publish 19.35 timezone Stockholm [710 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours,1970 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days]
100% clear vision
Yesterday and today we had astral visits of 2 white kings of the forest, 2 white moose, and they are not albino, their eyes are blue-brown. Totally 3 white moose are found in Sweden, only Sweden have white moose, they are brown otherwise.
Both the white moose that visit us astral have been planets in their earlier existence, one a big planet the other one a dwarf planet.
The moose who has been a big planet is actually a very high white horse angel in heaven.
Once he met a moose, and he thought it seemed fun to be a moose.
He asked the angels if he could incarnate as a moose. The angels answered, yes you can incarnate once as a moose, but after that we need you in heaven again as a horse angel. He was happy!
The horse angel moose likes to be a moose. He remember he was a planet at a galaxy called Sechellerna, it was flowery all over the planet. I love our planet earth too, and I like the music so much (video further down),he says.
We love you Lahealila and your whole gang, we wants to help you, says the 2 white moose.
We love you too/Lahealila,team,army, 8 angels

The horse angel moose taking a bath.

The other white moose.

Since last I wrote have the sky-army, team, the 8 angels taken 7 nuclear bombs, 8 missiles, 2 hydrogen bombs, puh!
Please help with prayers.
Dear Lord, please protect us so no more incoming spaceships will come from Messier 32 galaxy and please protect against alien terrorists, dear Lord help us. Amen
All out of love-Air Supply, live Hong Kong
