The last 72 hours have 4 creaps from andromeda galaxy past away and 26 fainted, so thanks for that!
Andomeda galaxy is lower-energy galaxy and are forbidden enter upon our galaxy milkyway`s zones.
Pray for all safety and that our galaxy milkyway`s zones shall remain close against andromeda galaxy.
Bill wannu help Lahealila more so he was asking about some lemon-cockies so he will get more energy for cremating some disturbing creaps. Thanks says Lahealila.
Today we still have support from Billy Idol, Ashton, Jagger.
Yesterday we didn´t finished so now we continues with the cremation of the around 8 female from andromeda with murdered several humanbean and their souls too, and also 2 cats that became sort of jelous with half human-inisiering, course they will rebirth puh it´s never end!
Tonight we have Billy Idol astral here to support from uk.
We gonna be very busy tonight, around 8 forbidden visitors from andromeda galaxy will Billy and Ashton help us to cremate and later on they will rebirth on andromeda galaxy again puh 2 more dogs who had human-inisiering will also be cremate and later on rebirth as only dogs again.
Andomeda galaxy is lower-energy galaxy and are forbidden enter upon our galaxy milkyway`s zones.
Pray for all safety and that our galaxy milkyway`s zones shall remain close against andromeda galaxy.
Angelo- I´m still here at Lahealilas place, I heard rumors that my heart still beating at the hospital were I lay right now, but I´m not at hospital I´m at Lahealilas.
Angelo – I almost had 5 heart disease recently because of my dedicating Iove for Lahealila
Angelo – Right now I´m at Lahealilas and Stefano is here too eating Lahealilas new cooked pasta with mince and basil tomato sauce, rather good stuff. Now Stefano is giving a helping hand with a stalking rather cracy dog who had human-insiering, he will be taking to the cremation and later on he will be a new-born dog. Human-inisiering goes seldom well at dogs, they can fall in love in someone and then get very jealous. R.I.P. doggie
Angelo – I love you all escpeciell Lahealila. Now I need to cool down for a while says Lahealila. because I recently died of broken heart disease. Arne Waise come bye tonight , we nearly died at the same time. Arne also said you need to cool down for a time now.
Otherwise Angelo has been spion on Lahealilas earlier life love-life. so now he´s jelous at the cashier down at her grocery as he happen to be her former lover when she was incarnate in Ohio/us. And now Angelo is stalking all her previous life and right now when she was a high level singer at a higher galaxy phonix, she´s copywrite and Angelo is very fond of her singing voice and artistry.
Lahealila was created on our galaxy Milkyway, and belong to Milkyway,but she happend to meet the highest on Phonix,and he liked her much and wanted Lahealila to incarnate 1 time on Phonix.
Rolling Stones- Satisfaction/Live in Argentina 1998
Angelo-Lahealila I´m sorry for acting weird and jelous against you but I troly are in love with you
Angelo says that he died of broken heart to Lahealila, I died twice on broken heart disease, but I´m feeling rather well now that Lahealila said that we can meet in her other ongoing life in the paralellel life on the high sphere where Lahealila is 16 years old. There could Angelo matriculate himself with his body. One of Angelo 22 years old doughter is here but she doesn´t support Angelo with his thoughts about start living in the parallel life.
Last night my cat was calling after sankt Claus soul-angel and after a while it came to my cats paw. Sankt Claus was cold bloody murdered for about 720 years ago by a alien from messier 32 galaxy, which also stole his identity and thats why we didn´t discovered it until recently. Sankte Claus was at that time the highest soul in our galaxy milkyway, today he´s the second highest soul at milkyway.
He is very happy to be alive and say very much thank you to everyone that belived that his soul-angel could return. He says he was flying around as a bird in his soul-angel and didn´t notice that several hundred years passing by. Since he didn´t notice any at all resistance he flow kwicker and higher up in the atmosphere where he could see many stars in the sky and there he was almost all time while time was passing by.
Suddenly he hear a male voice calling his name, sankt Claus are you there, several times, he came closer to the voice and sat down at his paw and then he saw it was a male head with a cat body. The cat start talking – is it really sankt Claus and he responses and say -Yes its really is, and the cat says – we are so thankful that you could find me/us.
Andomeda galaxy is lower-energy galaxy and are forbidden enter upon our galaxy milkyway`s zones.
Folk continue with prayers it’s given result.
Pray for all safety and that our galaxy milkyway`s zones shall remain close against andromeda galaxy.
In the morning was Ashton Kutcher here to help with a 47 years old androgyn/maskulin/andromeda who been matrliserat for a decade and earlier with stolen DNA/membrane, he also murdered 5 human bean and their souls. Ashton and Nikki Sixx from Motley crue took andromeda zitizen to sky-jail above New York/us there he`s located in this presence now.
