

Are you one of them who are stalked by spaceships?
Do your raise up hands and put on vaseline where it hurts. The spaceship are just above your building, so start to pray too.

Area 51, Nevada,USA

How do I know, if a child is a alien?
He/she eats living beetles.
They do it sometimes from 6 month age – 9 years age.
It’s the animal instinct.

Photo from September 8, 2021 Gärdet, Stockholm

Some sunny news…
The higher energy over earth, I wrote about last, has bring new species of butterflies over the whole world.
These 2 fine newborn butterflies, became manifested September 5, 2021, at Gärdet, Stockholm.
The butterflies are only 3 days old at the photo, and these light sky-blue butterflies with purpur, dark violet colored markings are a new species of butterflies on earth!

We also saw that Central Park in New York has new blue species of butterflies, China and Africa have new red butterflies, Japan has new white butterflies with a little pale blue on.
There are new butterflies species all over the world, United Kingdom, Brazil, Hawaii, Canada, China, France, Australia, Germany, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Iran, Italy, South Africa, Denmark, Irac, Norway, Spain, Poland, Finland, Switzerland, Indonesia, Malaysia, Iceland, Arabia, Greece, Turkey, Philippines, Latvia, you name it!

Dream station – Stive Morgan

Area 51, trailer


Have a really nice nice day or a really nice evening!

Love/Lahealila, team, sky-army, sea-angels, seawave-angels, angels of Lightning, space-army, star-angels, cobra

250 spacecraft taken

publish 12.44 timezone Stockholm
1027 trillion, 1027 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours
1142 trillion, 1142 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 day

100% clear vision

Hello, how you been?

Stockholm. The night between tuesday and wednesday, was I on my balcony and did some raise up hands. For 6 seconds was I looking at a spot on heaven, it looked like a transparent coating. Suddenly 4 spaceships began to crash, on board were 250 sleeping aliens.
Angels, star-angels, sky-army and sea-angels took the spaceships before they crashed.
Later came star-angels from another 2 stars, seawave-angels and Cobra to help too.
For 2 nights have we now taken over 250 spaceships at this spot, with totally over 16000 aliens on board. Not bad…

From “Star wars”

He bit me, the cobra, it wasn’t on purpuse, I just gave him a sandwich with cheese and cucumber. The snake was a little eager, it tasted so good last time. I survived, but 40 astral aliens just above, died, cause I was a little shocked, and the finger became, infact, a little swollen. The cobra was just astral, if you remember the cobra from my last writing.
The poison took 4 from sky-army away medially, the poison is only 30% compared to a incarnated cobra.
30 minutes later came a bad astral alien by. I said: Cobra, bit the alien, then we’ll see what happens!
Cobra: Sure
Cobra bit the alien fast and the alien died immediately.
– Ok, then we know.

And right now, I said to team wake me in 5 minutes, if I fall asleep.
The cobra bit me again, cause I fell asleep, and 40 aliens again died, it looked scary, but I survived, again.

Cobra, one in our team.

Serenad – Pachelbel
Orchestra Michael Maxwell
Composer Johann Pachelbel, b. Sept 1653 – d. March 1706

Värmland, Sweden

Have a really nice day or evening!

love/Lahealila,team, sky-army, sea-angels, seawave-angels, angels of Lightning, space-army, star-angels, cobra

Moved to tears

publish 14.29 timezone Stockholm

1014 trillion, 1014 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours
1124 trillion, 1124 500 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days

100% clear vision

Hello, how you been?

Today it’s sunny and 31 degrees in Stockholm and I had to fight with a bee to have my ice cold lemonade alone.

Ongoing raise up hands parties for you aliens

Älvsborg, Sweden

Late yesterday evening I happened to find this stunning picture, but I felt it was something sad about the deer. The deer felt I was looking at him and came astral to my home.
The deer wondered why I had tear in my eyes. You look amazing, but I feel sadness, I answered. Then we saw he was a human angel which aliens wanted to hide, some aliens took away his memory and gave the angel a deer initiating.
Now he’s happy again.
Lahealila and I/the angel have met before, I felt someone nice peeson was looking at me and wanted to see who it was. I’m so thankful she found me/the deer, says the angel.
For 200 years was the angel a deer.

