They come with peace

publish 21.10 timezone Stockholm

1002 trillion, 1002 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours
1107 trillion, 1107 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days

100% clear vision

Hello, how you been?

It’s summer in Stockholm,today it’s 26 degrees and lovely sunny, only a little cloudy.

Oh, its been so much lately, if it wasn’t spaceships close to crash on my building it were several angels we saved from beeing locked in a cloud on a wooden raft, kidnapped by aliens, of course I saw the clouds from my balcony. And while I’m writing, a son killed his alien mother from her incarnation, she was a slaughterer. All happened of course above my bedroom, where else.

Or maybe I tell you about the 3 stars/suns north/east of the Artic Circle which suddenly come closer and closer, when I was looking at them from my balcony last night. Suddenly I saw 3 big columns coming from the stars, it were 7000 star-angels which recongnized me and sky-army from our earlier existence.
We are more than glad they come, they have now parked their stars closer to our galaxy so they can help our galaxy, we are nearly crying couse they are such a big help. They come with peace.
We contacted medially Nasa so they don’t need to wonder about the stars new position.

I come with peace

Maybe you remeber this horse from a writing I did some months ago. I wrote “I come with peace” under the picture and cryed a little. Then we felt that very many people cryed when they saw the photo with that text line.
The horse use to visit us astral, he was living on a farm in north Sweden.
When the horse was visiting us for a while ago, one of my stuffed animals, a boxer dog, said: The horse is a humans angel, the aliens took away his memory and gave him a horse initiating.
The horse, the angel is so happy for beeing released. He’s now a human angel again and are glad for beeing a big help for us now.
My stuffed animals/toy animals are alive and are helping us a lot. The horse,the angel are loving especially the boxer dog and have giving him a part of his heart, and me/Lahealila too for finding the picture.

Central Park,Manhattan,New York
Central Park, New York,
Right here by the benches in Central Park,Manhattan,New York is the raise up hands meeting.

Time and Place

The whole world is so welcome!

Ongoing!! Now they run 24 hours!

Place: Central Park,Manhattan,New York,USA

What: Several people, now even several firemans, are there and are raising up there hands for you aliens!

Come astral

Millions all over the world have joined this!

Countries with top rankings!

no 1 USA
no 2 shared China and Canada
no 3 shared: Russia, Brazil and United Kingdom
no 4 Africa (with South Africa)
no 5 Vietnam
no 6 shared: Germany, Mexico, Indonesia

no7 shared: Taiwan, Italy, Spain, Ukraine
no 8 shared: Kuwait, Arab Emirates, Argentina
no 9 shared: India, Irac, Poland,
no 10 Ireland
no 11 shared: France, Iran, Greece, Czechoslovakia, Turkey, Malaysia, Syria, Korea
no 12 shared: Japan, Australia, Puerto Rico
no 13 shared: Switzerland, Thailand, Netherlands,Philippines
no 14 Austria

no 15 Norway (1,7 million)
no 16 Denmark
(1,1 million)
no 17 Sweden (500 000)

Millions from each of this countries, no 1-16, and several millions from many other countries too

a very great song

Our God – Chris Tomlin, live Los Angeles, a magic concert
I shoosed some text lines from the song.
Into the darkness You shine (God)
Out of the ashes we rise


Have a really nice weekend!

love/Lahealila, team, sky-army, sea-angels by Värmdö/Stockholm, seawave-angels by northsea/Sweden, space-angels, oil-angels, gas-angels, star-angels from out of space

The whole galaxy are with us

publish 09.54 timezone Stockholm

997 trillion, 997 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours
1100 trillion, 1100 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days

100% clear vision

Hello, how you been!

Very many millions all over the world are feeling the new era I wrote about latest, they don’t look back, they are longing after the future at their own galaxies. You are loved

USA is now topping with most incarnated which have joined “raise up your hands” meetings, no 2 are Brazil, no 3 are China, no 4 United Kingdom, no 5 Russia!
The meetings are at several places all over the world for example at New York, Brazil, Canada, Philippines, Sweden.

Time and Place

New note May 22,timezone New York 00.25: Ongoing also tonight – several hours into the morning. You are so welcome, come astral.

The whole world is welcome!!

Ongoing right now and several hours in the morning, New York time

Place: Central Park,Manhattan,New York,USA

What: Several people are there right now and are raising up there hands for you aliens!

Come astral!