Pray for all safety and that our galaxy milkyway`s zones shall remain close against andromeda galaxy.
Prayers are so effectelly, citizen from andromeda galaxy actually dies or faiting when we pray, 4 citizen recently died because of you peoples prayers and 27 faitened last 20 hours
Mick Jaggers ded ex-girlfriend Scott came visit Mick Jagger and Bruce while they were here astralt talking to mine Lahealilas cat. Suddenly she start acting weird and kittemiss says she`s from Andromeda galaxy and she has killed 4 people. So Mick and Bruce are in this presens now taking her to sky-jail above us for investigation.
Folks continue with prayers.
Pray for all safety and that our galaxy milkyway`s zones shall remain close against andromeda galaxy.
Pray for all safety and that our galaxy milkyway`s zones shall remain close against andromeda galaxy.
Folk continue with prayers it`s given result.
Andomeda galaxy is lower-energy galaxy and are forbidden enter upon our galaxy milkyway`s zones.
Thats why prayers are so effectelly, citizen from andromeda galaxy actually dies or faiting when we pray, 4 citizen recently died because of you peoples prayers and 20 faitened last 20 hours
Thanks very much for prayers!
legendary performance by Gary Barlow and Agnetha Fältskog’s at Children In Need Rocks
Right now one of my cats and minibear located spacecraft with about 10 crewmen on bord, before I asked them to lock after if that man I felt looking at me from across the other house wasn`t from a spaceship. The animals anesthetized the crew immediately and are now boarding the spaceship with Mali, Tomas and Jonny from a facebook-group to take back stolen body-parts for example.
So continu with prayers, the 4 latest hours has 2 citizen from andromeda galaxy passed away and 5 fainted because of you folks prayers.
Pray for all safety and that our galaxy milkyway`s zones shall remain close against andromeda galaxy.
Very soon in precens now my pussicat and minibear will report about spaceship to sky-police-station.
Thats was all for now so good night or good afternoon depending on where you are located.
Andomeda galaxy is lower-energy galaxy and are forbidden enter upon our galaxy milkyway`s zones.
Thats why prayers are so effectelly, citizen from andromeda galaxy actually dies or faiting when we pray, 4 citizen recently died because of you peoples prayers and 26 faitened last 24 hours.
So thanks a lot for prayers.
Pray for all safety and that our galaxy milkyway`s zones shall remain close against andromeda galaxy.
We still have Claude Stevensen and Bruce/us to support
clarence/former member springsteen e-streetband/full citizens of andromeda galaxy
We recently discovered that Clarence saxofonist/springsteen e-streetband are full member andromeda galaxy with had fake crown/self-made on his head-means hes not archangel/as he lied about. Clarence is level 3,8- 4 exactly right as full member of citizen from andromeda galaxy/same level like some insectsonmilkyway.
On this galaxy/milkyway we recently discovered 6 souls murdered by the former member springsteen e-streetband/Clarence as a full-classify rape of a very high wite soul with he sad he did because he earlier only slept with black women.
And by the way he`s 1,37 m/high/not 1,98 m/high with he temporarily became with stolen DNA/membrane from a earlier member of the band .
We are in shock over what mine Lahealilas cats discover in this presence now; Clarence/former member springsteen e-streetband cold bloody murdered Ernest Carter also former member, just only for afterwards taken his DNA/membrane, he even murdered his soul just as a full-bloody citizens of andromeda galaxy r.i.p.
ernest carter/former member/springsteen e-streetband
Mine Lahealilas cats called for Ernest Carters soul-angel and hes in this presence now flying like a bird to the pussycats paw/hand its a miracle!He`s alive again!!!!!!!
The cold bloody murdered of Ernest Carter was not discovered until this presence now because Clarence hid the body, the murder happened in year 1984 a slight cold winterday in November in LosAngeles by the border by the cost.
Clarence is in this presence now arrested by the sky-jail gards and hes screaming - thats old so I shouldnt be punished for that. And hes also saying – damn cats of Lahealila it`s not normal to print so mutch shit at the same time as they discoverer it!
Ernest is so glad so he`s jump down to me Lahealila and say thank you for your webzite and for your deloving cats. Thank you Lahealila so mutch he lauf and say.
springsteen e-streetband
Lahealila and her animals, cats, turtle too are now full member of this band.says Bruce , Claude and Ernest.
the song chosen by Ernest
springsteen-tougher than the rest
Pray for all safety and that our galaxy milkyway`s zones shall remain close against andromeda galaxy.
intrusion at sky-jail by citizens from andromeda galaxy
Intrusion by 4 citizens from andromeda galaxy at sky-jail with 6 hostage.