Statue of Evert Taube,Riddarholmen,Stockholm

I just love this song! When I played it the angels were moved to tears, “it’s amazing”, said the angels. It’s written by Evert Taube, he came by from heaven when I played it and said that this is the one I’m most fond of myself, this version is breathtaking!
I Evert Taube wants to say hello to everyone and this is a amazing time for everyone, for other galaxies too. The galaxy you belong to from the beginning loves you and are the galaxy which is the best for you in every ways.

Evert Taube: Så skimrande var aldig havet – Lunds studentsångare
English/So shimmering was never the sea
If you want to buy it ask after paticuarly this version, tell them they can fix it from the music video on my blog.

Londonviadukten in Stockholm

Have a really nice day or a really nice evening!

love/Lahealila, sky-army, space-army, sea-angels, seawave-angels, angels of Lightning, star-angels from out of space, the deer/the angel

Even better

publish 07.29 timezone Sweden

10,7 trillion, 10 787 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours.
21 trillion, 21 045 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days.

100% clear vision


The result is even better than ever! We are so happy that the whole world is joining in this! The whole galaxy is so grateful. You are loved.
451 trillion, 451 000 000 000 000 troublesome, dangerous aliens have died on our galaxy the latest 30 hours, because of everybody’s prayers.
But still it needs more prayers, so please continue to raise up your hand for our galaxy Milkyway.

Dear Lord, please protect the earth and heaven against alien intruders and alien terrorists, dear Lord help us. Amen

Sea-God, sky-army, sea-angels are right now very busy to catch a whole dangerous alien gang. Earlier tonight they catch 8 helicopters with aliens which took off from Colorado Springs/USA, and 7 spaceships from messier 32 galaxy. They are working with this the whole time, I’m helping too.

Kolmården zoo, Sweden

2000 Miles – The Pretenders


Have a really nice weekend!

love/Lahealila, team, sky-army, sea-angels by Värmdö/Stockholm, seawaves-angels by Northsea/Sweden, Sea-God

Raise your hands for milkyway

publish 23.34 timezone Stockholm

5.7 trillion, 5 724 400 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours.
15,2 trillion, 15 231 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days.

100% clear vision


This is even a better result than the incredible result yesterday! It’s 380 milliard better result than yesterday!
1,9 trillion, 1 900 000 000 000 dangerous, troublesome aliens have died on our galaxy the latest 24 hours, since last I wrote, because of everybody’s prayers. We are so pleased with the result, it’s better then we could have imagined! We couldn’t thank you enough! You are loved.
Please continue to raise up your hands for the galaxy!

The aliens are half monkeys and they belongs to 2 half monkeys galaxies, messier 32 galaxy and andromeda galaxy.
100% of those incarnated from the Messier 32 galaxy have human initiation, even though it’s forbidden. If they don’t have human-initiation their monkey tail would be more or less visible, even in the incarnation.

The Sea-God are busy right now, catching some extra dangerous aliens.
He greets, excellent results. I thank you all from my heart. Please continue to raise up your hands, this is very important for the whole galaxy. Take care/Living Sea-God.

Dear Lord, please protect the earth and heaven against alien intruders and alien terrorists, dear Lord help us. Amen

The lion from Kenya I wrote about the other day, was here both yesterday and today too. He’s so good, he comes here astral and raise his paws and prays, he is so adorable. His name is Monte, we love him!

You are everything- Matthew West


Have a really nice evening or a really nice day, depending on where you are located!

love/Lahealila, team, sku-army, sea-angels by Värmdö/Stockholm, seawaves-angels by Northsea, Sea-God

Even more breathtaking

publish 20.03 timezone Stockholm

4,2 trillion, 4 248 200 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours.
13,2 trillion, 13 236 800 000 000 visits/very last 7 days.