Central Park,Manhattan,New York
Sätt, Skog, Bro, Trädet, Central Park, Natur, Nature
Central Park,Manhattan,New York

Lyrics/When the children cry

Little child dry your crying eyes
How can I explain the fear you feel inside
‘Cause you were born into this evil world
Where man is killing man and no one knows just why
What have we become just look what we have done
All that we destroyed you must build again

When the children cry let them know we tried
‘Cause when the children sing then the new world begins

Little child you must show the way
To a better day for all the young
‘Cause you were born for all the world to see
That we all can live with love and peace
No more presidents and all the wars will end
One united world under God

When the children cry let them know we tried
‘Cause when the children sing then the new world begins

What have we become just look what we have done
All that we destroyed you must build again
No more presidents and all the wars will end
One united world under God

When the children cry let them know we tried
When the children fight let them know it ain’t right
When the children pray let them know the way
‘Cause when the children sing then the new world begins

When the children cry – White Lion


The spring has come to Sweden, it’s 18 degrees in Stockholm.

Have a really nice evening or a really nice day, depending on where you are!

Love/Lahealila, team,sky-army, space-army, seawave-angels by Värmdö/Stockholm sea-angels by northsea/Sweden, angels

Brazil are coming big

publish 07.15 timezone Stockholm

678 trillion, 678 900 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours
874 trillion, 874 300 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days

100% clear vision

Hello, how you been?

Much has happen the latest week. Many aliens wants peace now and are longing after recast on their own galaxy, messier 32 or andromeda galaxy.
Since last I wrote, we helped not less than 16,7 million incarnated aliens on our galaxy to passed away with God’s energy. It’s step one for later on be recast on there own galaxy.
More than 16,7 million friendly aliens came astral above my residential area/Stockholm, they wanted us to help them.
The aliens said – We feel were we belong, and wants to go to our own galaxy and a little later, be recast there. We trust you, could you raise up your hands for us?
We raised up our hands, and the God’s energy was working.

14,2 million of the aliens, which passed away, were living as incarnated in Brazil, 2 million aliens were living as incarnated in Canada, 512 000 aliens were living as incarnated in USA, 4 aliens were living as incarnated in Japan, 2 aliens were living as incarnated in Austria and Switzerland.

200 000 of the incarnated aliens from Brazil and USA, which came by, we sent back home again to tell that the aliens can’t come above Stockholm, cause we don’t have time for them.
Maybe you can arrange “raise up your hands” with several people in your country, and go out public to tell that aliens are welcome to come astral above, the God’s energy will take care of the rest. The best time is late in the evening or at night. To get the right atmosphere can you play some nice music, the music down below works for example, and other music on this website.
God luck with this!

Rio, Brazil
Montreal, canada,milkyway,
Montreal, Canada

Hysteria – Def Leppard
The song we played much this week, but it tells only a little about our week… It seems like it’s the aliens favorite too…even if it kills them.

Beach, Gardiner, Bröllopsinställnings, Dekorationer

Have a really nice weekend!

love/Lahealila, team, sky-army, sea-angels by Värmdö/Stockholm, seawave-angels by northsea/Sweden, space-army, Hoijasajama(Sea-God from messier 32 galaxy)

God is angry

publish 04.39 timezone Stockholm

478 trillion,478 300 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours.
646 trillion,646 200 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days.

100% clear vision


“T” from USA is still stalking me, I wrote about it earlier. I said to team, tell Hoijasajama about it. We let him take care of his “aliens”.
Hoijasajama is Sea-God on messier 32 galaxy. He’s now very angry! I also said to team, tell Hoijasajama to collect stolen things at “T’s”home that belongs to me, stolen by aliens he hired.
Hoijasajama: I will do it, I’m so angry at these half-monkeys!!!!!


Please, continue with raise up hands! It has a huge effect! Pray to if you want to.

Faller du så faller jag (If you fall, I fall) – Patrik Isaksson/writer


Frost bites
Now that my future seems bright
In the country I built
Have you just been everything but safe?
But slowly
So slow
Come take me all the way home.
Come heal me with your hands
A heart full of hope
A hip so full of lust
Come take me all the way home.
Come heal me with your hands
If you fall, I’ll fall.
Please tell me
Where did we go the first time?
Two lost souls in a dream
But it disappeared.
So slow
Come take me all the way home.
Come heal me with your hands
A heart full of hope
A hip so full of lust
Come take me all the way home.
Come heal me with your hands
If you fall, I’ll fall.
If you fall, I’ll fall.
I’ll walk you wherever you go
Because if you fall, I’ll fall.


Have a really nice evening or a really nice day, depending on where you live!

love/Lahealila, team, sky-army, space-army, sea-angels by Värmdö/Stockholm, seawaves-angels by northsea/Sweden, Hoijasajama (Sea-God on messier 32 galaxy) God