storm of chaos

publish 17.20 timezone Stockholm

425 trillion, 425 700 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours.
586 trillion, 586 100 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days.

100% clear vision

Hello, how you been!

Its been a lot lately…..


The latest 7 days have about 6000 women gone to a doctor to check their gender, totally it’s now 7040 women in the last 14 days. Of these women are 7000 men, only 40 are women, 6940 of them have now suddenly a visible penis, 60 of them couldn’t the doctor find a penis but the doctor will now check if they have XY chromosome, as men.
About 6000 of these women/men are from USA and about 1000 women/men are from the rest of the world.

7000 more women have booked an appointment with a doctor to check their gender, the line was busy for about 14000 women but they will surely try to call a doctor next week again.
But don’t worry, be happy!


More concerts for the people!
For a month ago, at this small 40-minutes concert at circus Djurgården, Stockholm died 100 millions trillion, 100 000 000 000 000 000 000 fallen aliens.

Please, continue with prayers/raise up hands, it’s important!

Dear Lord, please protect the earth and heaven against alien intruders and alien terrorists, dear Lord help us. Amen

Trusting God in the Storm of Chaos

Karlskrona, Sweden

Have a really nice day or nice evening, depending on where you live!

love/Lahealila, team, sky-army, sea-angels by Värmdö/Stockholm, seawave-angels by northsea/Sweden, Sea-God, Hoijasajama (God from messier 32 galaxy) God

Even better than yesterday

publish 01.17 timezone Stockholm

8,4 trillion, 8 424 700 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours.
18,2 trillion, 18 246 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days.

100% clear vision


For a while ago there was a donation button on this website, I took it away cause no money at all came through to my bank account in Sweden. If you know you have sent money, maybe you can talk to your bank to find out what happened to the money. If you still are paying monthly, you better stop it immediately.

Mauvelous result! 174 trillion, 174 000 000 000 000 troublesome, dangerous aliens have died on our galaxy milkyway the latest 24 hours, because of everybody’s prayers. 70 trillion higher result than yesterday.
The whole galaxy wants to thank you all so very much! You are loved.
It are still dangerous aliens out there, so please continue to raise up your hands for the galaxy!

The Sea-God is here, he is saying: Fantastic result! I’m so thankful. I couldn’t believe it first, we had to count it twice to be sure.
I’m glad Lahealila is helping us so much as she does, she’s very valuable for us. With her intelligence has she helped us out many times.
We are very grateful to you all.
Please continue to raise up your hands often, it is needed. Deloved/Living Sea-God

Dear Lord, please protect the earth and heaven against alien intruders and alien terrorists, dear Lord help us. Amen

Driving home for Christmas – Chris Rea
i love

Winter, Snow, Sunrise,

love/Lahealila, team, sky-army, sea-angels by Värmdö/Stockholm, seawaves-angels by Northsea/Sweden, Sea-God

Raise your hands again!

publish 23.03 timezone Stockholm

5,2 trillion, 5 247 800 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours.
14,5 trillion, 14 572 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days.

100% clear vision


I can see that many of you have raised your hands, do it again, cause this is more than a incredible result!
The result are more than 10 times better than last time, are you familiar with trillions?
1,52 trillion, 1 520 000 000 000 dangerous, troublesome aliens have died the latest 24 hours, since last I wrote. We are more than thankful!! You are loved.
84% of the aliens are from messier 32 galaxy and 16% are from andromeda galaxy.

The Sea-God is here, he’s saying: Even better result than last time! I’m so happy you tried to raise your hands, the result is even better than I expected!
It seems like it are nearly 2 whole galaxies, which have come over to our galaxy, even though it was and are strictly forbidden.
Now I/we must continue to take care of 4 space-ships that recently have come over, the spaceships are still coming over, we must put a end to this!!!
Please continue to raise up your hands, this is so very important for the whole galaxy. Take care/Living Sea-God

Dear Lord, please protect the earth and heaven against alien intruders and alien terrorists, dear Lord help us. Amen

Raise your hands for the galaxy!

I will lift my eyes – Bebo Norman


Have a really nice evening or a really nice day, depending on where you are located!

love/Lahealila, team, sky-army, sea-angels by Värmdö/Stockholm, seawaves-angels by Northsea/Sweden