100% clear vision


Unbelievable result, 87 milliard, 87 000 000 000 dangerous, troublesome aliens have died on this galaxy the latest 22 hours, because of everybody’s prayers. The whole galaxy are so thankful, you are loved, we do this together with the galaxy. When you pray are God-energy coming down from heaven.
The galaxy wants everybody to please continue with the prayers, you all are so good with the prayers! We can’t thank you enough!

This is a really a wonderful time for our galaxy milkyway, soon we are free.
It’s been really scary, the aliens have murdered about 1,2 milliard people from our galaxy milkyway, totally on earth and in heaven. The aliens have killed these people several times, so they are not alive even in heaven. The aliens are still killing people, but soon will they not be able to kill.

The Sea-God are busy catching alien terrorists in Stockholm and above, but he was here for a moment to say some words.
The Sea-God: I’m so thankful to you all, especially Lahealila. It’s incredible so good you are with the prayers, I’m so surprised, I love it!!!
Take care, and I would be very glad if you please keep going strong with the prayers, it is needed/Living Sea-God

Dear Lord, please protect the earth and heaven against alien intruders and alien terrorists, dear Lord help us. Amen

I must tell you, the lion on the picture came to me while I was publishing this, and he is still here and are now helping against aliens. One alien was hiding astral in my flat, the lion was sniffing on him so he got so scared so he died. The lion likes to help us. The lion is incarnate in Kenya, but is here astral. We love him.

God’s not dead – Newsboys

Lyrics, God’s not dead

Let love explode and bring the dead to life
A love so bold to see a revolution somehow
Let love explode and bring the dead to life
A love so bold to bring a revolution somehow

Now I’m lost in Your freedom
In this world I’ll overcome
My God’s not dead
He’s surely alive
He’s living on the inside
Roaring like a lion

God’s not dead
He’s surely alive
He’s living on the inside
Roaring like a lion
He’s roaring,
He’s roaring,
He’s roaring like a lion

Let hope arise and make the darkness hide
My faith is dead I need resurrection somehow
Now I’m lost in Your freedom
In this world I’ll overcome

My God’s not dead
He’s surely alive
He’s living on the inside
Roaring like a lion

God’s not dead
He’s surely alive
He’s living on the inside
Roaring like a lion
He’s roaring,
He’s roaring,…


Have a wonderful day or a good evening, depending on where you are!

love/Lahealila, team, sky-army, sea-angels by Värmdö/Stockholm, seawaves-angels by Northsea/Sweden, Sea-God


publish 17.33 timezone Stockholm [475 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours,840 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days]

100% clear vision


Latest I wrote that we were going to tell the hell at Romania about “Dracula”,well now we told the hell that “the vampire” is a alien/half-monkey. The guards at the hell are so happy to know that!! Before, they just didn´t know what to do with him Now they have a plan, later on will he be recast on his galaxy Andromeda. Puh!!! the hell says!

Now we help you sloths! (swedish: sengångare)

For a while ago I happened to see a sloth on TV, I said to my team, the animals can´t feel good being so slow, we can help them. After a moment saw we that these animals actually were faster than this for real. We also saw that aliens had sabotaged their brains badly!!!

8 sloth species have aliens turned to super slow, they began in the 17th century. We saw the secret method they used, thats why we can help them now. It can take 6 month-2 years before they gets faster again.

This charming sloth came by when I looked at this picture, he told us his name is Trixie. He´s living in a national park,Costa Rica. He got extra fast help, now he can move much faster.
Trixie is feeling much better now, he is still here and says thank you so much Lahealila,team,sky-army. It was only fun Trixie/we.

Sloth,Costa Rica (Trixie)
Sloth,south America
Sloth,from south Asia,zoo USA

We still have problem with incoming spaceships…..

Please help with prayers.

