publish 21.00 timezone Stockholm
100% clear vision
1047 trillion, 1047 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours
1162 trillion, 1162 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days
Hello, how you been?
It really been much lately…
Guess who/USA last week turned into water cell?
He/she will not stalk me anymore.
Please, pray that no alien will ever more kill or harm anyone from this galaxy again.
The best car fuel for the planet
The first invented car was run on ethanol, totally without car exhaust. It’s more benefits, it’s easier to drive than a car on petrol, accelerates faster than a car on petrol, it’s easier to turn than a car on petrol, low price.
Ethanol is on the market – right now 75% lower price than petrol.
Your old car can easily transform to an ethanol powered car, by a specialist in rebuilding cars into ethanol powered cars. The car rebuild can take between 2-6 hours, for tracks 4-10 hours.
Remember were you read it first.
57% of the car racing’s winners raced with an ethanol-powered car, but only 6% of the cars were ethanol-powered.

Right now in London are they fighting over petrol, will they be the first to rebuild over 10 000 cars into ethanol powered cars?
I will be the first to congratulate…

This very nice, gold, black and white colored butterfly is one of 7 new species of butterflies in Thailand. The photo was taken 1 month ago, the butterfly is only 6 days old on the photo.
There are new species of butterflies all over the world. It’s the new era!

Nocturne – Evert Taube

Have a really nice evening or a really nice day!
Love/Lahealila, team, sky-army, sea-angels, seawave-angels, angels of Lightning, space-army, star-angels, cobra