6 guards became locked in a cell, but one of my cats with half human-inisiering and mini-bear rescued them and anesthetized the 4 citizens from andromeda galaxy and placed instead them in a cell, where they still are right now and vaiting at arrest warrant. Its 4th time in 2 weeks its happen.
Nice working mini-bear and pussycat!
Now today we have Claud Stevensen/us to support.
Pray for all safety and that our galaxy milkyway`s zones shall remain close against andromeda galaxy.
Andomeda galaxy is lower-energy galaxy and are forbidden enter upon our galaxy milkyway`s zones.
Thats why prayers are so effectelly, alien from andromeda galaxy actually dies or faiting when we pray, 4 alien recently died because of you people`s prayers and 24 faitened.
Thanks for helping out with prayers it`s so effectelly!
Pray for our galaxy milkyway`s zones shall remain close against andromeda galaxy.
My 2 cats called for Lucifer`s soul-angel and he came and is feeling very well. He just been eaten chicken-pasta I boiled.
Then my cats called for sankt Peter`ssoul-angel and he also came and is feeling rather well, he`s eating pasta now.
Adam, Petter and Malì is here astral from their facebook-group/us and are here to support this.
First they have been cold bloody murdered and then also stolen of their identity, Lucifer was murdered for 740 years ago and sankt Peter was cold bloody murdered for 404 years ago by “neandertals” from andromeda galaxy.
sankt Peter
Lord Lucifer and sankt Peter never understood that they were ded, they flew around as birds with their soul-angel, the soul-angel locks like a brown bird.
Lord Lucifer is 8th highest soul in our galaxy and sankt Peter is the 3d highest soul. They are exciting to be back and so very happy to be found alive!
They are very thankful to my deloved cats, and want to say a very big thank you to them who belived that they could return from the ded.
Big thanks to deloved Lahealila they say unisont.
Pray for our galaxy milkyway`s zones shall remain close against andromeda galaxy.
8 days ago 2 policemen were cold bloody murdered at the sky-police station above Stockholm, their soul lay murdered outside the body, the 2 murderer from andromeda galaxy lay still and breathed heavily when my cat and mini-bear happens to come by.
My cat and mini-bear have half human-inisiering, and they anesthetized the killers, and collect the murdered soul back to the policemen, suddenly they started to breath again!
Thanks I love you both!
The 2 murderer from andromeda galaxy are arrested.
Andomeda galaxy is a lower-energy galaxy and are forbidden enter upon our galaxy milkyway`s zones and all incarnation is forbidden and unlawfully
Now we need prayers so no one more gets murdered.
Pray for our galaxy milkyway`s zones shall remain close against andromeda galaxy.
Pray for our galaxy milkyway`s zones shall remain close against andromeda galaxy
It have recently come to my knowledge that several very high souls in our sky has been killed by aliens from messier 32 galaxy. Among them Mother Maria, Ashtar, sankt Peter, sankt Pier, archangel Michael, sankt Claus, Lucifer, Mauritz.
First they have been cold bloody murdered and then also stolen of their identity, we recently discowered this. The killing has been from 400 years ago to 865 years ago but we didn`t discovered it until now because of their stolen identity.
The cold bloody killers are now in hell and some in sky-jail.
Pray for all safety and that our galaxy milkyway`s zones shall remain close against aliens.
The Loch Ness devil/uk Nessie has killed 129 people
The latest victim was killed/eaten alive 8 days ago, a 44 years old manly tourist from Shanghai/China, it happened just close to Urqhart casle in Drumnadrochit/Scotland/uk beside lake Loch Ness.
The Loch Ness monster/Nessie has its residence just down below the Urqhart casle in Drumnadrochit/Scotland/uk at lake Loch Ness, where 85 people has been eaten alive by Nessie, but it has killed total 129 people including 8 whole strollers with babies around the entire lake, the stroller it use to cough up some days later.
Sometimes the Loch Ness monster going up ashore on its fins, it can breathe both underwater and on land.
Once it was going up on his fins around 80 meters right up to the Urqhart casle, where a couple alone were visiting, they were swallowed at the same time by the Loch Ness devil in the 70s.
Urqhart casle in Drumnadrochit/Scotland/uk ,lake Loch Ness
The Loch Ness monster is 1860 years old and 16,8 meters long and the gap is around 8 meters high/14 meters wide. It has no teeth.
The first victim was killed by Nessie in1617, but he kicked and screamed so much inside the Loch Ness monsters stomach so the monster was discouraged, therefore it killed fewer until 1838.
The Loch Ness devil killed 125 people between 1838-2019, total it has killed 129 people.
Loch Ness
The Loch Ness devil eats besides people also rabbits, hares, swans and other seabirds, rats, hedgehogs and still sitting birds.
