publish 11.37 swedish time
clear vision
Your prayers have given results……..
About 108 people, formerly incarnated at andromeda-galaxy, died 2 days ago about 88 meters just above my/Lahealilas building, and thereof went about 60 souls in 2 pieces and about 28 serial-died 2-11 times.
All of this happened because of one man´s prayer wich we saw coming from LA/us just at the time, he was praying strongly under about 5 minutes “I want you bastards to go to hell, or all you bastards can die” he repeated several times. So your prayers is really giving big results, thank you so much and especially a big “thank you” to the man from LA/us who all by himself killed 108 bastards from andromeda-galaxy.
Andromeda galaxy is a lower-energy galaxy and they are forbidden enter upon our galaxy milkyway`s zones and all incarnation is forbidden and unlawfully

Since a couple of days 2 priest are assisting my Lahealilas team. It happens that way the other night that we needed extra assisting because of a few from andromeda-galaxy, so me Lahealila called sos and said that I wanted to talk to on duty priest. During the ongoing conversation, Maxi (a dog) contacted the priest medially and asked if he wanted Maxi to pic him up astrally so he could help to remove those who came from andromeda?
The priest wanted that and said that his priest-friend surely wants to help too. So thats why we currently have 2 priest helping us out, thanks so very much to you both! By the way it was the first priest who saw that the prayer wich killed 108 bastards, came from one man/LA/us.

Pray for all safety and that our galaxy milkyway`s zones shall remain close against andromeda galaxy

Alphaville – Forever Young/dance version

Coming up tomorrow: All about/ Mine Lahealilas team currently with priest, have just discovered something new highly amazing in the sky.
Coming up nextnext 250 people was murdered on earth/Tellus of one incarnated serial killer from andromeda-galaxy who was unlawfully incarnated on earth/Tellus.