Dear Lord, help to catch alien terrorists and 10 spaceships that are on our galaxy right now. And protect against any incoming spaceships, help us dear Lord. Amen


Mitt hjärtas fågel-Björn Afzelius & Mikael Wiehe


The bird of my heart/Mitt hjärtas fågel

När du ser mej
När jag finns i dina ögon
När jag vet att jag finns till
När du hör mej
När jag är i dina tankar
När jag kan vara den, jag vill
Då flyger mitt hjärtas fågel
Då stiger den upp mot skyn
Då svävar den över markerna
Och högt över skogens bryn
När du ser mej
När jag finns i dina ögon
Då stiger mitt hjärtas fågel
Upp mot skyn

När du kommer
När du kommer mej till mötes
När jag är den som gör dej glad
När du rör mej
När jag är i dina händer
När jag är den som du vill ha
Då flyger mitt hjärtas fågel
Då stiger den upp mot skyn
Då svävar den över markerna
Och högt över skogens bryn
När du rör mej
När jag är i dina händer
Då stiger mitt hjärtas fågel
Upp mot skyn

Men när du blundar
När du stänger dina ögon
Och när jag inte kommer in
När du tystnar
När du vänder dej ifrån mej
Och när jag inte längre finns
Då kurar mitt hjärtas fågel
På tallens lägsta gren
Med svarta, sorgsna ögon
Och själen tung som sten

Så kom ihåg mej
Kom ihåg att va mej nära
Och låt mej somna på din arm
Och låt mej drömma
Låt mej drömma mina drömmar
Och låt mej vakna i din famn
Då flyger mitt hjärtas fågel
Då stiger den upp mot skyn
Då svävar den över markerna
Och högt över skogens bryn
När jag får drömma
Min dröm och va dej nära
Då stiger mitt hjärtas fågel
Upp mot skyn

love/Lahealila,team,sky-army, 8 angels

half-monkey ship in sight

publish 12.17 timezone Stockholm [9,7 millions visits/very last 24 hours, 69 millions visits/very last 7 days]

100% clear vision

several new notes further down,latest write-up sunday,june 28


The last days its been sunny and 30 degrees in Stockholm

Half-monkeys/half human

The spacecrafts that cames from andromeda galaxy and messier 32 galaxy,I been writing about, are full loaded with half-monkeys,yes you read right! But after a while, with stolen DNA from people/earth, they look like humans,dear God! I will write more about this soon.,

Barbary monkey
the north sea

Believe it or not,but while I this morning was watching the video down below,filmed at the north sea,6 waves,20-52 meters high,with 100-210 wave-souls in each waves,came by from the north sea. The waves asked if we needed help with the half-monkeys/aliens. Yes!!, we answered.

They still are working here in my neigborhood/Stockholm, and together with 1800 soul-field by  the field in this picture from Brazil,which also came by while I happened to look at the picture down below,they/the waves,the brazilian field” have captured 300 half-monkeys/aliens.

Note by time 17.00 timezone Stockholm,June 27: 1500 half-monkeys/aliens have now been captured by waves by the north sea/10 waves are now here working” and the field by Brazil, they still are working!

Note by time 18.35 timezone Stockholm,June 27: 3000 half-monkeys/aliens have now been captured by waves by the north sea/12 waves,2400 wave-souls,are now here working” and the field by Brazil,1800 field-souls, they still are working!

Note by time 20.00 timezone Stockholm,June 27: So many as 50.000,yes 50.000 half-monkeys/aliens have now been captured by the waves by the north sea/12 waves,2400 wave-souls,are now here working” and the field by Brazil,1800 field-souls. Many half-monkeys/aliens are hearing rumors about the waves and the field,and comes now from sky/milkyway,and 7000 from USA,to be recast on andromeda-galaxy,and on messier 32 galaxy,but first the waves,the field,must kill them gently,the aliens like this,they have fun,you know.