Loch Ness monster is a pike
Nessie/The Loch Ness monster is a enormous huge pike, from the beginning a normal sized pike who never ending growing. It`s 16,8 meters long and 1860 years old.
Pikes never ending growing during lifetime but normally they dies earlier or gets up-fished.
PIKE/photo wikipedia
The Loch Ness monster can be caught by harpoon, but it don`t kill it, and then knitted deep into the body with swords and bayonets then after 4-24 hours it will eventually die. Later it will end up in a museum.
There are 6 known “Loch Ness monsters” round the world which are pike monsters for example in Australia, Manhattan/NY/us, New Zealand, Siberia/Russia, Denmark, Bergen/Norway.
Hell exists in real and is located almost on the sea floor in several of the major seas.
Många undrar om helvetet existerar i verkligheten, och det gör det verkligen.
Helvetet är nästan beläget på havsbotten i flera av de stora haven, för närvarande finns det 16 helveten utspridda i haven över tättbefolkade områden.
Helvetet är ett fängelse med ett gruvschakt där de som begått grövre brott, tex mord, bankrån, gisslan- drama, kvinnomisshandel, kidnappning, upprepad misshandel, allvarlig mobbing etc, placeras och de straffas ofta med 20 – 80000 piskrapp och får ofta arbeta 20-2700 år i gruvschaktet. De får arbeta hårt i gruvschaktet med piskan hängande över sig.
Det för närvarande längsta straffet 4000 år avtjänas just nu av Hitler i Singapores helvete. Hitler har varit på 3 andra helveten tidigare, men de orkade inte med honom då han var för bråkig. Det tyska helvetet hamnade han först hos, de stod ut i 2 dagar!
Frihetsgudinnan/New York
De som begått de allra värsta brotten bränns ibland på bål i helvetet.
Helvetet som är beläget i havet utanför New York, inte långt från Frihetsgudinnan, är ett av de värsta helveten på jorden, där bränns 2- 4 människor/vecka på bål.
I havet utanför Sidney/Australien är ett helvete beläget som också räknas som ett av de värsta helveten där bränns också 2- 4 människor/vecka på bål.
Och i havet utanför Kuala Lumpur/Malaysia är ett helvete beläget som också räknas som ett av de värsta där bränns 2-6 människor/vecka på bål.
Kuala Lumpur/Malaysia
I helvetet finns det hängbroar och under dessa brinner det ständigt och därför är det varmt i helvetet cirka 42-44 grader varmt.
Efter avtjänat straff i helvetet får några inkarnera som djur tex tjur, ko, schimpans, eller hare, efter 1-4 inkarnationer som djur får de ofta bli människor igen, men några få blir kvar som djur ännu längre om de uppvisar dåligt beteende.
Närträd, buskar, växterdörsåflygerväxtenergisjälenutochbliroftastkvarpåjorden7-30dagarinnandenlyftsuppavdenuniversellaenergin till den delen av himlen där nya människor och djur manifesteras.
Större växt energi-själarsom träd/buskar eller störreväxter (tex solroserhögreän1,70m) kan manifesteras till människor eller större djurarter som elefanter, gaseller, lejon, giraffer, kameler, valar, delfiner, hästar, hjortar, älgar,störrehundraser tex.
Mindre växt energi-själar som blommor, enstaka vasstrån, större grässtrån, ogräs, manifesteras ofta som mindre djurarter som möss, råttor, hamstrar, marsvin, kaniner tex
Mellanstora växt energi-själar som tomatplantor,vindruvsrankor, krukväxter, större växter, större ogräs tex manifesteras ofta som katter, små-mellanstorahundraser, harar, skunkar, grävlingar, igelkottar, bävrar, kaniner (mindre eller mellanstora växt energi-själar)
Enormt stora energi-själar som planeter, dvärg planeter, månar, stjärnor dvs solar manifesteras ibland efter att de dött till människor eller åter till himlakroppar.
Bara en gång har en sol manifesterats till människa i kosmos och cirka 211 gånger har planeter eller månar manifesterats till människor i kosmos (alla galaxer).
Last night I got real scared, we had bad thunderstorm but now it has lightned up and the sun shines again! We will have around 23° in Stockholm today, now in the morning 20° and sun/cloudy.
As a child I often had lots of fun during summertime at Tylösand/Halmstad/Sweden, the beach is shallow and 4,5 km long!
Some swedish music ……..
Never again – Tomas Ledin and Agnetha Fältskog (abba)
Sometimes I take the ferry from Slussen to Fjäderholmarna in Stockholms archipelago.
It`s very hot in Stockholm these days, today over 32° and sunny!
I shot at Värmdö
I`m often at Värmdö outside Stockholm in the summertime, with over 60 beaches to choose from, if you pick a small beach you can almost be there by yourself……