publish 13.02 timezone Stockholm, 06.02 timezone Alabama,USA
1020 770 250 000 visits/very last 24 hours, 7042 007 750 000 visits/very last 7 days
100% clear vision
Hello, how are you doing?
On request from Alabama/USA head office voting center, the total results with clear vision, all states and Alabama’s results.
The total results all states/USA: 88% – Biden, 12% – Trump.
The results Alabama/USA: 78% – Biden, 22% – Trump.
New note 12.55 timezone Alabama/USA, november 9,2020: Right now are there 10 alien intruders inside Alabama/USA head office voting center, they are now being strangled by the sea-angels….. Yesterday were 10 other alien intruders also strangled by the sea-angels at Alabama’s head office voting center.

My Way – Frank Sinatra

Have a wonderful day!
love/Lahealila, team, sky-army, sea-angels by Värmdö/Stockholm, seawaves-angels by Northsea/Sweden