Latest write-up, june 28,time 10.35 timezone Stockholm:Believe it,its truth, now have so many half-monkeys/aliens as 520.000,yes “five hundred twenty thousand”come to my residential area,8 meters above,to meet the waves by north sea and the field by Brazil. Now have all 520.000 died and will be recast on andromeda galaxy or at messier 32 galaxy,hallelujah what a night!!!  [24 millions visits/very last 24 hours]

We are amazed! The brazilian field saw the waves capture half-monkeys/aliens, and felt eager to also help!


Old north sea/Gamla nordsjön-Fred Åkerström

Thank you so much,the waves by the north sea and the field by Brazil!

love/Lahealila,team,Tussilago,army,the waves by the north sea,the field by Brazil

new archangel birds in sky

publish 02.19 swedish time

clear vision


We still have 2 priest from sos assisting Lahealila/with company

A couple of days ago one of the priest discovered a bird flying high up in the sky, not on the earth´s heaven but even really higher up in the sky, Maxi (dog) saw that the bird had very high level around 2000-5000 and was an archangel-bird. After that we discovered several birds high up and counted them to around 1000 birds/archangel with extreme high level around 2000-5000.

The new archangel birds are brown and looks nearly like this one but are a little bigger and has about 13,8 cm greater wing width.


After that Maxi saw where the birds came from, and right there it were higher energi than in the rest of heaven, it was level around 70 000 and that is the highest level in heaven over all galaxies/cosmos.

The new birds seems satisfied and are talking a lot to each other, the birds chirp a lot. They are golden brown and have lively eyes.


i love…….

Gazebo – I like chopin


a cool fox from tripoli-galaxy

publish 15.00 swedish time

clear vision


Much has happened lately……

Since about 5 days ago we have a fox helping us out from a high level galaxy called Tripoli.

My dead clever rabbit Snowie saw that the copilot at a spaceship from andromeda-galaxy, during the still ongoing andromeda riot, http://milkywaygalaxynews.com/galaxy/riot-andromeds/ had tail and human-inisiering.

Fox, Sleeping, Resting, Relaxing, Red, Animal, Wild

Snowie asked the fox which galaxy he came from? – Tripoli-galaxy, he answered. Snowie – But what on earth are you doing here then? The fox – I was stolen from my home-galaxy tripoli for about 6 weeks ago but I rather be with you Snowie and your Lahealila with company. Snowie – It is fine!

The fox – Can I just walk out from the spaceship and join you, is that possible? Snowie replicates: That you can do immediately, so fun for us that you also want to join us! The fox answered: Im so happy I can be for that answer cause they from andromeda-galaxy use to beat me often and quite hard.Be prepared for me coming out from the spaceship now, it can be gunfire. Snowie -Just go out I cover you!

There was no firing, but the andromeds said:Its our fox, dont steel the fox! Snowie - Its not steeling when the fox wants to join us intead of yours and he`s actually also from tripoli, you stole him!

The andromeds said: okey then, take him, he nearly ever do as we say anyway. Good for the fox then! He never pleased us anyway!

Andomeda galaxy is a lower-energy galaxy and are forbidden enter upon our galaxy milkyway`s zones.

We named the fox to Zirion and he´s glad that me Lahealila pick up the right name for him and is saying that it fit him perfectly, he´s very thankful for the giving name.

Zirion is very clairvoyant and are helping us out. Thanks so very much Zirion I`m so thankful for all you already done! Love from Lahealila

And since recently we also have 5 new dogs helping us out. They also say they are pleased with the names Lahealila picked up: Maximilian (often called Maxi), Ozian, Harry, Gideon and Fantomen.

Thanks so very much animals for all help heretofore dogs, Snowie, Monsun (a very helpful bird)Maxwell, Isac, Morgan, Buster, Columbo, Doggie, and cats. A big hug from Lahealila

Forest, Mist, Nature, Trees, Mystic, Atmosperic, Fog

I´m sorry I´ve to tell you that the andromeda-riot still is ongoing but I hope I tomorrow can tell you different. http://milkywaygalaxynews.com/galaxy/andromeda-riot-continues/

If you want to you can help us with prayers.

Pray for all safety and that our galaxy milkyway`s zones shall remain close against andromeda galaxy.

Foreigner – I’ll fight for you

love/Lahealila, Zirion and company



Today it`s sun/cloudy and around 26 degrees in Stockholm

White limestone gravel beach at Gotland, a big island in Sweden.

i love Gotland!

You can take the ferry from Nynäshamn outside Stockholm to Gotland/3 hours

Gotland most beatiful in the sky Nasa/2012

White limestone gravel beach at Gotland

have a awesome day!


Next I`v be writing all about the Loch Ness monster/uk

Hell exists

on request……

Hell exists in real and is located almost on the sea floor in several of the major seas.

Många undrar om helvetet existerar i verkligheten, och det gör det verkligen.

Helvetet är nästan beläget på havsbotten i flera av de stora haven, för närvarande finns det 16 helveten utspridda i haven över tättbefolkade områden.

Helvetet är ett fängelse med ett gruvschakt där de som begått grövre brott, tex mord, bankrån, gisslan- drama, kvinnomisshandel, kidnappning, upprepad misshandel, allvarlig mobbing etc, placeras och de straffas ofta med 20 – 80000 piskrapp och får ofta arbeta 20-2700 år i gruvschaktet. De får arbeta hårt i gruvschaktet med piskan hängande över sig.

Det för närvarande längsta straffet 4000 år avtjänas just nu av Hitler i Singapores helvete. Hitler har varit på 3 andra helveten tidigare, men de orkade inte med honom då han var för bråkig. Det tyska helvetet hamnade han först hos, de stod ut i 2 dagar!

Frihetsgudinnan/New York

De som begått de allra värsta brotten bränns ibland på bål i helvetet.

Helvetet som är beläget i havet utanför New York, inte långt från Frihetsgudinnan, är ett av de värsta helveten på jorden, där bränns 2- 4 människor/vecka på bål.


I havet utanför Sidney/Australien är ett helvete beläget som också räknas som ett av de värsta helveten där bränns också 2- 4 människor/vecka på bål.

Och i havet utanför Kuala Lumpur/Malaysia är ett helvete beläget som också räknas som ett av de värsta där bränns 2-6 människor/vecka på bål.

Kuala Lumpur/Malaysia

I helvetet finns det hängbroar och under dessa brinner det ständigt och därför är det varmt i helvetet cirka 42-44 grader varmt.

Efter avtjänat straff i helvetet får några inkarnera som djur tex tjur, ko, schimpans, eller hare, efter 1-4 inkarnationer som djur får de ofta bli människor igen, men några få blir kvar som djur ännu längre om de uppvisar dåligt beteende. milkywaygalaxynews.com


so think about how you act……….

fallen angel

Dio – Holy Diver

have a nice weekend!


a flower became a living mini bear!

a miracle has happened!

I början på maj månad i år så flög det in ett växt väsen/växt energi genom mitt sovrumsfönster när jag låg och sov, den landade på mitt huvud och blev kvar där i en månad, utan att jag märkte det.

Plötsligt i början på juni så började en varelse röra sig på mitt huvud, den var lite större än en mans hand och såg ut som en mini björn. Efter ungefär 3 minuter så började den prata och sa : jag flög in genom fönstret där och blev kvar på ditt huvud för jag trivdes där.

Vi blev häpna! Och såg strax att det var ett växt väsen/växt energi som flygit in genom fönstret, och som för bara 3 1/2 månad sen var en blomma, en krukväxt i någons hem!

Mini björnen har bildat en själ och är halvt inkarnerad, han har förstås päls, men bara klärvoajanta och de med känslig syn kan se honom. Han lever mellan jorden och 2 meter upp i luften, han flyger inte – han springer i luften!

Mini björnen pratar svenska och äter samma mat som jag. Min kanin och mini björnen trivs tillsammans och mini brukar klappa kaninen varje dag.

Ungefär så här ser mini björnen ut…..

And something like this he looked like when he was a flower……..

Och ungefär så här såg mini björnen ut som blomma……

